I received this transcription of Carla Ruekart's interview with Lance White on the BBS radio program. It is for those of us who are following the Law of One study in wonderful synopsis in a nut shell of what the Law of One is all about. It's a little long but worth the read. Hope you all enjoy.
Interview with Carla Rueckert
Posted by: "wynn free" wynnfree@yahoo. com
Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:28 am (PDT)
Here's a great interview with Carla Rueckert. Every Tuesday nite at 6pm
Pacific, we share one of her Q'uo channellings - 218-936-1100 pin 37525#
“A Fireside Chat” program on BBS Radio
Carla's Niche
"A Fireside Chat" - September 27, 2007
Copyright © 2008 L/L Research
Carla's interview on Lance White's "A Fireside Chat" program on BBS Radio
Lance: Good evening everyone, and welcome to another broadcast of A
Fireside Chat. I'm your host, Lance White. I'm also known as the Zany
Mystic. Tonight I'm delighted to have someone I've long admired on the show.
Her name is Carla Rueckert. Most folks in the audience will know her through
the Law of One series, The Ra Material. Or is Ra pronounced "Ray"?
Carla: Well it is, in French.
Lance: OK.
Carla: But we say Ra.
Lance: It's Ré in French. If you're in France and you're listening it's
Ré, otherwise it's Ra here in the United States. Carla began channeling in
1974. All five books of The Law of One can be read from her website,
www.llresearch. org. She continues to refine her channeling abilities through
working with the entity named Q'uo. And she has a column on the
www.religionandspir ituality. com site called A Small Medium at Large, which
can be accessed from the LL Research site, www.llresearch. org, in the
Library section under Carla's Niche. She will be joining the BBS radio site
soon with her own radio show [1]. So let's find out more about this amazing
outpouring of love and light by welcoming her officially to the show.
Welcome Carla! How are you?
Carla: Thank you Lance. I am just swell! How are you?
Lance: I'm well. As that preamble shows, you've done so much that it's
hard to encapsulate you. You have created such an outpouring of spiritual
Carla: Well, remember I'm in my 60's, and I've been working at this since
I was 19.
Lance: Wow.
Carla: So it just accumulates.
Lance: What happened when you were 19?
Carla: When I was 19 I was asked by Professor Don Elkins of the University
of Louisville if I would like to join his meditation group. I was very
interested in silent meditation. The church that I still go to, and went to
then, the Episcopal Church, is wonderful for rituals and music, but is not
particularly generous with its application of silent meditation in the
ritual. So I jumped at the chance and found out latterly, after I'd gotten
started with this, that it was a scientific experiment that Professor Elkins
was conducting.
Now it's not a normal thing for a professor of engineering and physics to
have an experiment with a silent meditation group, but Elkins was never a
normal professor.
He had been, since about 1955, doing research into the paranormal: UFO's,
séances, ghosts, psychic surgery. He was fascinated with the things you
couldn't explain, and always said that if there was one white crow it meant
that all crows didn't have to be black. So he was going after the white
He had come across the material that was channeled by a person, an
experiencer of a UFO contact, that explained how to create a UFO contactee
group without having to go through that bothersome business of being
contacted. No little green men, no bell-shaped craft, just silent meditation
and the willingness to express the thoughts that came into your mind.
He decided to create an experiment that would test that theory, and I am
still one of the results of that experiment, carrying on his experiment for
him. He died in 1984 but I'm still working for Don.
Lance: Wow.
Carla: And that's how it all began. I didn't actually start channeling
until 1974 because I really was interested in the silence. But by '74, all
of the people that had begun in '62 as college students were out on their
own and moving all over the United States and unavailable for further
sessions of collecting this material. So he asked me if I would learn. And
it turned out I had somewhat of a gift for it. So I got fascinated with the
idea of doing it better. Channeling is one of those things where it's not
that hard to do but it's very hard to do it at all well.
Lance: Oh yes.
Carla: So here I am many, many years later, and very grateful for the
wonderful voyage that began at Professor Elkins' meditation group.
Lance: Well, you're definitely known in channeling circles as one of the
clearest channels that has ever channeled material. And I would have to
agree having read enough of it, and enough of the Q'uo material, to have a
great deal of respect for the material that you're bringing through.
Carla: Thank you.
Lance: Can you tell us a little more about who Ra is? Is this the same as
the Egyptian Ra, the god?
Carla: No, they're very careful to differentiate between themselves and
the deity.
They got that name, I suppose, because of the deity, and because they
seemed like gods, but they are a group of people, a society from the
planetary influence of Venus. I say planetary influence because they're
three grades ahead of us in the school of cosmic refining. They're sixth
density, which is the density of unity. Go back one density, density of
wisdom; go back two, density of love; go back three, which is us, it's the
density of choice. So they're talking to us from the standpoint of seeing
that all is one. And they're trying to explain how this works to people who
are trying to make a choice in this Density of Choice.
Lance: OK.
Carla: The choice is how to serve the infinite Creator. Do you serve the
Creator by being of service to other people, which is called the
service-to-others path? Or are you of service to the infinite Creator by
being of service to yourself, which is the service-to-self path? And they
were hoping to explain through a channel to those who had need of this
material, how to prepare for a time of shift that was soon to be with us.
