Dear Friends,
I just received the following article. If you are
beginning to realize this is an invisible plague that effects everyone
of us whether we even have a cell or wireless hookup or not, you are
right! We all now live within a sea of electromagnetic pollution 100
million times a dense as our grandparents did. And, because their
brains are still developing, children are most vulnerable.
There is on the market a set of products which have been
scientifically shown to protect us from the damaging effects of these
radiations. Please, for the sake of your well-being and that of your
children, got to http://www.mybiopro.com/Products.aspx?ID=TheQuietMind.
You can both look at the products and a bit of the research behind
them. For more information documenting the efficacy of the materials
these products are made with, a recently published book, Molecular Resonance Effect Technology: The Dynamic Effects on Human Physiology by Dr.s Howard Fisher and Igor Smirnov, presents the research from around the world in much more depth.
As you might imagine, this is a huge problem and these products are
the only ones which have research backing up their ability to negate
the effects of electro-pollution. there is an enormous opportunity here
to help others and make a very good living doing so. If this is of any
interest to you or anyone you know, go to http://www.mybiopro.com/Opportunities.aspx?ID=TheQuietMind and see what you think. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. My cell is 510 301 8578.
Cell Phone Hazards -
The Evidence Is In
By William Thomas
The evidence is in - and it is
overwhelming. Even at typical low power, cell phones and wireless technology
cause severe biological disturbances in human cells. In August 2007, 26
medical and public health experts their Bioinitiative Report - available online -
reviewing all the literature on the effects of electromagnetic
Cell phone researchers not in the pay of mobile phone
corporations agree on three things:
1. Current guidelines based only on the heating effects
of cell phones do not address non-heating damage to DNA, nor the effects of
frequency modulation used to broadcast information and are completely
inadequate to safeguard public health. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is
should not be used as a basis for a safety standard since it regulates against
thermal effects only.
So far cell phone "safety codes" only regulate radiation
capable of burning skin. It's like saying cigarettes aren't dangerous unless
they burn you.
Cellphone manufactures insist that "many studies" show their
miniature microwave ovens are safe. But when pressed by the Washington
Post to back up their claim, the cellphone industry could cite no studies
showing no adverse impact from cellular telephones on human tissues, nervous
systems or organs.
Dr. George Carlo confirms: "The industry had come out and said
that there were thousands of studies that proved that wireless phones are
safe, and the fact was that there were no studies that were directly
There are more than 15,000 scientific studies reporting the
cell phone health hazards. At least 66 epidemiological studies show that
electromagnetic radiation increases brain tumors in human
populations. ["Cell Phone Convenience or 21st Century Plague?" by Dr.
Nick Begich and James Roderick earthpulse.com]
After only two minutes of cellphone
exposure, the blood-brain barrier fails, allowing proteins to enter the brain
that can cause nerve damage. "Molecules such as proteins and toxins can pass
out of the blood, while the phone is switched on, and enter the brain. We need
to bear in mind diseases such as MS and Alzheimer's are linked to proteins
being found in the brain." So, adds Leif Salford of Lund University in Sweden,
is Parkinson's disease. [Electronics Australia Magazine
See the rest of the story:
Hi All,
I just ordered new blue TUBE (not bluetooth) headsets for my cell phone from Mercola.com . He is avid about the dangers of cell phones and had this device created so that we don't have to have the little microwave next to our heads. I use my speaker option whenever I can to keep it away, now I'll have this headset to do the same.
I just finished with my monthly Durango Exopolitics local meeting here and one of the things we discussed was how to let the people in our lives that we care about know about dangerous things without seeming like a fear-monger?! For instance, as a human companion to my parrot, I've learned about the severe toxicity of heated teflon/silverstone/etc. The fumes can kill birds, and very quickly, they go into respiratory failure and drop over dead. Hot teflon releases carcinogens and phytoestrogents into food cooked in them. I've always used cast iron skillet and never did any teflon, but try to tell my friends still using teflon and they just don't want to hear it. One of them even sent an email out to all her friends about aspartame, but did not want to hear about teflon, and so I didn't even want to open the subject that getting cellphones for her two young sons was a terrible idea because of the effect on young developing brains.
Sigh. I don't like to be accused of trying to scare my friends. So I often keep quiet, but I do have misgivings about it.
"Love is all there is."