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1 year ago
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cosmicdetective posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

Good Evening Fred and everyone in this Family Forum.

I am new to the group, so bare with my first post. I know it has been some time since 9/11 but my new insight into this false flag event has only come to light to me in the past two years. 

Here is my question: Has anyone listened to or read the research by Dr Judy Wood? Here is a link to a lecture she gave in 2012 titled "Dr Judy Wood: Evidence of Breakthrough Energy on 9/11"

  • fredburks's picture
    1 year ago

    Hi James,

    Welcome to the Gathering Spot! And yes, I have explore Judy Wood's work on 9/11. I agree with much of what she says, but she also makes enough claims that are not verifiable or clearly wrong, IMHO, that I've chosen not to feature her work. I do believe the towers were brought down in significant part by beam weapons. Enjoy your explorations.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    1 year ago

    Other whistleblower dude interviewed on Project Camelot about Looking Glass said it was tomahawk missiles. CG'd them up into planes after. Pentagon wasn't a beam weapon.

  • 1 year ago

    Thank you Fred. Understandable your reasons for not posting her work on your website. 

    The Tomohawk weapon theory I have heard of to explain the hit on the Pentagon. On the surface it seems to make sense e.g. lack of plane debris? 

    Overall, the 9/11 attack and the research reported in it's aftermath, from Wood and others, has made me sit up and take notice to these false flag events by the government. And makes be more emboldened to want to do something to bring about positive change in how societies are governed.

  • fredburks's picture
    1 year ago

    Cool, James. I don't know what really happened at the Pentagon. As it is such a divisive topic among 9/11 truthers, we don't report much on it. Take good care.

fredburks's picture1 year ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Humor/Jokes:
An Irishman's Philosophy In Life There are only two things to worry about— Either you are well or you are sick. If you are well, there is nothing to worry about, But if you are sick, there are only two things to worry about— Either you will get well or you will die. If you get well, there is nothing to worry about, But if you die, there are only two things to worry about— Either you will go to heaven or hell. If you go to heaven, there is nothing to worry about. And if you go to hell, you’ll be so busy shaking hands with all your friends You won’t have time to worry!
  • Sandy's picture
    3 years ago

    <3 I love Irish Humor! <3 Thanks for the laugh!

  • Starmonkey's picture
    1 year ago


    Decided to drop in when I saw and heard your interview with Michael Salla you linked. Good one! Always enjoy revisitation and other subtle angles.

    I volunteered at Habitat for Humanity a bit some years ago, and they don't really deal in books, but one of "James'" Lyricus with the C'thulu looking thing on the front showed up. I left it alone. ;)

  • fredburks's picture
    1 year ago

    Good to hear from you Starmonkey. Glad you enjoyed the Salla interview. It was a fun one on one of my favorite topics. Much love!

2 years ago
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
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Contemplator posted a new Topic in Personal/Spiritual Growth:

Hey folks, my book "The Prayer of Life" was edited and republished recently under the title: "From Dying to Living". This book will help you to find the answers to some vital questions, like * What brings on life’s troubles and illnesses? * How the feelings stored in human's body effect your entire life? * You will learn about the Mirror Phenomenon and how to reunite with your Divine Essence. Please place an order here:


2 years ago
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nickmiller73 posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

I hope everyone here is doing well. 


I had been hearing about this book series about Anastasia called the Ringing Cedar Series.  I have read just over halfway through the first book and am very excited.  I was just wondering if anyone else has touched on this or tried any of the suggestions she has mentioned in the book.


  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    Yes. I feel it MORE important to get deeper in touch with nature. Not give in to fear and DOOM scenarios. Remember the language. The SILVER key...

    Those wanting to survive the shiftings need to have a strong connection with Earth. Virtually, there's nowhere else. Respect, honor, cherish.

    And PEOPLE aren't good to follow in that regard. The sheep are running and stumbling blindly toward whatever. The tension, the pressure, the absurdity make it easier to wake up, if you're paying attention.

    I also resonate with all of those bits you extracted.

    And with the birds and the bees. The bears and the trees. Always have liked animals and nature more than people. Simple. Easy. HONEST.

    Just finished Song of Susannah. Onward! To the Tower!


  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    Also, the non-interference with free will policy...

    Both the WingMakers and the beings from WB Yeats' The Vision are trying to inspire creativity...