They were somewhat concerned because the harvest that was soon to be was
not coming along as they had hoped that it would. They would like to
increase the harvest by just sharing information on how you can, I guess
you'd say, learn how to play the game of life, and learn how to win through
to graduating to the Density of Love.
Lance: OK.
Carla: They came from Venus, not precisely in ships but by thought. They
have a sort of a parking bin in the fifth density of the inner planes here,
as I understand it, from which place they are willing to talk to groups who
are able to pick up their transmissions. And as it happened, they have a
very fine-band transmission, being a sixth-density source. It just so
happened that I was the first person—we were the first group I should say,
LL Research—that was able to pick up that particular band of transmission.
It was a very narrow band contact.
Now since '74 I had been channeling other Confederation entities. I had
been channeling mostly fourth-density entities, the Density of Love, people
like Hatonn. I had channeled a few fifth-density entities, one of which was
my favorite contact at the time, a group by the name of Latwii. But I had
not gotten a sixth-density transmission before. And when I did get it, it
threw me into trance.
I never knew how. I never could do it by myself. I was quite ignorant and
still am. I've never been trained as a full-blown psychic or a
spiritualistic kind of medium. But for this occasion, or this period of time
between '81 and '84, when the Ra transmissions were going on, I was able
simply to go to sleep and then begin offering this material.
I never really understood how in the world Don could keep asking
questions, because if you listen to the transmissions, my voice is very
unlike my normal voice. It sounds as though it is without inflection and
without tone really. It's just a breath, almost a whisper. It is very
difficult to hear. It is very difficult to figure out where one sentence
ends and another begins. And the material is somewhat dense, being somewhat
like German philosophy heard over a phone line with a bad connection. And
yet Don was always able to pick up the gist of what they were saying and ask
intelligent questions as a follow-up.
Lance: Wow.
Carla: That was kind of a marriage made in heaven, literally, between this
very advanced, great mind of Don Elkins and those of Ra, with whom he was
able to utilize the wonderful contact.
Lance: Now you mentioned that they're from the sixth density. There are so
many questions that come up. One is, is it your understanding that some from
the fifth and sixth density have incarnated on Earth in order to assist us
with this shift as well?
Carla: Yes indeed. They talk about this a lot. In 2001 I actually wrote a
handbook for people who have decided to leave their native densities and
come to third density in order to help with the harvest. [2] I consider
myself to be one of those people, actually. And mostly these people are
coming from the sixth density: some from the Ra group, some from allied
groups. Others are coming from fifth-density wisdom sources. Not too many
fourth-density wanderers have been here until just recently. Recently we
stared getting a wave of fourth-density wanderers. And guess where they're
coming from Lance? They're coming from Earth.
Lance: Oh really?
Carla: These are the people who've already graduated. They've gotten to
the end of their lives, they've died a natural death, which I think is what
ascension actually is. They walk what the Ra groups describes as steps of
light, every step of light being a little bit more dense with light, dense
with information.
And when the person that has died and is going up these steps of light
stops, that's the point where he says, "Ok, this is where I'm comfortable. "
And if that's still in third density, that entity will be moved to another
third-density planet to continue his learning experience in third grade.
And if it's beyond that point where third density has become fourth
density, then that person is a fourth-density entity. So that person sits
down with his guidance system and goes, "Gee, I have all these courses I can
take now. You know, I have electives. All these things I can do. What shall
I do?" Well, it's the Density of Love, so generally they look for somebody
to help.
Lance: Right.
Carla: And of course they just came from Planet Earth, it's dear to their
hearts. So people are coming back by the thousands and millions to incarnate
as indigo children, and try to help with the harvest.
Lance: Ah.
Carla: Also, to try to help Earth. Because there's a tremendous amount of
planetary karma we've accrued through so many cycles of empire and
generations of people who are polluting, misusing and abusing the Earth
instead of living in harmony with the Earth.
Lance: Right, right.
Carla: So when people get clear, whether it's in this life experience or
whether it's beyond it, they realize: I don't want to live this way. There's
a lot of restitution that people can see to do. And so you find these young
people, especially, very keen on busting any systems that don't make sense,
and starting to try to create a sense of stewardship for the Earth.
Lance: Could our accrued karmic relate somewhat to being of a negative or
positive polarity? And how does that work?
Carla: You mean how does polarity work?
Lance: Yes, so people understand that there is both negative and positive
Carla: Yes, there is. And that's what the choice is all about. You can
nail examples of "good", positive polarity and "bad" or negative polarity;
the obvious ones stand out. For instance, Genghis Khan was not a nice guy.
Lance: No.
Carla: Hitler.
Lance: Not nice.
Carla: Hitler didn't quite make fourth density negative, however. He
wasn't pure enough, because he thought he was helping his people. That
really held him back. A really good fourth density negative candidate has
got to know it's all about him, not about anybody else.
On the positive polarity side, you can start with Jesus and work your way
down to Mother Teresa, and just so many people in the lives we all have. I
don't think most of us know nearly as many service-to-self people as we know
service-to-others people.
But what happens, in terms of the surface things like politics and the way
the world wags, is that the people who have been in power before in a
service-to-self sense, become used to it. And they become preincarnationally
slanted toward reacquiring power. It's something for which one gets a taste,
I think.
