Hey my friends, brothers and sisters of Transformation,
Tonight I was impressed with the fact that our four-legged friends, pets and family are included in this journey we as Humans are experiencing. ( I sometime think that my Beta fish is also evolving up the ladder. He is the one who tells me it is time for supper and is exuberant when I respond which his pellets. LOL)
I live with, besides my beloved Ray, two dogs, two cats and a Siamese Beta fish called Rebel III because he is the third in a line of bright red betas of that name. I have mentioned previously of the love that the dogs and cats show me when I come home from work. They wait for me at the door and expect an abundance of love and attention, all four of them! Alright that may be normal, I admit. But then there is the love they share one for another. The two dogs are so close that they will not go out without one another. Often they are seen "kissing" one another on the mouth. I think they learned that from Ray and I. LOL As if that is not enough, Harvey, the larger dog, will not tolerate it when the two cats get into a hissy-fit as cats do. When Pywackett who is the older male decides he wants to pick on younger female Jolie, Harvey will charge and break up the challenging behavior. He doesn't tolerate violence between the cats. Often when Harvey is sitting in a sunny window seat, Jolie will join him and there will ensue a beautiful love-fest of licking and grooming between the two of them. Is this a cat and a dog? LOL Finally when one of the dogs wants to go to the back yard, it is not just that animal that goes but at least three and most often all four of them go together as a group to enjoy the romp.
What I am emphasising here is that there is a definite Love/Light developed between these four animals, not only between themselves but with us humans as well. I have also mentioned previously that the kitten Jolie and I have developed a psychic bond, where I can communicate with her with whistles, and she frequently meditates with me. In relating this information, I recall that Ra told Don, Jim and Carla that their cat who was likewise loving and sharing, had moved from second density to third density. In the last year I have seen numerous videos of various animal doing rational/ thinking things which is not in the realm of second density creatures, such as the elephant who painted acurate portraits of herself and other elephants,,,and flowers!, the dog and the elephant who were such close friends that when they were separated the elephant near died from lack of love and companionship, dogs who have alerted people of cancer, heart attack, and other life threatening diseases.
I think it is time that we give more attention to our pets/four-legged friends/furry family than we have been. They are evolving along with us and sometimes when we misunderstand their actions, perhaps they are trying to tell us something that we are missing. They haven't lost their ability to sense things which we humans have become numb too.
In the love and light of our one Infinite Creator,
Let's not forget wildlife, as well. Where I live I run into coyotes, crows and ravens all the time, and I swear there's a bond there as well. They let me get really close at times.
By the way I used to earn extra money by breeding betas. Fun little critters, aren't they?
So glad you posted this Berry. I've taken to reciting a couple of Buddhist chants that would sound like humming while on my 2 to 3 hour hike/climbs. At first, I chanted to stay in the moment, but now I have anywhere from 10 to 20 deer that follow me from a distance. I know that it is a harmonic thing and they are very sensitive. If my mind takes off onto some intense discursive story, the deer will not stay with me. They have become my Zen Master, the one with the big stick!
I too have been having the same experience with our domesticated animals. I think this is part of the 4th density green ray heart chakra experience we are coming into on and with Earth... I heard someone say recently that it will become so accute that people will start immediately feeling when they have caused someone else pain, and the priority for remedy will be visceral and accute. This can guide us on a more parabolic curve toward understanding the One-ness of all Life. What a wonderful time and honor to be here now...
Here is something to lift your day and fill you with joy and light. Indeed magical. What a wonderful World.
Good Greetings Berry:
That was just wonderful to view! The lion is lying down with the lamb... the age of Peace is upon us... we are seeing it everywhere in the "animal" world... soon it will be extraordinarily evident in the Human World...
Hey guys,
I have a Blue Heeler, cattle dog, an American Red Neck turtle and a Rainbow lorikeet.
My dog used to kill birds when he could catch them but a little while back I caught the him and the Lorikeet kissing each other through the wire of the Lorikeets cage....
I found the Lorikeet as a baby that had fallen out of his nest, it was raining and he was backed up against a tree scared silly..... I had to feed him with a syringe for a few weeks before he could feed himself.....he used to have the whole run of my house.....when I thought he was strong enough Nada and I took him to a park and let him go...he flew about 40 metres just off the ground and stopped in the middle of the park...2 birds appeared in the sky above him and dive bombed him, I ran over and when I got there he was very disorintated....I bought him home and he just decided to stay....he is a hilarious bird, so much character....he makes no attempt to leave his cage......he really is my mate of his own choosing......I can't help but feel at times he is very human....
Much love