I'll try again to imbed this video, now from YouTube. Hope it works because I feel this is even more important than the info on the Fema camps, and there is still a chance that we can get the legislature to stop it
I received this from Brasschecktv, as well as another TT member, today. It is something I had not heard about before even though I am, and have been for years, dedicated to choices for natural health. This is another example of how we lose our freedoms because we are not aware of activities going on in our government. I urge each of you to bring this to the attention of everyone you know so that we can take action to stop this monstrosity.
It's called the "Codex Alimentarius" and it was
originally cooked up by an ex-Nazi in the 1960s.
It's nothing more or less than a corporate/government
program to criminalize any food or medicine that
is not "Codex-approved" i.e. produced and
controlled by big agribusiness and the pharmaceutical
Codex is on track to become the law of the land
in the US next year.
And, of course, the mainstream media in the US has
done nothing to report on it or educate citizens
as to its significance.
Visit: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php
to learn more,
An intro to Codex Alimentarius:
I have now embedded this video from YouTube. This is so important to the future of our health and nutrition and there is still opportunity to get Congress to address it. Please give it a view.
With love flowing to all,
Thank you JoyAnna for posting this. There sure is alot of momentum for all that is going on right now in globalization and centralization. It is the height of arrogant presumption riddled with insincerity and utterly absent of honesty.