Once one is in power in Babylon, and then in Rome, and then in the Holy
Roman Empire, and then maybe, in a dance through the Nazi era, when it comes
time to incarnate in the 20th or 21st century, what do you think will
happen? They will gravitate towards positions of power in the empire we have
going at this time.
Lance: Right.
Carla: So it's pretty obvious that the surface of things is
service-to-self oriented. In corporations and in the army it's very
specifically service-to-self oriented. Whatever happens in a platoon, the
sergeant gets the credit. And so it goes up the line, so generals and
admirals are the ones who are given credit for winning wars.
Lance: Yes.
Carla: But then, when you look at the nature of service to others, you'll
see that most of the service-to-others work is done below the radar of
politics and empire. It's people being good to other people, sometimes on an
astounding level, like Mother Teresa. And like so many people's mothers, you
know, and parents in general, and so many people who are just stellar
examples of living a radiant, love filled life. But positive polarity
doesn't get the kind of credit and notoriety that the movers and shakers do.
It doesn't make the money, it doesn't collect power
Lance: Right.
Carla: So, it's a fairly clear choice really, between the things of this
world, and what is often called the things of the next world, although I
think that love and light are very much of this world.
Lance: I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Carla: I think that we focus so terribly much on the negative polarity
news. The way we collect the news in this culture is partially responsible.
We collect news because of its sensationalistic quality. "If it bleeds, it
leads." So we don't hear about all of the magnificent things people are
doing for each other.
Lance: Rarely.
Carla: One of the things I love to do once in a while—I have a weekly
column, as you said—is to throw in a difference-maker now and then, and just
talk about someone that's really making a difference, in his own little way.
Not so much the politicians, although one gravitates towards good
politicians. You know, I'm really thinking about doing an article on Hugo
Chavez. What they're doing in South America is an outstanding sort of
revival of democracy.
But I like to talk about people who are service-to-others oriented, so
that the regular Joe can see that there is hope, that it's possible to live
a beautiful life and to make a real difference in the world just by the way
you are. That's the great thing about service to others. The heart of
service to others is being. So as you focus in on just being yourself and
just seeking to know how to be yourself in a more deep and true and
authentic way, you're changing the world. But you're changing it from the
inside out, instead of from the outside in.
Lance: That's beautiful. You mention the Confederation. I'm in quite a few
groups on Yahoo, and you know various people talk about confederations and
alliances and star nations and so on and so forth. What's your idea of the
organizational chart, so to speak, of, you know, the alliances that exist in
higher dimensions or densities for us, beyond us?
Carla: Lance, I get the impression that they're trying to give us that
kind of information and finding the nearest way to say things, and that
comes out very human oriented. So they call themselves—at least the entities
I have channeled—call themselves the Confederation of Planets in the Service
of the One Infinite Creator.
Lance: OK.
Carla: Or, for short, Confederation. It works better doesn't it?
Lance: OK.
Carla: I think that it's a far less organized group than we are used to,
in the sense of how we would organize things, where somebody's the
president, there's a vice-president, there's a secretary …
Lance: Right, right.
Carla: I don't think it's precisely like that, but I think that it is a
Confederation of those who wish us well.
Lance: OK.
Carla: And who have agreed to a certain amount of organization. For
instance, in making group decisions such as putting Earth under quarantine,
which I believe they did at the beginning of this 75,000 year cycle that
we're seeing the end of now. I think we were put under quarantine pretty
soon after it began.
Lance: What happened then?
Carla: The problem was, you see, that one of the Guardians of Earth, a
group called Yahweh, had this bright idea, 76,000 years ago. They had all
these people coming in from Mars, which had totaled itself in some
extinction of which we've never been given the details. There were millions
and millions of these Martian souls that needed bodies.
And they took a look at the great ape on this planet which was evolving
naturally. It was gradually beginning to stand upright and losing some of
its hair. But not fast enough to suit Yahweh. So, they decided - they being
a group entity, just like others in the Confederation— with the best of
intentions, so I understand it, that they were going to create enhanced
Lance: Hmm.
Carla: So by changing the genome and then a cloning process, they created
hairless apes—which are us.
Lance: OK.
Carla: We are 95% great ape. If you look at the DNA it's indistinguishable
from the great apes. But that other 5% was that with which they diddled.
They made physical changes in the size of the brain and its ability to hold
information. They changed the shape of the face so we could speak words.
They changed the way a person stood so that a completely upright posture was
possible. And just in general, they made a smarter better great ape. They
thought this was a great idea because that type of body and mind would be
able to understand better, and be a better student of third density. The new
great ape would be able to make that choice of polarity more quickly, and
just in general be ahead of the game in terms of the ability to grasp,
understand and use information, to progress and to evolve.
Lance: OK.
Carla: What they didn't count on was that on this planet, late
second-density great apes are all about protecting and defending the clan,
and gathering the resources that the clan needs. Built into that attitude is
violence and aggression, in order to garner the resources that the clan
needs. So simply by re-identifying who the clan is, we find nation-states
that are perfectly willing to do violence in order to obtain the resources
they feel their clan needs.
Lance: Ah.
Carla: So one thing led to another and cycles of empire began to sweep
across the planet, and that action has not stopped yet.
Lance: No kidding!
