Sometime in late 2007 I wrote down these words... since they resonate with what I later found within the TT course I post them here to mark my own small beginnings on this portal.... they came in a sequence.. hence the beginning starts at One!
What most
of us wish for is for meaning in our lives, and for our lives to have purpose
to us. Without this sense of purpose our lives seem incomplete, and it is this
sense of ‘something missing’ that leads to finding compensation through other
‘means’; such as addictive activities and dangerous pursuits. Ennui is a common
response to this ‘inner lack’. We long, and in our longing we latch onto less
than desirable replacements and alternatives. In this way we perpetuate our own
form of slavery. The slavery that we exist within is our own fear, or ignorance
of, what lies beyond our imposed perimeters.
As a
sentient species we have become caged within a form of social hypnosis; and yet
the clues to our predicament surround us. They surround us in myths, tales,
stories, and images that have percolated through the centuries of our lives.
These signposts have been maintained and perpetuated by those who came to help
us: the initiates, the mystery schools, the guides.
stories and myths are the seeds of our own adventure.
In order
to move forward it is time to embrace the call for stepping out onto our own Path of Adventure and awakening. It is
not that difficult – we do have assistance.
The first
major step is to recognise that we live within an intangible prison, with
invisible yet palpable bars that restrain us. So the first step is one of
making a choice. This choice
is to accept or not to accept our own predicament.
The next
choice comes when we decide to make changes. That moment of recognition, and
then accepting the need for change, is the first act of putting one’s feet upon
the Path. Everything begins with perception. To see is the mechanism for
creating. Therefore, how we see the world leads to how we create the world in
which we live. This is because perception creates thought; and our thoughts can
lead to creation of eventualities and situations through the manifestation of
our intentions. Our thoughts are energy, and energy attracts similar energy: like attracts like. We are in a position
then to attract the energies toward us that correlate and resonate with our own
thinking patterns, be this positive or negative.
So, to
begin: Be the Thought, Become the Change.
--- Post removed at author's request ---
Thank you for sharing these fine thoughts....with others upon the path, I see by my antsy dog that the next step on my path is out the door and down the street! Love,Mary
Welcome Kingsley and thanks for sharing the beginning of this sequence. Looking forward to more...
In gratitude,

This first offering to the Transformation Team gives a hint of the fine precission of your thought, and reflects the path of study you have traveled thus far. I appreciate your call to attention that we must be willing to see and accept the actual predicament we have created for ourselves and then actively choose whether to stay here or not.
For me, these words go a long way toward summarizing what TT is all about.
Thank you for being here,
Oh, and always be the ball,
or end up in the lumber yard, LOL...
Welcome to the Quantum Sandbox of Intention...
Love, Chris
I am intrigued as to how this will continue. How will you solve the suffering (dukha) that is the result of the perceiving/thinking self shielding itself from the truth of it's insubstantiality?
I'm looking forward to a provocative discussion here.
Thanks for your thoughts and I'm anticipating more.
Namaste and Welcome,
My Hello to Everyone on TT - thank you for your comments... I just dived in and posted... perhaps the best way of introduction is to display one's thought processes... I appreciate your words of welcome... and I hope you will not mind if continuous thoughts are posted.... and if anything sounds too serious, I will be backing it up with a Nasrudin joke. For example:
Camels & Men:
'Nasrudin', asked his neighbour, 'which is more intelligent, a camel or a man?'
'A camel', replied Nasrudin, 'because it carries heavy loads without complaint, but never asks for an additional load. Man, on the other hand, burdened by responsibility, is always choosing to add to his loads'