Hi my friends,
I have a friend who works for the EPA. I think of him as a special friend though it is only a casual friendship. He rides my commuter bus. But he loves to fish and hunt (I don't hunt). However he is a very open and honest and evokes high vibrational energy as an individual whom I trust. I inquired of him today about an EPA response to the Gulf oil spill, which in a nutshell indicated that there was no troublesome levels of pollutants in the air or water around the gulf due to the spill. I am going to quote what he has perhaps been obviously instructed to share. I know that he is not able to make his own thoughts known as he was communicating on the EPA email system.
This was my initial email inquiry to him:
I ran across an article and an internet publication by the EPA regarding the BP oil spill. I wanted your thoughts on what was offered. It seems to me that somebody is covering up something. Here is the link to the EPA response.
How can water and air quality be in an acceptable state when all of that sludge is filling such a tremendous amount of the Gulf? There have been reports of those workers who are attempting to clean up the shorelines and gather the floating oil getting seriously ill from the fumes and contact with the sludge.
I wish I had a personal email address for you as I hope my inquiry doesn't cause you problems.
My friend responded quite quickly as follows:
Hey, Dude!
Yes, we haven't crossed paths in awhile. All's well, as far as I can tell - but I'm always the last one to know anything in my house......
As far as the BP spill, i don't think there's any intentional cover up. As this s is shaping up to be the worst environmental disaster in US history, we are just now learning how to monitor it and coordinate federal/state/industry response. Apparently, this scenario was never considered by either industry or the regulatory agencies. High tech problems require high tech solutions - and the technology is developing. Its' proving to be not only stupid, but also very tragic. In addition to environmental damages, coastal economies are going to suffer for many years.
As far as air and water quality, there's a lot of "wiggle room" with the language used. How do you want to define "harmful"? I had lunch with a good friend who just spent over two weeks out there monitoring subsurface plumes. There's a very strong odor everywhere, as the volatile components evaporate, and there were no fish or birds in sight.
Oil is toxic stuff. The reports of sick workers are probably true, but did they wear protective clothing, and follow safety rules? I don't know. We all want an immediate solution to this spill, but so far there isn't any - either in containment or treatment.
I don't think our website says that the air and water conditions are "acceptable". Nobody can reasonably think that, and the EPA surely doesn't consider that to be the case. But nobody has figured out how to contain and treat this massive volume of oil, over a huge area and volume of water. All we're doing now is sampling to keep track of the pollution. The only good thing about the scenario is that the weather has been incredibly calm.
Feel free to send messages to my private email at xxxxxxxxxxx I only look at my emails at home once per week, or a few nites per week, tho.
The EPA doesn't put a cap on our correspondence, but since the litigation over this mess is expected to be huge and complicated, all emails regarding the spill are considered as official agency court records. I just don't wanna mess with that. Plus, I am definitely NOT an expert on this subject, nor am I directly involved with our response. There should be an opportunity on our website to ask specific questions to our experts.
Take care
I think that my friend has been as open and honest about this situation as he is able to be. I am interested in hearing what our President has to say Tuesday night about this crisis.
Continue sending prayers and intentions that this crisis will end up with the highest and greatest resolution for good, one way or another. I trust that our Creator knows and indends that all things work for the eventual good.
Love and Light to all.
The EPA link I refered to didn't copy over.
Here it is so you can read for yourself.