Carla: And it may not in, this third density, above the radar. But
people's hearts are changing. That's what I keep telling people. I can see
the difference between the 60's, when I began this area of research, and
today. There is an enormous outbursting and blooming of many people from all
different parts of the world who are forming groups in order to further the
ways of peace, love, understanding and all of those beautiful, harmonious
ideals. Our L/L Research's logo is Don Quixote, and we've been tilting at
windmills since the '60's.
Lance: That's amazing. I'm so glad that you have, too. Because you
definitely make an enormous difference on the planet. Now the Earth is an
entity herself, is she not? She's ascending as well?
Carla: She is indeed. We call her Gaia in our group, and have a Gaia
Meditation each and every night. If your listeners would like to join us,
you're so welcome! It doesn't matter if you only have five minutes. That's
all most of us ever have. Even two minutes. It just takes stopping and
realizing that we belong to our land, the land doesn't belong to us. And we
want to connect to that beautiful entity, Mother Earth, who has borne us and
who gives us the breath in our bodies and the sunshine that warms us, and
everything we have physically. It is a time to stop and offer a thank you,
and shout out, "Hey, we're here and we love you." That's something that
we've been doing for years. People all over the globe join us. And we would
welcome you all to join us as well.
Lance: That's wonderful. How do we do that?
Carla: Just whatever you're doing, sit down for a moment and visualize
peace, and pray or whatever your habit is. Some people simply going into the
silence, some people visualize a lavender or a violent light around the
globe, which is supposedly the color of peace. Some people have an image.
I had a dream a long time ago that I could see the angels, and they were
weaving a golden web of love all around the planet. So sometimes when I'm
doing the Gaia Meditation I just catch up with one of the angels and I weave
some gold threads with her as she's weaving away at this net of love.
Lance: Wow.
Carla: So you can create your Gaia Meditation however you want to do that,
however you would visualize your offering to the cause of peace and Mother
Earth. Just stop a minute. There's that wonderful thing, where you stop! You
stop talking, you stop thinking, and you enter the silence. What you want to
do after that is up to you. But to stop: that's the key, right there. I
think the key that unlocks the door to higher consciousness is simple,
ordinary, everyday silence.
Lance: Carla, I have to ask this question, because I know it's on
everybody's mind. And that is, many of us are pretty convinced we are in a
harvest period. Some call it ascension, some call it the shift or the
lifting, but we don't know when it will occur. Do you have an idea of when
the harvest is going to be occurring? Is it going to be within our lifetime?
Carla: Yes. I think that it's already happening. I recently gave a talk at
an L/L Research Gathering that was at Mackinac Island, at the Grand Hotel.
For that speech I collected the various predictions. It was interesting how
they center around 2012.
Lance: Right, right.
Carla: Of course the Mayan calendar is an ancient calendar. It is divided
into months of 20 days, and years of 360 days. And then you have a katun of
7200 days and a baktun of 144,000 days. According to them, the world lasts
for exactly 13 baktun cycles. And then it starts all over again. That time
of starting all over again is December 21, 2012. At that time, the galactic
center aligns with our sun. This begins what they call the fifth age. So
that's one very heavy-duty prediction.
Another prediction is Terence McKenna's novelty theory. I was charmed with
this. I wasn't familiar with it until I got on the internet and hunted
around on this topic. McKenna also is looking at that same alignment of the
galactic center with our sun. What his novelty theory is all about is that
when you have an unusual situation, odd things happen.
So, when you have the most unusual thing that has ever happened since the
beginning of history, which is the coincidence of the winter solstice and
the helical rising of the galactic center, he proposes that levels of
planetary novelty will exponentially increase. So, he's speculated that
perhaps we'll have a solar explosion, or a quasar ignition of the galactic
core. He doesn't know, but he thinks something's going to happen.
Lance: Or another big bang.
Carla: A big bang, yes.
Lance: We all go out the black hole of the galactic center and come out
the other side.
Carla: Now there are two more heavy-duty sources. One is western
astrology, which suggests that the Age of Pisces will be succeeded by the
Age of Aquarius. (singing) "This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius."
Lance: OK. Oh yes.
Carla: On 12/21/2012, the same date exactly. It just so happens that
classical, western astrology predicts that.
Another somewhat heavy-duty source—I'm fond of it anyway—is the pyramid
inch calculation. In the pyramid inch calculation, they give a date of
between 2004 and 2032 as a time when everything is in chaos. And then in
2032 things pick up again and are just fine.
They figured this out by measuring the Great Pyramid at Giza, the King's
Chamber and the approaches to the King's Chamber and the Queen's Chamber.
With all these different measurements, they created something called the
pyramid inch, sometimes called the sacred inch, which is uncannily close to
the regular English inch.
By using this pyramid inch, and figuring various mathematical things, they
have found that the Great Pyramid at Giza suggests that we are descendants
of Sirius. It also suggests that the earth's circumference was known by
whoever made the pyramid. And of course the Ra group talks about making the
pyramid in The Ra Material [3]. Our Ra, not the Ra of Stargate—SG-1, nor the
Ra of Egyptian deities.
So then, in addition to all of those sources, you have the Confederation
sources that suggest we are in a time of shift, and have been so for some
time. They suggest that the culmination of the Earth's shift—the Earth
itself, Gaia—is the winter solstice of 2012.
