From David Wilcock's site:
He's saying there is going to be disclosure on a massive scale by government, and that the TV time for it has already been booked. The UFO docu he's posted from history channel is pretty good too. Its the second one of its type I've seen in the last month, the other one was also on History I believe, but it may have been a bit older, it had clips of the original Disclosure project video, and had a brief interview with Stephen Greir. I watched it online as I don't have cable. Some of the discussion points towards the recent release of British and other countries documents on UFO's as a "test run" for full disclosure. The ramping up of docu's on the subject, and the fictional series "V" coming out tomorrow have also been mentioned as things "priming the public" for a disclosure. Only time will tell, Wilcock said in an interview on Coast to Coast AM that the disclosure would likely be before Christmas.
What fascinating times we live in!
With much love and joy,
Went through the the series of nine, "UFO's! I know what I saw", very good...
Although I had seen much of the footage in others, It is so good to see it compiled this way now, and so readily available on youtube... One of the most enlightening books I have ever read on the subject is, well actually two on the same subject matter of channeling the Council of Nine, "The Only Planet of Choice" by Phyllis Schlemmer and "Briefing for the landing on Planet Earth" by Stuart Holroyd who was asked by Phyllis Schlemmer, Andrijah Puharich and Sir John Whitmore to chronicle the amazing journey they all went on while taking in the deep channelings of Tom, spokes-entity for and of the Council of Nine.
Anyone who reads these books would discover the possibility that there really is no such thing as aliens, for we are essentially the result of eons of experimentation on this amazing botanical garden of a planet, and when they return, or make themselves known at the opportune time, it will be a reunion of sorts, and we will understand this much better at that time, for they will not do this until enough of us understand or at least suspect the truth about all of this very family-oriented intergalactic phenomena, so to speak... Not only are we not alone, we are not different, nor are they... We truly are One and the same, and what a day that will be when we celebrate the re-cognition of this understanding and Truth....
According to the Council of Nine, there are 24 primary and very ancient civilizations in this universe, and several of these, Hoova, Altea, Ashand (and one or two more that escape my memory at the moment) are primarily responsible for what we see in flora and fauna and humanoids on Gaia. The Law of One RA sessions do an excellent job of complimenting Phyllis's deep channelings of the Council of Nine also, concerning what happened on Mars about 75,000 years ago, and what happened to the planet Maldek even further back, and just who some of the primates living on Gaia actually are, as well as who we are, and are related to....