Your thoughts to the contrary can override the good
Here in the west, we are subjected to advertising almost everywhere we go. The newspapers, magazines, billboards, and especially the TV are constantly bombarding us with products and services designed to cure all our ills. What's most interesting about this is that before we tuned into the media, we may not have had anything wrong with us. In fact, we could have been fit as a fiddle.
But fit as a fiddle doesn't sell products, so the corporate decision makers have taken it upon themselves to create problems and challenges for us in order to get us to buy their goods. Said another way, the companies behind all the advertising are actively and deliberately doing their best to make us sick so they can turn a profit.
There are worlds where activities that are purposely designed to harm the health and well being of others are illegal. Those who choose to engage in these nefarious endeavors are exiled. It matters not if the methods used are subliminal, suggestive, or outright deceptive, those who are caught must leave and cannot return again until they have learned to love.
Let's go back, at this point, to the original premise that is the foundation for all the Intenders teachings: our thoughts create our world. This means that our thoughts are creating our sicknesses, and our thoughts are the tools we use to get well again. The medics and media would have us believe otherwise by telling us that now they have a fantastic new device that will rid us of all our ills, but, as we are learning, it's the thought of wellness - the seeing ourself healthy and in our highest light - that overrides the need for any device. If, however, we believe that a device - which could be anything from a pill, to a scientific looking apparatus, to a common quartz crystal - is what we need to heal ourself, then that is the route we should take, because that is what we believe will work. Conversely, if we do not believe that a particular device will work, then we are wasting our time to go any further with it.
When the smokescreen settles and all truths are revealed, we will see that it is the belief that heals us, not the device. You can have a closet full of devices, and if you do not believe 100% in any of them, they won't do you enough good to make any difference. The only device that is capable of curing all of our ills is not to be purchased at your local drug store or ordered through some obscure catalog. It is not to be found by handing your power and authority over to anyone else, no matter how persuasive or credentialed they may be.
Indeed, the human mind is the greatest device in existence, and all we have to do to make it work on our behalf is learn how to use it.
My Intention for today is:
I Intend that I am holding my mind on my desired outcome
and trusting implicitly that it will come to me.
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