They say that we ourselves must shift because the planet, after shifting
to fourth density, will not be able to support the Density of Choice, will
not be able to support the ability to choose, the ability to make that
choice of polarity. The light will be too full of information, and people
will either be cooperating with that more dense light and responding,
changing and transforming as so many people are these days, or they will
become baffled and frustrated and fed up and just quit.
And you see some of that also. The fourth-density vibrations have
completely interpenetrated third density at this point and we're getting
wave after wave of fourth-density truth. And really, it's not that the truth
is in the light, it's that the light exposes truth. So we are beginning to
be uncomfortably aware of our own dark sides.
Lance: No kidding.
Carla: So it's difficult to face that and to say, "OK, I'm ready, let's
boogie with this."
I'm going to learn how to live with fourth-density values in a
third-density world, with everything against me as far as the culture is
concerned." And the people who are doing that are having a wonderful time, I
think, but feeling challenged from time to time.
The people who do not want to face this are simply going to have their
last incarnation on Earth, pass on, as we all do, walk those steps of light
as they go through the healing process after dying, and probably get off, in
third density still, to repeat another major cycle of 75,000 years on
another earth-like, third-density planet.
Lance: Whew.
Carla: So I figure, guys if you don't want to go to Mickey D's for the
next 75,000 years, if you want to move on, it's time to make that choice,
and decide that I really do want to live my life as a secret agent of love.
Lance: Aha. I love that.
Carla: I want to be of service to other people. Let me find a way. We all
came in with a cluster of gifts, and the desire to fulfill whatever mission
it was we gave ourselves. So it's really a matter of waking up.
Lance: Yes, yes.
Carla: But I think that as far as the humans are involved, the shift has
already begun and it will continue for probably another hundred years. But I
don't think we're going to get any new people being born after 2012 that
have this choice to make. I think that at that point Earth's population will
become those people who have already graduated and come back as
fourth-density people that are wired for dual activation: third-density
bodies in activation and fourth-density as well.
The great advantage of this is that if you're dual activated, you have a
much thinner veil, so you kind of have a head start at remembering the
truth: that we are all one, that the golden rule does apply universally. If
you harm someone else, you harm yourself—so why would you want to harm
someone else?
Lance: Exactly. Just doesn't make any sense, does it?
Carla: No. So I think that what's really pulled the teeth of "ascension"
for me is this information from the Confederation which suggests, yes
ascension is taking place but it's a metaphysical shift. It's not a physical
Now thirty years ago, when the Ra group was speaking through me and Don
was asking his vastly intelligent questions, they were kind of discouraged,
and did not know if there was going to be a harvest at all.
Lance: Wow.
Carla: But you see that since that time not only has our group been vocal,
but so many others have smelled the coffee and awakened and nudged each
other. And really, it's a sort of infection. You infect other people by the
fact that you're radiating and people go, "I want some of that! Gee, give me
some bliss and joy, let me have that." And then they catch on that there's
nothing to it really except just re-thinking the moment.
Every time you start getting down and you start getting heavy, you sort of
look up at the beauty all around you, the beautiful people around you,
nature and all of its beauty around you and all of the wonderful melodies
you can hear in your head if you just stop a minute and listen for the
angels. And it becomes something that you want to do, and you feel badly if
you're not doing it.
Lance: Yes.
Carla: You start doing it; you start being people of love. And it spreads.
It's spread tremendously. It's amazing. We get letters, email especially,
from all quarters of the globe. I don't think we've gotten a note yet from
Antarctica. But all the other continents appreciate what we're doing, and I
know they also appreciate so many other thousands and thousands of other
groups that are doing beautiful work, just as well as us.
And they're not all ET-oriented groups. You have your Buddhist groups, and
your Christian groups and all of the classical or traditional religious
groups that are also giving this same information out in various forms. But
the beauty of the ET message, or at least the Confederation message that's
been channeled through our group, is that there's no dogma. There's no
judgment. There's only the encouragement and the support and the resources
for people who want to cobble together their own path of seeking.
Lance: Well, obviously you believe in extraterrestrials and UFOs. Do you
have any personal experiences you would care to share about?
Carla: Well as long as I've been in this area of research, I've never seen
a UFO.
Lance: I haven't either. I believe, but …
Carla: I once thought I did. It seemed to be a somewhat cylindrical shaped
UFO. It had lights along it so I could see the shape. It got down really
close to me. And then it flashed, "I am not a UFO. I am the Goodyear blimp."
It was landing at Bowman Field, a private airport here in Louisville,
Kentucky. That was a laugh for me!
Lance: That's funny.
Carla: But I used to do research for Don. Don was a pilot, and he would
rent a plane when MUFON or CUFOS or one of those groups got a good report
which was in our area, which was Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, West
Virginia, like that. And they'd say, "Listen, can you go check out this
So we'd get in the airplane and we'd go and talk to people. And once
you've talked to maybe a dozen people who have had an experience, you know:
something landed, somebody got out, they invited them into the craft, they
went for a ride. You know they have very specific, clear experiences, they
come back and talk about it, and you know that something's happening.
Because the typical person that is taken on one of these rides is not
particularly intelligent. They choose people who are in the deep country a
Lance: Oh.
