Let me be, Let me see

Dear brothers and sisters of TT


I received this article today and felt that it has some very valuable information about simplifying our spiritual seeking/being.  Basically what is said, follows that old instruction of "KISS, (keep it simple stupid)"



Let Me Be — Let Me See

By Stephen Thomson

With these few simple words, the ceremony began. We were participating in a plant medicine ceremony, a spiritual practice common among indigenous peoples around the world. Our group had been traveling for days with Shaman Jorge Luis Delgado through Peru. And as we began our journey on this day, Jorge spoke these words to us. He told us to walk with these words; that this invocation was an invitation for each of us to open ourselves up and experience the "portal" to our soul. Jorge explained his belief that within each of us is this vital contact point. What else is there to experience as we search for this portal, but to know that we are coming into contact with the most important part of our being? Here, in this place, the questions about who we are and our life purpose disappear. We are free to experience the first-hand truth of who we are in our core.


Let me be, let me see.

This is really how all of our days had gone, experiencing the powerful yet simple teachings of this Shaman. Furthermore, as each day passed, it became more and more evident that Jorge's teachings were in stark contrast to our groups western, over-thought, more complicated approach to spiritual the path. There was a great and loving presence to his way. And in one sentence he transformed some of the most complex spiritual principles we knew. We had his simple, child-like and playful voice to follow as direction. You want to fly, flap your wings and soar. And at another time, close your eyes and you will see deep within yourself.


Let me be, let me see.

Jorge's words seemed to make the years of intentional, hard work disappear. In place we were left with his simple words that resonated with crystal clarity, and communicated truth and wisdom. Could our life-journey have always held the potential for such ease and little effort? During this day we were free to see our selves and our lives as they truly are. To no longer compare ourselves with others, who they are and what they have. To see our strength and the parts of us that is Divine and continues to sustain us and our journey. But, we can also see in a pure and childlike way the plan and path for each of our lives.


Let me be, let me see.

We all have the option to live simply, rather than make issues bigger than they are and life more complicated than necessary. We can move quickly and decisively, easily and effortlessly. In fact, far less time is usually taken up correcting something that has gone wrong if you have not wasted time to complicate and exaggerate the importance of a given situation. To be able to see ourselves in the simplest terms, stripped of our ego and need to be more than we are, is a truly great respite from the race to be more. To just see and be, clears our head and removes the filters that create so much confusion as to the true person we are and our reason for being. We can do this. After all, it is just another point on the long list of choices we make each day.


Let me be, let me see.

Try these words out. Close your eyes. Silently say to yourself, let me be, let me see. Take a breath between the repetitions. Call from the corners of your heart and mind into your consciousness the desire filled responses that create over complication in your life. Let me be, let me see. This affirmation is about giving ourselves permission to be who we are in our hearts and on a soul level. To have the courage to be who we are in the face of conflict and comparison. To see our lives as it was meant to be lived. Free from fear and hesitation, we will come to understand that what we are thinking or preparing to do is not quite right. The truth of all we are resides clearly within us. The request to see is the same as a deep heart felt prayer for guidance. Help me see the way. Help me see my path.


Let me be, let me see.

Accessing this portal, coming to know our soul enables each of us to truly be and see the divine aspect of our being. This is the one free from the seduction of our ego, directing us to live our lives from a place connected to our essence. During the next few days or weeks, journal or meditate on the points that follow:


This is about simplifying the way we see ourselves and our lives

Here are some ideas to help you bring these concepts into perspective in your life:

Spend a day being child-like to the best of your ability and memory of what it's like.

What thinking stands in the way of your experiencing your life at it simplest expression?

What impulses from your heart do you need to honor in your life as you have created it?


Cal Garrison


About Stephen Thomson

Steve Thomson is a writer, teacher, and psychic, well-known throughout the United States. He leads workshops about metaphysical practices, including meditation, expansion of the psychic senses, spiritual magic, the Tarot, and the Kabbala. He also guides journey to sacred sites around the world. For over 20 years, Steve has been a member of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC and a student of Paramahansa Yogananda’s, Self-Realization Fellowship for over 10 years. His book entitled The Secret Key is available through our website. He currently working on a new book entitled Discovering Your Spiritual Truth — A Primer for the Path — Things to Think About, Meditate On and Journal, which will be available by the end of 2007.

You may write Steven personally at [email protected]
or visit his website: www.stephenthomson.net

Hey Berry,
What wonderful words you have just shared,
Thank you

davelambert's picture

This is great stuff, Guys!  What I know of the shaman's path is more second-hand than first-hand, but it doesn't come from books.  This is the essence.  Like most profound truths, it is disarmingly simple which doesn't mean it's easy.  But once a certain shift has taken place, it is easy.  Let me be, let me see.  What a great chant.


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