I received this news letter a few days ago and as I read I thought much of the content is apropo to our community thinking. Enjoy..
Hi Friends,
THE ABIDING TIME is a time of protracted solitude and
journeying. It is a perfect setup for us to come in
close contact
with aspects of self which have been hidden or
obscured by the
everyday grinds of life in 3D.
One of the most powerful questions asked during
Abiding Time is "Who
am I, really?"
Are we what we do? What we want? What we own? Or
are we solely
dependent upon others for our self concept?
Here is an interesting Video which explores this in a
wonderful way. It embodies the classic answer our
might give us to this frequently asked question of
"Who am I?" Most
often......their answer would be in the form of
another question:
"Who AREN'T you?"
And the Reconnections offer us a transmission to
expand upon this in
detail. It's called "Roots of Perception".........
This work is offered free of charge to people who are
ready to
remember Oneness and appreciate ALL that we are and
ALL that we are
doing within Expanded Realms of Consciousness. Though
consciousness is moving outward, into infinity.....our
3D aspect must
still meet expenses to keep all of this going. Your
contribution insures that the message can continue to
go forth,
unhindered. Give what you can, when you can.......and
our Energy
Exchange will bear fruit in many parts of the world!
The realization that each of us is a universe unto him
or herself
goes way back. But few LOG INTO THAT KNOWLEDGE
sufficiently to
produce a genuine change of heart. When someone
confounds or
afflicts us, it often feels necessary to close down
the connection
and turn away. This provides temporarily solace from
discomfort but,
if the interaction is an important item on our 3D
"agenda," that same
scenario will eventually come back around---usually
with an even
greater intensity.
The Guides offer some suggestions to deal with this.
In the
transmission "Building Astral Bridges," they have this
to say about
conflicts that develop in 3D:
"Relationship conflicts, financial difficulties, and
upheavals are perfect venues for a reconnecting soul
to learn how to
identify with *all sides* of any question. It is only
when you are
able to lift yourself out of a polarized state, into
The Oneself,
that you become able to access the necessary elements
which will turn
the tide for whatever physical challenge that is
before you.
Many people today are desperately looking for peace
and safety. If
something seems to be thwarting their goals, or
irritating their
status quo, they want to deal with it, so they can
bring about a
rapid resolution. They will choose to fight, or to
negotiate---whichever seems most effective in the
moment---and then
they want to be able to return to "business as usual."
But Friends,
business can never be "usual" again. And any attempt
on your parts
to make it so will simply result in deeper and more
The "box" in which you have all been living is being
heated up from
the outside. Aspects of your Expanded Self are
stirring things up
energetically so that you will be forced to look
*outside of the
physical world* in order to understand what has been
creating your
reality all along.
The reason you find it hard to "digest" certain types
of people into
your Oneself Body stems not from what exists in that
person, but what
is missing in you. We call your attention back to our
analogy of
Trans-Portals being similar to the human digestive
system. When
people demonstrate an "allergy" to certain foods, it
usually stems
from some *processing element* (like an enzyme, for
example) that is
missing from their digestive process. For some
reason, their body
doesn't create that chemical, and the whole process
suffers because
of it. Despite their best attempts to prepare the
offending foods
properly, with style and variation, the digestive
system continues to
have problems until the necessary supplement gets
added to the
Not all the people and situations you encounter in
physical space are
meant to become permanent parts of your life.
Sometimes, they simply
appear as catalysts for you to reach into your
Multidimensional Self
and discover new qualities or elements that you have
forgotten. And,
during a time of conflict, your task of integration
and acceptance may
not always be focused upon the person who is
irritating you. That may
only be incidental to the bigger picture.
You must remember that both you and the people with
whom you have
conflicts are Multidimensional Beings. If you are
having a dance
with someone in current 3D reality, you can count on
the fact that
there are dances going on between you all up and down
the vibrational
spectrum---literally involving a whole spreadsheet of
possible/probable contacts--many of which are quite
The resolution of present-moment conflict with another
person (or
society, for that matter) is brought about by opening
a Portal
between the physical aspect of you that exists *here*
and an
alternative aspect of you that exists
*elsewhere*---particularly an
aspect that is currently enjoying harmonious contact
with the very
same type of energy which is giving you such heartburn
in this
current moment.