Carla: And maybe telling you about one example will do it. This was right
here, right outside Louisville, Kentucky, in Fern Creek. This Fern Creek
fellow was a nineteen-year- old truck driver who had left his girlfriend's
place to go home to his mother's home, after the monologue on The Tonight
Show. Johnny Carson was holding forth at this time.
Lance: Oh yes.
Carla: It was some time back in the 70's. This young truck driver lost
time. He got back to his mother's house almost an hour later, and it was
just a five-minute drive. She wondered where he'd been.
And his eyes were bright red. That's very common. The radiation involved
in a close encounter is sometimes harmful to the eyes and you see this
red-eye problem.
So we were interviewing him while his eyes were still red. Don had very
carefully learned regressive hypnosis in order to help with his research. He
hypnotized the guy and took him back to what happened, and he found what
happened in the forty-two minutes he lost.
His truck stalled and would not start again. And he was taken from the
truck into the UFO in a beam of light. Of course it sounds ridiculous, but
this is what he remembered.
Lance: OK.
Carla: When he got into the UFO it was much larger on the inside than it
seemed from the outside. This is typical of UFO reports. He was given a kind
of physical examination, but not by people. There were three entities on
board this craft. One looked, he said, like an old-fashioned coke machine,
one of those short red machines. But it was nervous. And then there was a
white box that was very calm, and really didn't have anything to do but to
boss the other two. And then there was a black square, or cube I suppose,
that seemed a bit menacing to him.
And all of the tests that were done on him were done by the black entity
and the red entity. Various needles and things protruded from them and
fluids were taken from him and so forth. During this entire experience he
seemed to be in a state of calm; immense, heavenly calm. This is also very
common in UFO reports. He got back to reality by awakening in his car. The
car started immediately, and he drove on home.
The only thing he remembered consciously was seeing this UFO gradually
come down right over his car. So everything else happened in an altered
state of reality.
But it happened during that lost time.
Now who could make up a nervous coke machine, I ask you? Especially a
nineteen-year- old truck driver from Fern Creek.
Lance: Right, right.
Carla: He was a fine guy, you know, but he was not a creative fellow
particularly. He was just a regular fella.
Lance: I notice a lot of comments in some of the groups I'm in about Grays
and Reptilians, and some people seem to have more of an idea about that
material than others. Are you familiar with those?
Carla: Well I'm familiar with them, but not in the sense of having studied
them recently.
Lance: OK.
Carla: I became aware that there is as hefty and hearty a loosely formed
confederation of negatively oriented entities as there is positive. Now this
would make sense, right.
Lance: Right, of course.
Carla: If you're going to have positive help to those who want positive
help, you're also going to have negative help or service-to-self help, that
encourages people toward empire, toward the taking of power, that sort of
And the Grays and the Reptilians seem to be solidly in that
service-to-self empire, the Orion Empire, many call it. But I think that
that's really deceiving because it would suggest that the whole
constellation of Orion is negative, and that's no more true than that
everybody in Atlantis, or everybody in the Third Reich, you know, was
Lance: Right.
Carla: You know there were dozens of negative, very, very negative
customers in the Third Reich, for instance. But you talk to Germans who went
through that time and they were as much as victim of the times as we were.
They had no more liking for what was going on than we did. They just had to
go along for the ride because of the ways of power.
And I think that it would be naïve to assume that only the good guys would
be able to talk. But you know, it depends on just what you want to listen
to, whom you want to listen to.
It's one of the reasons I haven't taught channeling for a long time. It's
because people are very naïve about channeling and they don't spend the time
to tune their own instrument, or to ask for the source's identification and
to challenge that ID with everything that's in them so they nail down a good
source to talk to.
Lance: How do you do that? When information starts flowing through you, do
you have to ask …
Carla: No, I challenge before I accept the contact. I spend about a half
hour tuning myself. I pray, I talk with the Holy Spirit, whom I call Holly.
I sing. I get myself to be at my Sunday best in my orientation, in knowing
who I am.
And then I go through some protection. I ask for the archangels to come be
with us. I also invite all the entities who aren't incarnate, that come in
the name of Jesus the Christ—and there are millions and millions, obviously,
that have at one time been in incarnation on Planet Earth and are
disincarnate but still respond to that vibration.
I get all the unconditional love to join with me that I can. And then I
ask for the spirit who is coming and I get the name. And I challenge that
entity. I myself am a mystical Christian, so I challenge in the name of
Jesus the Christ. And I ask them, "Can you say: 'Jesus is Lord?'" And they
must say that. And I go through it again. And I go through it again. Just to
make sure I'm not having a bad day.
Lance: Third time's a charm.
Carla: And once I've been satisfied that I have a good source on the line,
then I just let it all hang out, and accept whatever comes. And so far, that
technique has worked really well.
But the problem with most people who begin to learn to channel is that
they don't know who they are. They don't know what they're living for,
precisely, and they definitely don't know what they'd die for. And I think
you really have to get to that level of surety about yourself before you
begin to become, metaphysically speaking, a person. In the sense of
time/space, in the sense of eternity and infinity, you're not really a
person until you have that knowingness, that gnosis, about who you are and
why you're here.
