Timely and Relevant

I saw this quote from the Reconnections and felt that it was very germaine to what is going on today with the election of a new President, and perhaps a new Congress.  It is a comment on what our perfect governing body would take as their goal.


"The Cornerstone of Civilization is not "might makes right."  To
capture and control is NOT what being "civilized" means.  The essence
of civilization is "love your neighbor as yourself."  Does that make
you your brother's keeper?  Not at all.  To become his "keeper" would
not be taking things far enough, though it be the very height of
arrogance.  In truth, you ARE your brother.  And he is YOU.  And the
reflections and refractions that knowledge brings to the Universal
Jewel are sufficient to fill and fulfill your hearts for all

~The Reconnections

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