My Friends, if it were possible for you to analyze the
"chemistry" of the version of you that exists HERE,
and the
alternative version of yourself that is functioning
THERE, you would
notice that one or more key elements are missing. To
remedy this, an
Astral Bridge is formed by taking a "soul sample" of
that alternative
self and infusing it into yourself here. This is all
done in just
the ways we outlined for you above.
Once the required "energy supplement" gets added to
your digestive
system, you will find that the whole TONE of your
relationships begin to change. And, it happens
without conscious effort or struggle. The only thing
you require is
a clear statement of intent (which would be blending
with a more
Expanded Level of Yourself), and the faith that is
required to bring
it all about."
For complete details on how to Build Astral Bridges to
bring about
Now Moment Peace and Understanding, read the entire
transmission by
The first three segments of this series have been
posted on the Recon
Site. The other two will come within the next month
or so.
"THEY'RE HERE, YOU KNOW. Working models of the future
of humankind.
They just need a little "tweaking," that's all.
Children of Oneness
everywhere - on, above, or below the Earth - are busy
about the
process of perfecting humanity's "Glorious Ones" who
are destined to
explore and inhabit life at The Next Level.
To be BEYOND Human, Meta-Human, at least for purposes
of this
discussion, means to begin at normal human
characteristics and expand
outward from there. It's as though a bubble forms
about us, increasing
the total circumference of what we consider "self"
with each passing
moment. At the center of the circle is that which
we've always
believed we are (that is always there), even though
the circle keeps
expanding (both inwardly and outwardly). What goes up
must come down,
and everything expands equally, though not everyone
allows him or
herself to experience it that way."
The other two segments of the series are currently
winding down at
www.planetlightworker.com. They will be posted soon.
If you value
high quality Spiritual Information, presented in
formats, you may want to subscribe to PLW. The
powerful E-Zine has
been around a long, long time.
The entire series on this topic is now posted. It
features a
Transmission from the Reconnections as well as a
3-Part Commentary
which I believe will help those who are ready to apply
this knowledge
to become a LIGHTHOUSE for their immediate 3D world.
As the energies
continue to rise, these types of "awakening
environments" become
crucial for dealing with the influx of inquiring and
confused souls.
If you are a few steps further along the path than
someone who comes
to you for assistance---it is vital to share what you
know. We can't
do everything, but we CAN do what we can do.
If you haven't been exposed to these concepts yet,
come have a look:
Many of you know that I have spent several years
studying the
appearance and awakening of Meta-Human Consciousness
on Planet
Earth---particularly as manifest in our Children of
the New Earth.
This new article speaks about one particular subset of
these kids who
have arrived on the planet with a special assignment:
The development
and proliferation of TONAL
COMMUNICATION..........communication that
If you haven't stopped by the Star Child site in
awhile, come to the
articles section to read up on Blue Star Kids.
For those who wonder what I mean by Star Children, you
may want to
listen to some samples of my 2-part CD on the subject,
"The Star
Children." It not only provides loads of information
on these
powerful young folk (and Star Elders as
well)...........but it offers
a TONAL UPGRADE in the process of listening. These
CDs are now
specially priced at $9.99, or $7.99 for the mp3
Some of you have been asking me: "How come you
haven't put out any
bulletins lately? To be honest, I've been totally
fascinated with
setting up a new Reconnections Portal on the My Space
System. The
process is so fun, and the people are very receptive
and powerful.
If you haven't investigated this form of online
Community, please
come visit me and take the tour. It's a great way to
form your
"Family of the Heart" to support you as you BECOME THE
always wished to be.
If there are those among you who value high-quality,
Spiritual Discussion, you may be interested in joining
one of our
free online Discussion Forums on the Yahoo
System---Club Recon and
Star Child Awakening. They're focused, alert, and
quite user
I hope you all had a wonderful St. Patty's Day. I
enjoyed mine
immensely. Now that I have completed the My Space
Portal, you will
be hearing more in the Bulletin Format. So MUCH has
been going on in
the ethers, as I am sure you all know. More about
that in days to
Daniel Jacob
In need of support? Personal Readings with the
Guides----via phone
or e-mail---are available. For more info, go to:
"If you should take the human heart and listen to, it
would be
listening to a seashell. You would hear in it the
hollow murmur of
the infinite ocean to which it belongs, from which it
draws its
profoundest inspiration, and for which it yearns to
~Edwin Chapin