And so, most channeling really is involved with coming to a sense of who
you are. So that when you say "I challenge in the name of," or "in the
principle of" this, be it unconditional love, or Jesus the Christ, you know
for sure that this is your heart. I trained a lawyer to channel once and he
challenged in the name of Justice. It worked for him. But whatever higher
principle you really would die for, that is the level of commitment you need
to have attained in order to be able to challenge spirits.
And when you have that, you are a person of power. And you can simply send
away entities that cannot answer your challenge. You say, "Go away kid,
don't bother me."
Lance: What density is Jesus the Christ? Where does he operate from?
Carla: Well, the Ra group said that Jesus the Christ had completed fourth
density, the density of Love and Understanding. And he was ready to go on to
the Density of Wisdom. And the last thing he did before he went on was to
come back to third density and try to live a life that exemplified love,
unconditional love. And people can judge for themselves how well he did.
Lance: Do the entities that you channel ever speak of a God as we think of
Carla: No.
Lance: They don't?
Carla: They talk about the one infinite Creator as being intelligent
infinity. They talk about how the first distortion of the Law of One—that
is, that all things are one, that one thing being the Creator—is free will.
And it is by this distortion from absolute oneness that the Creator decided
to know Itself better. So It decided to send forth a Thought of Itself, of
Its own nature. And that Thought is unconditional love.
The Gospel of John says, "In the beginning was the logos, in the beginning
was the Word." That is the precise word, Logos, that the Confederation uses
in talking about the second distortion of the Law of One, which is love. And
then by the very nature of love itself, in order to create manifestation, it
created the third distortion of the Law of One—light.
Light has various graduations of rotation and so forth. Gradually—the
physics of Dewey B. Larson shows this clearly—all of the chemicals in the
elements were created, and formed, all the combinations of chemicals which
are earth, sky, us. And, you know, take it from there.
After light was created and manifestation began you have this universe
acting itself out, and being a stage with many densities and many, many
experiences possible. And little parts of the Creator, which is what we all
are, are going through these seven densities, from the beginning
timelessness, through the elements, and then through plants and animals, and
then through us as humans, making this choice of how to serve the Creator.
And then the evolution moves through the Densities of Love and Wisdom,
either in the negative sense or the positive sense. Interestingly enough, in
sixth density, the Density of Unity, the negative entities get to the end of
their strength. They can't go any further in evolution without acknowledging
that there is such a thing as love. Once they acknowledge that there is such
a thing as love, and that it makes us all one, their whole game is shot.
Because they can't be of service to self without being of service to others.
Lance: Wow.
Carla: So they have to flip polarities. And of course, like any convert,
you know, they're the greatest believers in service to others possible,
after they change polarities. They give it a good fight. I personally would
not want to work through fourth and fifth density as a service-to-self
polarized person. I think that service to others is definitely the way to
go. But we do have that choice.
The great thing to remember here is that you won't make fourth density
negative by mistake. The worst that you can do is have to spend another
75,000 years in third density, where the veil is very thick, where we can't
remember who we are without some real work.
Sometimes the veil gets very thin. Because somebody died, some terrible
thing has happened in your little world, and all of a sudden everything sort
of falls away and you have a stark awareness of what's important. Or you
almost die. It sometimes happens to people that way. But some emergency or
trauma is often the alarm clock that wakes people up from their comfortable
Lance: Right, right.
Carla: And they say, "You know this world, the way I've been living, is
just not right. I need to widen my point of view. I need to shift my point
of view." And at that point, you're off and running. And then you really
have the chance to become a candidate for the harvest, for graduating to
fourth density in this very lifetime.
So I look forward to the time of my death and my passing and the ability
to walk the steps of light and get a little further up the road. But I don't
want to go until my work is done, so I hope with every fiber of my being for
great longevity and the ability to share that which comes through me for a
long, long time.
Lance: That's wonderful. Wow. Carla you are such an inspiration. I'm just
in awe of how you express yourself here on the planet. We're just reaching
the end, the very end of this hour now. Maybe you could tell us, you know,
where your website addresses are and what you'll be doing for BBS radio in
the near future.
Carla: OK.
Lance: Before we have to sign off. The hour's flown by.
Carla: www.llresearch. org.
Lance: OK, L/L research.
Carla: And what was the other thing you wanted?
Lance: Oh, you're going to be doing a show for BBS radio.
Carla: Oh yes. Well it's not precisely a show. I've been doing the
channeling since '74 and we've never broadcast it before. But Don Newsom of
BBS radio is one of those difference makers who should have a column all his
own. He approached us about the possibility of sharing those channeling
Lance: Wonderful.
Carla: You know, broadcasting the sessions themselves. So on Saturday
nights at 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time, you can hear our channeling, taped live,
just the way it happened. It also repeats early on Sunday mornings for those
on the other side of the Atlantic.
Lance: Oh wonderful.
Carla: We take an audio recording right off the mike I'm using to do the
channeling. And whatever we got, they get. It's really kind of exciting
because you really don't know what's going to happen. The question is not
formulated until the last minute and so we're off and running and it's
always an adventure.
Lance: That's wonderful. And Carla, I thank you so much for being on the
show tonight. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to have you. And I'd
love to have you back sometime soon.
Carla: I'd be delighted, Lance. It was a pleasure.
Lance: And I wish you the best on your new show at BBS and of course at
L/L Research, and so on and so forth. Many blessings.
