The Dance of Shadow and Light

Hey beautiful friends,
I do a 90-minute Bikram yoga session once a month. In the intense heat and challenging poses of these sessions, I often have powerful realizations. I think you'll enjoy the amazing inspirations I had around shadow work during today's session, which I've written up below. Much of this came as a result of pondering over the intense and disturbing experiences of a mind control insider which I posted online at I welcome your comments and invite you to become a shadow dancer, too.
With lots of love, joy, and excitement,
Bikram class May 17, 2010
Another amazing Bikram yoga session! I did a sleep fast last night, so that may have intensified this session. I went in with two intentions. One was to explore the Satanic forces in life and what I can do about this. The other was to explore more my powerful and amazing connection with Zora. And wow!!! I got some deep, rich answers to both!
I saw clearly that the Satanic forces are part of a vast field of repressed energy that vibrates largely unseen beneath the surface of the energy field of the collective consciousness in our world. So many people individually have suppressed and not wanted to look at their own shadow here that it has ended up giving great power to the largely unmonitored and unchecked collective shadow of our world. This conscious denial and repression of the shadow over the centuries has caused it to become very separate and hidden from the consensus reality created by the vast majority of people on our planet. Thus all of the craziness that I and a few others have uncovered in our research.
Due to this polarization of light and shadow, the shadow realms here have grown and manifested in a wide variety of strange and scary forms, from the wide variety of secret societies all the way up to Satanism where bad is good and good is bad, and all values are turned upside down. Yet still very few are even aware or want to know about all this.
I was thrilled in this exploration to find that I could easily dive into this unconscious energy field and connect with the beings there. I saw that these shadow forces are merely repressed expressions of the divine which want to explore existence and to play and have fun, too. It's just that because of the way they have been cut off from the greater conscious part of the collective, their vision of play and fun has become quite distorted -- extremely distorted and at times even violently destructive.
Diving into this collective shadow during the Bikram session, I found I could establish a clear connection with all of these shadow energies and beings. As they could see that I value the shadow energies as an expression of the divine, and that I don't judge any of them individually as beings, I was welcomed into their field. I even saw how I can invite them to have more fun by playing consciously and exploring other ways of connecting which include both shadow and light.
I did make clear to them my boundaries around only supporting what is best for all. I communicated that I would do my best to stop any violent or clearly destructive behavior. Yet I showed them that I very much welcomed connecting with them within these boundaries, and I was thrilled about creating new and exciting possibilities for them and for those in other realms who are beginning to awaken to expanded awareness of the value of both the light and shadow.
Many of these shadow forces have consciously repressed their own light, and thus lost some of the rich spectrum available for playing and exploring in this cosmic drama. They saw how I am having so much fun playing full out in the realms of both light and shadow and were interested in learning how to do that. I communicated to them that I suspected they were somehow a polarized reflection of the repressed side of the people they hated, and vice versa.
The old paradigm polarization of light and shadow is gradually shifting as increasing numbers of people on our planet open both to the personal and to the collective shadow. When we both individually and collectively welcome the shadow as a long lost friend and potent teacher, it becomes less distorted and separate from the collective consciousness of this world. The shadow is now increasingly integrating with the light in a beautiful dance. I want to invite all who are interested to join in the fun and meaningful explorations available when we have the courage to learn to dance with the shadows both within ourselves and in the collective.
I then saw an amazing connection with Zora in all of this. Zora is a shadow dancer. In the last two years, she has been willing to dive deep into her own shadows -- particularly in her intense journey work with mushrooms -- and come out shining and vibrating in an exciting new and transformed state. She is much less afraid of and more comfortable with the shadow realms than most people. I sense that she and I can be powerful shadow dancers inviting people to see the power and joy of dancing with the shadows, and also inviting the shadow energies to dance, to play, and to transform with us. As we gradually integrate the many different aspects of ourselves, we can invite ever growing numbers of people to join in the incredibly rich dance of shadow and light. Wild stuff!!!
ksaulino's picture

Where do we sign up?  :)  

(I have to admit I'm a little scared, but I'm ready to help in whatever way I can be of service.)  

Wendy's picture

Thanks Fred-

I think it is so important to not turn away from the dark side - half the truth simply is not the truth - I can't see how I can make sense of the whole by only looking here and there where it's comfortable.

