From the desk of Editor Michael Knight. May 10 2008
Imagine a cloud of volcanic ash stretching 1800 miles from where you live.
the extent of the “vog” (volcanic fog) that has spread from coast to
coast of South America from the eruption of the Chaiten volcano in
It has traveled from the Pacific to the Atlantic – and overland from Chaiten to Buenos Aries in Argentina.
Buenos Aries and its surrounding urban areas houses 11 million people.
Above their heads right now, 2000 meters aloft, that toxic cloud is
gradually moving toward Uruguay. (NASA image right)
I have just got off the phone to ECR subscriber Kristen Neiling in Buenos Aries. She too publishes an earth changes newsletter – the only one on the subject available in Spanish.
tells me the pharmacies there have completely run out of filter masks;
American airlines have quite flying to that city; internal flights are
disrupted because of the closure of various provincial airports; and in
fact, Argentina and Argentineans are feeling the effects of this
eruption far more than the people in Chile.
And it’s not over yet.…"