Carla: Oh, blessings right back at you!
Lance: All right. Thanks a lot, and goodnight, everybody.
Carla: Sweet dreams!
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I am filled with so much love by this material. It has opened my eyes to a new understanding of the densities and what each means. This struck a chord in my soul. I do feel that we are awakening to that which has been beyond us and like she said that we are truly starting to see our dark sides. This is true for me anyway....and in seeing this I am spurred to fill my heart with love and kindness and service to humanity. I suppose that is why I have posted some of the things that I have....some of the not so nice stuff....because I see it....and I know that I can make it better. I have been giving personal posts and crying for help but have not gotten a response.....or so I thought.
The changes that I feel in my being are very real. And I will be changed by this as well.
Thank You.
Misty Fain
FFG and Misty,
I am immensely pleased that the Carla interview was so important to you. I also was moved and encouraged by the interview, and felt since the Law of One material had already been introduced on the Portal that this information was extremely complementary to it. She did a wonderful job of summarizing most of the important points of the LoO in the interview. I was also excited about her discussion of ETs and UFOs.
If this concept is resonant to you, may I suggest that you go the the Law of One threads and follow the discussion so far. The LLresearch site above provides the books but there are direct links to the books and the study guide on the Group thread.
Blessing of Love and Light to both of you,
This really helped me understand this material. Thanks,
Have been wanting to contact Carla to ask her her intuitive perception of why Don wanted to depart his incarnation early. Have a feeling she has some insight on that that may be more interesting than one might otherwise imagine concerning suicide. He may have still been in experimentation search mode, and knowing there really is no danger in cutting short your own present incarnation, he may have had a very lucid reason for doing so that may have to do with preparation for 4th density and a strong desire to experiment with the possibility of piercing the veil of forgetfulness better when coming back into the field of play in another incarnation. Nothing would surprise me at this point given the infinite nature of abstract potentiality waiting for free will to be applied to it.
Would love to ask her who John Lennon was too, just one of the guys or 4th, 5th, or 6th density Wanderer come to share some beauty with us on his terms. The magic of the Beatles music has me leaning toward Wanderer.....
Thank you so much for sharing this info Berry and for awakening a desire for the Law of One material. No wonder you were champing at the bit about it all! Just finished book 2 last night at home and I cannot tell you how many times I began to weep with joy and/or awe while reading through the first two books.
This info is so pertinent/appropriate for these times right now. I have a new found focus after reading that poor girl Gaia is already in green ray 4th density waiting for us who are stuck in this present STS fearmongering warmongering belicose behavior of orange ray. As I said in another post on Bodhi's forum, the mixing of those two colors is a dirty brown, so we must concentrate on the personal/collective green ray heart chakra behavior, for the battle we are in cannot be won with bullets and bombs, but with Love and Forgiveness and the harmony that creates a checkmate scenario if we will not get sucked into the disappointment, anger, hatred and frustration. Our victorious way is before us - we need only walk the walk now and watch it all come together, even if there be a bit of nastiness left in the karmic inertia.
Only one way to win this One - Love!!!!!
Oh, the LLResearch.org link above was not working, so here is another try
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"And the material is somewhat dense, being somewhat
like German philosophy heard over a phone line with a bad connection"
There is a small group of men who get together every other week or so to study, meditate, discuss, spiritual matters. For the most part they are ex members of the Unity Church which I attend occasionally. So we all have some familiarity with metaphysical matters. Unfortunately, as the Unity Church tends to be, the foundation is still mired in the remnants of the traditional Christian points of view with a smattering of (I dislike the phrase) New Age bent. In any case, when we gather, I have been attempting to introduce them to the concepts of Oneness, and the thoughts and principles presented in the Law of One. It is difficult for them to grasp the concept that the Creator is All. That there is no separation, no duality, no you vs. me. I have been trying to instill the idea that we are self and other self, and this whole idea seems to fly right over their heads. I do believe that last night we did get some headway though as they really did get into discussing the idea with seriousness.
It is hard for an ex baptist, and ex pentacostal, and an ex episcopalian and an agnostic to come to terms with a Creator, who isn't the judgmental Jehovah God, that they have been brought up with. I will continue to gradually introduce more to them as time goes along though.
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I love what you've just described. The way I understand that it happens is this: when we encounter someone who is ready to be quickened that moment elicits from us a speaking, a word, a phrase, an analogy which comes from truth and because of our alignment with truth at that moment, the resonance of our speaking quickens the resonance of truth in their being. Wheteher it happens immediately or over time, inevitably, the analoby unfolds within their being and, quickly or gradually, shifts their perception of themselves, their world and each other. It has been my experience that this has long been a part of my role in the wave of awakening consciousness washing through humanity at this time and it is my guess that it is part of the role of most of us who've glimpsed or realized truth.
What do you think?
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That is exactly how it is, and eternity waits with infinite patience for everyone because many-ness is a creation of Unity and Unity can never not be unity, so we can go about our business knowing this patience and practice the calm planting of seeds and allowing them to sprout at the time of each entity's choosing, for free will, confusion and much catalyst provide an excellent learning/teaching medium for all of us, the many expressions of the One experiencing all our journeys through the construct of time/space.
We have to want it bad enough and there aint no penalty or late fee for dragging da feet, haaaahahaha