At church recently I found out that our church government is kind of run like an oligharchy - not a great thing for a Unitarian Universalist church that should pride itself on liberal thought. It just seems to be a natural tendancy of people to try and minimize any problems that go on like this - no one wants to confront the moral implications that even if they try to let different people into new positions once in a while - it's not the same as having a true democracy. And when there are traditions involved sometimes someone has to be the heavy and push people to look at what they'd rather not. That's a position I've put myself in lately - not fun but without it we would never grow.



fredburks's picture

Hi Kathleen,

You are already in full service here. Remember that in some mysterious way everything outside of ourselves is a reflection of everything inside, and vice versa. When you really get this, even Satanic powers become much less frightening. By choosing to bring awareness and consciousness to all parts of ourselves and all parts of our world, we are transforming and inviting an ever more harmonious dance of creation. You take care.

With much love and joy,

fredburks's picture

Yes, Wendy! I so appreciate your desire to look at everything. This allows us to come to consciousness of everything around us, and vice versa. Thanks for helping to transform our world.

With sacred love and gratitude,

Berry's picture

After reading your post, Fred, I couldn't help but remember the very core intent of the Ra's messages in the Law of One material, that being that All Is One.  When they discussed the distortion of Light into two divergent choices between those who chose, in free will, light, and service to others and those who choose the darker side of service to self, they affirmed that the Creator was sending love to both as each in their own way were seeking eventual Oneness with All That Is and were manifestations of the Source.  They said that it was a challenge to those who were in the STS side that it would take much greater effort to move through the ascending densities as they were required to demonstrate a more heavy percentage of STS inclinations to ascend than those who were inclined toward the choice of Service to Others.  For a service to others inclined being, it only requires a 51% polarity toward STO in order to ascend.  For those of the STS inclination, it requires 90% effort, if I remember properly.  In other words for the dark, the shadow prone beings to progress/evolve spiritually they have to really put every effort into the process.  Unfortunately most of them do not even know about this, so they spend a great many incarnations in the process and often chose between carnations to switch sides. 

In any case when they eventually get to sixth density those shadow prone entities are then in the realization that in order to reach the Creator through density 7 and into density 8 they find that the Service to Others pathway is the only way to proceed from there. There is no longer a choice of STS and STO beyond Density 6.

That being said, we who consider ourselves light workers or Service to Others inclined spiritual beings must look at  our selves and realize that at the same time that we are exhibiting the 51%  (or better) light in our actions and intentions, there is also that 49% side which is very self serving and filled with that service to self momentum.  It is that primative part of our deeper side which is the primordial survival instinct side of our being which will do anything to serve our own well being and increase our own benefit no matter what. That is the part of our self which you Fred, have suggested that we become acquainted with, fall in love with and dance with.  I agree.  If we as service to other beings, seeking to unite with the Source of All That Is, and manifesting all of the qualities of the Creator as holographic duplications of It, cannot express unconditional love for our Shadow Side, as Source does, then we are not truly "loving ourselves" and therefore cannot truly love and serve others.

Thank you dear Fred for posting that enlightening blog.

Love and Light to you and all


fredburks's picture

Thanks for those beautiful comments, Berry. I have found the distinction of service to self (STS) and service to others (STO) to be very useful, yet as you said we all have both within us.

I've also seen that excessive STO can be just as harmful as excessive STS. When a person is so caught up in servicing others that they always sacrifice themselves forget about and don't take care of their own needs, this often creates more harm than good.

In embracing my own shadow side, I have chosen the path of service to all (STA), which includes both STS and STO and in a way transcends this dichotomy. I will do my best to choose what's best for all, including myself. You take care and enjoy the day!

With abundant love and joy,

Brian's picture

 I heard a talk tonight about a man who devoted himself to helping other people his whole adult life. Even the speaker telling this story had done the same thing-he'd given up his selfish, materialistic life. So I realized that I'm not living by my values and I'm scared that I don't have it in me to do so. I seem to have always felt that the highest ideal for a man or woman, is to sacrifice your selfish desires and devote your whole life to other people in need. But I don't come anywhere close. I never have. I may have to accept that I'm just not strong enough. If that's what I do, that's a bitter pill and I doubt I'll have much appetite for living. But I'm damned if I can think what else to do to motivate myself to change.

