Clearing Cords and the Nature of Cords, By FairyFarmGirl

Energy cords exist on all levels of being... physical, emotional, mental, etheric--- between the physical and non-physical. This is the first way that information is shared energetically. It is a cord.
negative cording in this pic above
The subtle body is the electro-magnetic field that surrounds the physical vehicle or body. This includes the aura which is the part that surrounds the physical body. The chakras are energy centers within the body.
As an individual goes through the day, interactions with the environment : physical and non-physical can cause the electro-magnetic to become out of balance leaving "holes" in some parts and compressing it in other parts. Negative influences come from the absorbtion of negative emotional states or the interference of non-physical beings.
Energy cords are energy conduits from one energy source to another. Cording refers to the energy that one focuses on another or in another's direction. Cords of energy attach to the chakras and are experienced as an energy drain or an infusion of energy that contains directives at the point of contact.
The cording can also be very positive like that between a parent and child and/or lover/mates and/or friends etc. Positive Cording that is done with Love and equal sharing as in a healty relationship between a child and a parent, friends, lovers/mates. It is the first way an energetic connection is made-- cording and bonding can mean the same thing for this. Cording between a child age 0-7 and their mother/primary caregiver (can mean a male parent) is essential for child survival. Sometimes Cords remain long into adulthood and are of very positive nature. Cords of Love are Cords to keep. For Love is something to share. This is how family bonds are maintained... friendships are maintained even if you only see your friend every 20 years or even never again... the bond of Love-- the Positive cord is present. Positive cords allow you to share the energy of Love with another. This is the reason for the ability to cord in the first place and its pure use. During the 2 milleniums of darkness the tool of energetic cording was put to use to harm instead of help and enhance and bond in a positive way. Love is always positive. It can not not be the other. LOVE
A cord to the Orange ray or chakra will circulate the directives. A Directive is an energetic pulse that comes through the cord into the chakra that overrides the innate programming of the cordee temporarily. The chakra then circulates that energy pulse containing the directive (such as seek pain, inflict pain, drink alcohol, be destructive towards self etc.) Think of a parasite that attaches itself to a host. The parasite overrides the program of the host thereby allowing the parasite to feed. It either feeds until full and then takes its leave or it feeds until the host dies. Directives usually involve non-physical entities or negative Remote Viewing. These are negative STS infestation issues. The directive then circulates into the Yellow ray or chakra where it mixes with all the energies of the body. This is one way that compulsions or abhorrent behaviors develop as the orange and yellow chakra are linked to the body and its preferences and responses to the world and interactions. Orange ray cording can override the conscious mind. This is common in STS rituals. It is a form of enslavement. Oftentimes the individual is unaware of what is happening either due to being overwhelmed with fear, negativity or survival issues or they are drugged and otherwise incapacitated.
The book the "Celestine Prophesy" illustrates cording between people quite well. When negative cording occurs between people it is usually due to a misunderstanding concerning the generation of energy. The corder believes that they need the other person in order to survive, be happy, etc and the cordee feels sympathy or pity for the corder.
At any level of cording physical and/or non-physical on some level of beingness there is an agreement to participate in the exchange. As with all agreements sometimes they are created with untruths.
The first step to decording is to clear the aura around the body. This restores the integrity of the electro-magnetic field effectively releasing any negative influences.
Decording of the aura and chakras and restoration of the integrity of the energy field begins with making a choice. Then proclaim with conviction that choice. The greeting: "I hail you in the name of the One, True, Infinite Creator.... I bathe you in Light and Love is one way to begin restoring the integrity of the energy field. This begins to create boundaries with that which is siphoning off energy from the individual and/or group. It is challenging to do when the energy field is out of balance. The truths that one believes begin to no longer be the truth. One begins to question one's behavior... and a feeling of distrust begins to develop. This is the time to begin asking for help from STO beings and Human Angels. Simply ask aloud. I call and invoke the Guardians, Helpers, Guides, Angels, Archangels and my Higher Self to assist me in restoring the integrity of my energy field. I call upon you to go and do your perfect and good work in clearing me of all negative influences leaving on that which serves the Highest Good for mySelf and the All that is aligned with Service to Others. This is your team of non-physical beings assigned to you at birth. They are ever present to assist you. Due to Freewill--- they will not interfer with your "choices" unless asked or unless directed by the Creator.