    Most systems or magnum opus practically destroy the creator in the process.

    Steve somehow made it through the DT.

    I have other examples I could dredge up.

    Jose Arguelles, Ian Xel Lungold, Falco, Philip K Dick, John Steinbeck, Ra Uru Hu...

    There's more.

    52 seems a magic number for those going early but with more of a full life.

    Hang in there.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    Funny. Was inspired to above by reading journal excerpts about Steve's process with the DT at the end of SoS. Just finished and last one was a faux article about him getting hit by a car and killed on my birthday in 1999 (6/20/99). He was 52.

    I'm fairly certain TIME will die before I hit that age. Six years and one month from now. 8/12/23 comes before that. Woo

  • 3 years ago

    For those who want to read the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series, I am sharing the first English edition translated by John Woodsworth for free:

  • 2 years ago

    Please enjoy our new article where we reveal the difference between dreams and real life and share our personal experience in creating a Space of Love: I hope you will find it entertaining and useful

  • fredburks's picture
    2 years ago

    Thanks for sharing that. As one who has followed the intentional communities movement for over 30 years, I'm not surprised by all you learned. I wish you all the best in finding your way forward.

  • More comments »
2 years ago
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Contemplator posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

At the end of the last - beginning of the current century a series of books was written by Russian author Vladimir Megre. It was called "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" (Звенящие Кедры России). The series has been translated into 30 languages and have made a significant effect on people's minds and life.

  • fredburks's picture
    3 years ago

    Thanks for the recommendation, Yury. I read the first Anastasia book about 15 years ago and loved it. I was happy to hear you met the author, Vladimir Megre. What was your impression of him? Thanks for all the great work you are doing!

  • Starmonkey's picture
    3 years ago

    Definitely an excellent idea that all of similar inclination can embrace, no matter where they are!

    Looking forward to continued dissolution of borders and boundaries and a return to Family.

  • 2 years ago

    Dear friends, Please enjoy our new article where we reveal the difference between dreams and real life and share our personal experience in creating a Space of Love: I hope you will find it entertaining and useful.

SayNoToCrap's picture2 years ago
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SayNoToCrap posted a new Video in Political Activism/Cover-ups:

Hello friends,

I haven't posted in a long while, however I believe this video will be of interest to anyone who wants the push for lockdowns and vaccine mandates to stop.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    2 years ago

    Yes, I'm familiar with it. And much else.

    Might take a little more to shift this thing than WORDS. Genetic mind (WM term) was fractured along many lines in the last few years. Words and talk are about played out.

    Personally, for many reasons, I think it's going to take higher faculties awakening and "third eye" opening.

    Or else it's just more of the same. And I also believe more and more are getting tired and fed up with more of the same. Under whatever guise it's wearing.

    How about something completely different?...


Wendy's picture2 years ago
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Wendy posted a new Video in General Discussion:

Hi All,

It's been a long time since I posted - Hope you are all well. This Clif High video was such a good explanation of spiritual truth that it made me think of the gathering spot and I figured I should post it. Hope you all enjoy!


  • fredburks's picture
    3 years ago

    Wow, Wendy! Clif High is on to some great stuff! Thanks so much for sharing that. Much love to you and yours.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    2 years ago

    I also dig CH, but he's been a bit dense on bitchute for awhile. Needs to expand his perspective.

    Some great interviews on Forum Borealis with Al.

    Been flirting with Skeptiko with Alex Tsakiris for awhile too, but he also needs to lift his eyes up to the skies.

    That's where I've been! Trying to not get caught up in lower vibrations. Mud slinging. Kicking litter and shit around in the catbox...

    Also listening to some Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio with Miguel Conner.

    Wishing anyone and everyone WELL during this Apocalypse. Exciting times!

    Love from Christopher

  • fredburks's picture
    2 years ago

    Good to hear from you, Christopher. I find it's healthy to be skeptical of everyone, but not overly so.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    2 years ago

    Yep. Here that.

    His four part interview on Antarctica on Forum Borealis was full of fascinating bits.

    I've listened to all or most of his bitchute videos. Some are better than others. I should have taken notes as to which ones...

fredburks's picture2 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Healing/Health:

"Thanks to the huge fear generated worldwide, literally billions of dollars were spent by more than 60 countries around the world stockpiling Tamiflu to prevent both the avian and swine flus.

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"