Bob07's picture


You know, I think we do ourselves unwarranted, if low-level, violence by setting up ideals and either-or scenarios about how we should live.  Some people choose, for whatever reasons (karmic or conditioned)  to give up their own private lives, so to speak, and serve others.  The religious history is full of stories of these wonderful people.  But it would be doing violence to ourselves to demand that of ourselves if it wasn't our path.  For all of the renunciates (spelling?) who have followed this path, there are legions of others who have served by just quietly living their own lives, fulfilling their responsibilites and attending to their life's patterns, but helping wherever they could -- however "imperfectly".  In Buddhism, for example, there are the stories of lay practitioners, both prominent and humble, who led full, involved lives in the world.  Vimilakirti was one such person, very wealthy, and highly respected by the Buddha himself.  In one lay tradition (the Gurdjieff Work) it's said: "Give others what they want, if it doesn't harm you."  And of course, there's the Golden Rule in its many forms: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  or "At the least, do no harm."  And that plugs into any lifestyle.  But to do it, of course, we have to be aware and willing.  Awareness finds, in situations that just come up in the course of life, opportunities to serve.  And helping in this way might well be barely noticed -- a kind word, a smile, a silent wish for someone's wellbeing.  But that doesn't mean that we can't do for ourselves and partake of life however we wish (without intentionally hurting anyone).  And it doesn't mean that we're going to be lay saints all the time.  That's my take, anyhow.  Let's give ourselves a break and relax.  There's lots of room for all styles and degrees of helping.

fredburks's picture

I very much resonate with you words, Bob. If in serving others we continually sacrifice ourselves, I don't see how that serves all. Some time off for an overly exhausted mother may seem selfish, but it may be the best thing for both her and her family. This is why I choose service to all above service to others. All includes me. And it transcends the polarized concepts of STS and STO. Enjoy!

With lots of love and warm wishes,

I Bless your Heart with Love, Brian.  Sometimes when you feel off or uncomfortable it is simply your Soul nudging you toward Loving or Forgiving yourSelf first and then others. 

A life lived with Joy and Love need not be one of austerity.  A Life lived with Joy and Love can be with all the stuff that you enjoy... material stuff that is...

I really love my house and all its furniture.  I gain great enjoyment from interacting with my stuff.  I do take care when selecting my stuff as well.  The selection of stuff can be an act of compassion.  This is my take on it.

I choose stuff that is made in as close to harmony with the Earth and other people.  Sometimes this means purchasing stuff from a thrift store or purchasing regionally made products... It is journey and Joy selecting this stuff.  One that I enjoy. 

When I am done with my stuff, I donate it to a mission/charity or I freecycle my stuff.  A lot of my stuff has come from

Renouncing your Stuff when you enjoy your stuff out of guilt or an attempt to emulate a hero leads to despair.  If it feels like war then it is war...a  war on yourSelf.  This is a path that will cultivate more war and self despair.

A place of Peace comes from embracing that which brings you joy.  If you feel joy when you interact with your stuff then do more of this... 

Compassion toward yourSelf is the first step in cultivating a more harmonious life.  It does not mean you have to live a life of poverty to cultivate compassion... although too much stuff does take a lot of energy to maintain... so it is the balance between stuff and no-stuff that is where the peace of living resides.

Helping others need not be a sacrifice and an action of suffering.  For some the martyr is the way to go... and for others not so much.   I prefer being embodied thus after much wandering and attempting to emulate my heroes I discovered that martyrdom is a syndrom of war against self... It was at that moment of understanding that I discovered the joy of Compassion for all including mySelf.  For without caring for the Self one can not care for others.

Many awakening healers find that they are following the path of martyrdom and it feels off to them.. they always feel as if they "have to do more" and "have to give up more" and "have to renounce more"

The "more doing" is an endless spiral of guilt and despair... it leads to a place that is very far from Compassion to All.

Being on the other hand is Expansive.  For Being expands just as Love Expands.  There is not end to its heights and Joys that Being creates.  Being is akin to living in harmony with Self and Others.  It means to be compassionate and loving and joyful.  When one is in this space anything is possible and it radiates outward filling others with the same joy... guiding you to seek and be the wonderful you that you already are.



ChrisBowers's picture

That was actually 95% for STS path Berry, as per Law of One data.  In essence, almost 100% pure toward thinking of nothing but one's own wishes.  There is an amazing amount of integrity and diligent consistency to such a path.  I sometimes wonder if it is less for STO due to the "doubling principle" of power in numbers.  I think there must be something to that.

