Vibrational Levels


We reach a high vibrational level when we are whole, healthy, and fulfilling our potential.

All matter is made up of energy, and that energy is in motion continually. Everything in the universe, from the smallest molecules to the most complex living beings, has an optimal rate of vibration to keep it healthy. We reach this high vibrational level when we are whole, healthy, and fulfilling our potential. Human beings are able to consciously control these vibrations within themselves using a variety of techniques. We know when we have reached a high vibrational state because we feel good and can sense that we are aligned with all that is. We find we are capable of healing and have good intuition and perception that are a result of our resonating closer and closer to our ideal frequencies.

Thoughts, emotions, intentions, choices, and actions contribute to our vibrational state, as do the environments we inhabit. Affirmative activities that leave us feeling joyous, appreciative, loving, and peaceful raise our vibration. Constructive, creative, and expansive thoughts do the same. When we cultivate habits that contribute to our physical health and strength, our vibration is likewise raised. Certain mantra meditations, breathing exercises, and chants are designed to increase vibration. But simply practicing gratitude and forgiveness, surrounding ourselves with loving high-vibration people, eating whole foods, and spending time in nature can also help us transcend our current vibrational limitations.

When your desire for change is strong enough, you will find yourself gravitating toward what can help you achieve and maintain a high vibrational state. A positive outlook will then become the most important tool you possess, and this outlook will sustain you when the path leading toward transformation is wide and winding. As you evolve, your vibrational frequency will also evolve, aiding you in the creation of an even higher reality. Consciously and unconsciously, you will attract auspicious circumstances and positive people that will help you continue exploring the scope of your higher self until you move beyond the earthly plane.

Daily Om...

Brian's picture

Hi UKFan ,

Your post is very positive and in all your posts you clearly express a spirit to help others with your words. I have been thinking a lot about words and one of them is vibration. (Keep in mind here I am not singling you out for criticism it's just a word thing that's on my mind at the moment).

 I have been hearing this term vibration used (and not just here-many places)to describe something but I don't understand what it is alluding to. Or rather I don't understand what people mean to communicate by saying 'vibration'.

 Try rereading the post but substituting the words "positive energy" or "positive feeling" in place of vibration.

My paltry understanding of science comes from reading and schooling but also from being a musician and my work with technology. Sometimes people say you 'have to raise your vibrational level' but in nature sometimes that's how you destroy something. In fact, sometimes a slower vibration is appropriate for a calm state or quiescence. Everything has a natural note that it vibrates to and you don't get there by adding energy and moving "it" to a different note. Like the Earth vibrates at a very low d note. So I don't understand exactly where this idea came from of higher vibration being appropriate. It seems to have a loose association to other things relating to brainwaves, sounds we like/dislike, and ideas about light frequencies. Heaven is up-Hell is down...high is good, low is bad.

I would argue it is more accurate to work to bring things into their natural calm state. Not too hot-  not too cold. The deepest levels of consciousness reached through meditation are reached through a calmness-through quiet. Is it the actual frequency of brainwaves when in an 'optimal' mental state? Is there a change in body vibrations too then?

I don't really know much about this whole subject but on the other hand I don't understand the word as it is being used here. I'm just looking for accuracy. My reason for looking for accuracy is because this community is at the cutting edge of humanities(and Fred's) effort to transform the planet-I'm not kidding. Look around you. Your friends and you here at the G-Spot are the people who are doing it for real. We have an important role to play if we want it and I don't love wasting time mis-communicating-no matter how innocent or well-intentioned. We are exceedingly short on time to avert ecological collapse. I'm not nitpicking to hurt someone's feelings or something. Peace- Brian

Berry's picture


Your question regarding higher vibrations is a very thoughfull question.  It indicates a desire to understand what is being discussed.  Vibration, or alternately frequency, is the description emotionally and spiritually of the level of being.  Lets speak initially of emotions.  Low vibrational emotions are those like fear, hatred, anger, revenge, jealosy, etc.  The "psychic" vibration set up by these emotions is very low and they tend to drag a persons whole outlook into a negative "vibration". On the other hand, joy, peace, comfort, Love, ecstacy are high frequency emotions, and they lift the persons spirit up to a much higher frequency.  That is one and an important factor of vibration. 

You are familiar obviously with the frequency/vibration of sound, not just music. low, discordant frequencies can cause a lowering of emotional vibration and similarly higher melodic and harmonic vibrations can instill the emotion of the higher frequencies. 

Light also works on the priciples of vibration, or frequency, red being at the low end of the visible light spectrum and purple at the high end of the spectrum of visiblitiy.  You have no doubt read that the color/light red stimulates an angry or dicordant emotion in the one exposed to it, where blue and purple  on the other end of the spectrum instill the feeling of peace and joy.

You have no doubt often heard that we in this existance are in the 3rd Density.  This is equivalent to what would be the orange color in the spectrum and frequency level, still in the lower half of the spectrum of vibrations. The shift that is spoken of as coming in the next period of time is projected to raise the general frequency of existance to the 4th or some say 5th density. Considerably higher than where we are. The fouth density corresponds to the color green and to the heart Chakra which is the first Chakra which is oriented to Service to Others rather than service to self.  This is part of the whole concept of spiritual evolution, moving from a lower sts vibration to the higher service to others vibration. 

Abraham/Hicks'  books, David Wilcock's essays both discuss vibrations/frequency in depth. Do some research on this concept and you will find much written to delve deeper into the subject. I hope that my simple examples have helped though.

Love and Light,




Brian's picture

 You said "You are familiar obviously with the frequency/vibration of sound, not just music. low, discordant frequencies can cause a lowering of emotional vibration and similarly higher melodic and harmonic vibrations can instill the emotion of the higher frequencies".   