Then, enlist the Earth to assist you. Begin with a Fluorite crystal. Any color will do. Pick the one that resonates with you. Place it on your 6th Chakra or the Violet Ray. Hold for 30-60 seconds while you breathe in and out deeply and naturally. Sometimes imagining that you are a hot air balloon becoming untethered assists in this process. For those that are sensitive to energy, you may feel a popping or a letting go or an unplugging feeling. You may feel vulnerable. This is a good time to call the team in to assist you. Ask them to fill these holes with Love and Light and patch the holes so that your energy field is restored to integrity. They will do this and as you seek more positive interactions you will then begin to fill these holes with Joy, Love and Light. An infusion of these energies is the way to strengthen the energy field and deprogram and proclivities that may have become habitual that no longer serve you.
Yarrow flower essence is also an Earth based helper. Take 2-7 drops under the tongue before beginning decording and afterwords. Yarrow balances and strengthens the aura. It also is used to shield and create boundaries. Yarrow when combined with Rock Rose, Rose and/or Oak flower essences creates a healing environment energetically for the individual. It is a very effective combination. This combination also is very helpful when doing personal work or facing challenging situations.
The essential oils of Frankincense, Myrrh, Rose, Hyssop, and/or Sandalwood *or* The Eden oil. are very effective for restoring integrity to the subtle bodies, aura, and physical body. To use choose 3 that resonate with you. It is best to use only 3 essential oils at a time or One blend at a time No more than that. Essential oils are extremely potent! It is imperative to only use high quality essential oils that are steam distilled! Some Essential Oil Brands that I have personally used are: Aura Cacia, Young Living, Now Foods and Angel Gate Creations (The Eden Oil only for the strengthening of the aura. Follow the process outlined by Angel Gate Creations).
To use the Essential oils the oil must be diluted.
1 Drop of essential oil to 1 tablespoon of carrier oil (apricot, olive, coconut,soybean, safflower,and in a pinch corn oil).
Note: For the Root Chakra the base of the spine is usually the spot in which to place a drop of diluted oil.
Dilute all pure essential oils in a carrier oil except oil blends which are already diluted!
Frankinsense and Myhrr and Rose Essential oil: Place on the third eye, on the temples of the forehead, the bones behind the ears on the head, the back of the head where the spine meets the head and on the Heart Chakra.
Sandalwood oil: On the 3 lower chakras, Heart Chakra and Third Eye.
Hyssop: Use very sparingly and combined with 1 or 3 of the following Essential oils: Sandalwood, Rose, Frankinsence and/or Myrrh. Place one drop diluted on the 3 lower chakras, the Heart and the 3rd Eye.
Eden Oil: Follow Process as outlined by Angel Gate Creations
The Essential oils work to open the HEART and Mind and at the same time the oils will raise your vibration so you are no longer a "match" for that which has corded to you. This effectively decordes you rapidly. Remember it is by the choices you make whether or not you remain unmatched for that which seeks to cord to you. What this means is one must change the emotional/physical/mental habits one has in order for true healing to occur. Any helper is just that--- helping you in your making a choice and working toward personal sovientry. Then the oils will continue on to strengthen your aura and Restore Subtle Body integrity. The oils will also work on clearing out negative energies stored within your cellular memories, mind complex and/or within your energy systems (I call these clingons).
EFT is also effective in decording an individual. To learn more about this click here
With any of these methods (which are only methods that I am very familiar with) be prepared to embark on a personal work and healing journey. Consider it an adventure.