Oh, and from what Hidden Hand (professing to be well acquainted with the L of O material) said in that amazing Q&A session, those taking the dark path of truly believing they are autonomous and separate from Source get stuck in 4th density negative, and can progress no further unless there is a realization of connection with Source and Oneness.  Apparently the heavy delusion creates limits on frequency evolution.

What I really loved about that Hidden Hand interview (posted here a while back) was the explanation of Lucifer's role in all of this (Hidden Hand claiming to be from the Lucifer 6th density social memory complex), that Lucifer had been asked to play the role of polarization-inducing adversary to spur on spiritual evolution of humankind on this planet, as per request of Yahweh, who realized he had created a fine paradise on this planet, but they/we were sort of "stuck" in a paradise that did not engender spiritual evolution.

And then the part about Lucifer taking the assignment, knowing full well that He/She/It would have to pay all of the karmic dues after serving to be that shadow side catalyst for spurring on the spiritual evolution of a stuck humanoid species.  When you see this benevolent use of the STS path for the sake of others found stuck in their evolutionary path, well STO takes on a whole new and much richer meaning, including STS.  No wonder it is so damned difficult to judge "others" correctly!

Suddenly everything made sense to me, that even those we had been told are so called "evil", are actually from the very evolved STO camp which dominates the Cosmos.  Prior to this assignment Lucifer had been taking STO assignments all over Creation, but nothing like this to date, an assignment that would cause them/he/she/it to be stuck in the astral planes of Gaia for millions of years, and then have to spend the appropriate amount of time in 4th density negative to balance the karmic books (and I thought I was having a bad day, LOL).

When Hidden Hand spoke of Lucifer's displeasure of being stuck in the astral planes quarantine of this planet it instantly reminded me of that passage in the bible (there are still a few disparate, yet very revealing passages in it) where it calls Lucifer "the prince of the power of the air".  And CS Lewis' trilogy series (Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength) has Lucifer trapped in the astral earth planes until Lucifer is able to piggyback out of here with the people traveling to Perelandra.  Very fun reading...

How refreshing it was to find that the so called "devil" or "satan" of the somewhat misleading and purposefully incomplete bible is actually one of nature's most supreme examples of divinely impeccable STO inclination, and that the actual percentage of actual STS inclination is extremely small in relation to this very STO-dominated cosmic construct (if I am to believe the testimony of others that have resonated so strongly with my own natural inclination of present understanding).

When it comes to this kind of esoteric information there is always that very real chance of the source being completely full of crap, but that Hidden Hand interview resonated very strongly with me while shining a very resonating light on many sources I have come to resonate strongly with prior to reading that particular enlightening Q&A session.  Sublime synchronicity comes to mind again...  And we have to go with what resonates with our hearts and minds in a realm dominated by the phenomenon of such overwhelming 5 senses illusory data.

YouTube - Dialogue with Hidden Hand, Self Proclaimed Illuminati, 2012 Harvest | Part 1

| Illuminati News | Dialogue with "Hidden Hand", Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider


LLP, Chris

Wendy's picture

Thanks Chris, what a great perspective on the reason for evil. That was really helpful.

I hope I'm not overdoing it because many have already given great advice to Brian but my 2 cents is that your message about failure, actually was a very couragous, loving, honest act. Aleady you are moving in the right direction. I look at it as I would training for a marathon. One would never expect to do this without training. Every step in the right direction, every moment that I overcome fear to act out in love, strengthens me to have more courage the next time. I continue to focus on service to all, knowing full well that there are areas in my life where so far I have failed miserably. That doesn't keep me from trying to continue to push the envelope because there are always small sucesses here and there that give me more strength the next time I am called. Please don't give up, just because there's a long steep hill up ahead. Anyone can conquer anything, one step at a time.


Brian's picture

 Thanks to all for these wonderful thoughts you shared. I can tell you've been there too. I'm pretty chilled now.

I've felt, thought or lived many of these ideas or attitudes etc that you all expressed as alternatives to my complaint. Fred's simple solution is to stick with the intention of being of service to all including one's self. It is so realistic and healthy. That idea affects my life a lot now. Fred, I guess your post about STO excess went in one ear and out the other!LOL. But you seem to have a dream state you can move into at will for insight and to engage with your own energies(I don't know how to express this). It takes courage to reveal your internal work like that so I want you to know it allows me to try trusting myself to speak and listen internally in my own way. For me it's learning to trust in a feeling way of knowing-not a thinking way.
 I have missed my grandparents (mom's side) very much since they passed away and I have been thinking of how they used to inspire me and make me feel whole and loved.   I decided to ask for my grandparents help recently and I felt their presence and listened to my grandfather's gentle advice on coping with my situation. It is very helpful to have this new dimension in my life.

 Good post Fred.

Berry's picture

Brian said,

" For me it's learning to trust in a feeling way of knowing-not a thinking way."

Brian, that is exactly what you should be doing,,, listening to your higher Self, that part of you which is very aware of who, what and where you are spiritually.   When your higher self, call it what you will speaks to you through your feelings (translate Heart) and you Know that that is the right path then by all means follow it. 

As for serveri to others, the others above have completely opened the book on it.  It is always loving self and then loving others as yourself, as the Christ Jesus himself said. We are all One.  The object is not to love self to the total exculsion of others.




fredburks's picture

How beautiful that you are now opening to connecting energetically with your grandparents, Brian. I have no doubt that they are thrilled you are doing this and they are doing all they can to remind you that you are loved and supported. And by the comments of other on our team here, I hope you can feel that you are very loved and supported here, too.

Thanks for your warm words to me, too. There aren't many people with whom I can share my internal process, so thanks to you and to all here for providing a space where I feel inspired to share the deeper parts of myself. Take care and have a beautiful week ahead.

With lots of love, joy, and gratitude,

ChrisBowers's picture

Berry, here is that quote about the Orion Empire Group being stuck in 4th density negative.

ATS: "Do the Orion/occultist groups specifically target civilizations before they become a social memory complex."

HH: "Yes, but that does not make them immune to targeting others too, if they allow any chinks to appear in their armour. In short, the Orion Empire are 4th Density Negative. They are "lost" in the sense that they have drifted so far from their true nature, that despite many attempts, we have been unable to reach them, and help them to develop. They exist within their Group Soul Complex, mostly as a group of discarnate entities, within the Astral Planes of the planets they visit. They have no intention of 'returning Home', and instead seek to feed off of Negative Energy, to keep themselves going, as they are disconnected from their inherent natural Life-Force, by refusing to abide by the Infinite Creator's Incarnational Principles."

"The time we spend between lives in time/space, is intended to restore our Soul Energy from within, in order to continue our upward progression. They are essentially 'imprisoned' within the 4th Density Negative cycle, as there is no Negative Harvest beyond the 4th Density. So they spend their time traveling the Galaxy, basically 'using the dark side of the Force' (Negativity) to achieve their means. They will eventually be brought back before the One Infinite Creator, and dissolved back into the Intelligent infinity (Source of All), though they are being given every chance for as long as possible, to learn the error of their ways, and return to seeking the Positive, and to begin their journey back Home. The main trouble is, they do not want to go Home. They see themselves as being 'gods', and do not intend to submit to the authority of The One."

and for good measure, this one is simply Priceless,

ATS: A common saying among Christians is "Satan's greatest trick is convincing the world that he didn't exist." I think there are Christians that would look at what you've written and see it as an elaborate ruse to "make the devil look good."

HH: "Satan" is a human invention. Simply the 'personification' you have given to all the Negativity that has existed on this beautiful planet. You didn't know who to 'blame', and as you could not find it within yourselves to take any of the responsibility, "Satan" was created to absolve yourselves.

and in closing of HH quote ad nauseum spell,

ATS: Thank you for posting some of the most interesting information I have ever read. I am a bit of a crackpot and I scour the internet for conspiracies, alternative news, UFO videos and the like. I can't say I'm ready to completely buy what you're selling, but it has definitely resonated with me.

HH: You are welcome, and I in turn thank you, for reading it with an open mind.  I would never ask or expect you to 'buy' what I'm 'selling' If you notice, I have stated throughout our message, that the very last thing I want, is for it to be blindly believed, or taken as 'gospel'.

As I've said. It is yet another in a long line of "Catalysts", that your Infinite Creator has provided you with, down the course of history. A Catalyst is not meant to be believed. It is meant to present you with a challenge to that which you "think" you know, about reality. And that is all it is meant to do.

As always, how you respond to the Catalyst, is entirely up to you. Just the way it always should be.

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