I have two responses:
First, a low sound or radio frequency or vibration of plant leaf or any other portion of different bands within the Electro-magnetic spectrum are not inherently discordant. They are simply lower on the band of arbitrarily selected frequencies.  In my personal experience I have had numerous occasions where my own discordant state influenced or had effects on other things. Like I once actually burned out a lightbulb while having one of the most terrible emotional moments of my life. I was alone when this happened. Many, many times when I was experiencing inner conflict while working on electronics the equip would fail to function in a normal or even predictable way. I would take a break and the gear would resume a predictable operation. My inner experience was of  discord-or a distortion of something in my thoughts. Like the discord you hear when you hit two notes too close together on a piano there is a weird 3rd note generated by their disharmony. Or you can produce a distortion of sound by playing something too loud (usually known as clipping if it involves an amplifier). It is a disharmony of two incompatible thoughts that produce discord in my mind.

You may be right about low v.s. high frequencies but I think they're fine.

 Low-end Red frequencies of light (infrared) are used by astronomers to pierce thru all the visual clutter between us and the galactic center to see the objects rotating around the center-which is how they found a super sized black hole there. Ultra-violet light(blue and at the high end of light) burns your skin and is used to kill bacteria in your basement water purifier.

 I still haven't heard a convincing argument as to high is better, low is bad. Just analogies. And I don't think there's something wrong with analogies per se, I'm just interested if there is a real phenomena here that someone has proven or at least is there an internal experience common among many people that is experienced as true.
So far, I hear it as a tool for speaking about a subject we're trying to find the right words for.

Hey Brian,

I love vibration...and resonance and the science in them.....

All things vibrate, and just to add, all things are magnetic.....including light......and they are the only two things I know constant to all in this reality.....

If you look at a guitar you will notice that the strings get thinner as they go down....the thickest, heaviest string has the deepest sound....things that are heavier vibrate slower and have a longer sound wave...the lowest we can hear is about 20 hertz..or is it kilo hertz?....but yeah it has a sound wave about 20 meters long.....60/70 odd feet...imagine a blanket and you want to send a wave down the blanket, it would need to be 70 feet long to match the sound wave of a low bass note and require lots of force, it's hard to do it really fast.........a very high sound will have a very short amplitude...down to millimeters......imagine some small little thing, a bee buzzing it's wings....super fast making for a very high frequency/ imagine a huge pelican.....totally different frequency being produced from the wings....a lower viration.....a simple example....if your muscles are tight and tense....they are not free to "vibrate" and you lower your vibration....


Resonance is where it gets really interesting....have you ever been playing loud music and noticed a glass or a book on a shelf that started vibrating? the old days they used to tune piano's with a tuning type you would just hold it and then play a ?..C note on the piano...if the fork was tuned to C and the note played was in tune, magically the tuning fork will start vibrating....

Everything vibrates and everything has a "resonant" frequency.....a frequency that can magically pick up or connect to another matching frequency, even over great distances....Tesla was able to use this principle to transmit energy over great distances..

I don't understand Chris's machine he has built exactly but I have seen similar things and they were working on see as everything resonates you can find the "resonant frequency" of say a tuma in your body and then attack it leaving everything else unaffected....

I hope I have wetted your appetite some research ...sound/vibration/frequency/resonance....the coolest shit, a/the real building block of reality......I see them everywhere these days...high speed broadband.....higher frequency sound waves give more peaks to count, more yes/no 1/0 or more info.....did you ever wonder how we went from a slow modem to a high speed internet all down the same wire?.....very basically thats how, higher vibration.....





Hey Brian,

I typed more below but I would like to also reply to your comments above.

I don't see the good/bad thing.....imagine it like a rainbow and calling one end good and the other bad.....thats silly.....

High is not better....but it can do different things, essentially, more per my most basic broadband thing it can do is hold more data/info....

The highest frequency is "god" and that is us at our highest self....that frequency has to much "info" to be processed at this lower level....we are to "heavy" and slowed by time....I think time and space are formed by "low" vibration, thats why we have fragmented ourselves, to be slow enough and ignorant enough to find our own "self"......

We chose to seperate ourselves, through fragmenting and seperating we are able to be here now as these limited beings and ?....I think that just scares the shit out of requires you to "take a punt"..."see what your made of".........and thats the Coyote's joke, he laughs.....Ha Ha I know you don't know and I'm not gonna tell ya cause I want to see what YOU will do!.....and you can bitch about it all you like but again you will find nothing but the coyote for your efforts.....I think his point is to just get out there and live....there is nothing wrong with being this "low" and I think the reality might be that we are very honored and fortunate to have been able to do it....

......the most succesful lives seem to be from people who just live....the trick really is to just be yourself.....follow your heart.....ACCEPT yourself......the good the bad and the ugly of it...Lol...

Use all ya got, and see all you can.....we have never left that higher place, there is no-thing to fear...our fragmented time here will be over soon enough, you me we, are were and always will be, enjoy the ride and play the can't actually lose...hehehehe....



Brian's picture

Hi Jez!

Yup-I know about resonance, standing waves, piano tuning, sympathetic vibrations, feedback, harmonics and how overstimulating a microbe at it's inherent resonant frequency can destroy it(ala Royal Rife).

 Cellular phone radio frequencies have moved to higher bands to be able to handle greater data throughput. But guess what? It takes greater energy to transmit the same distances at those higher frequencies. It's just physics. It also takes enormous amplification of ultra-low bass notes from your car stereo to satisfy people so how much energy a given task requires isn't automatically a direct measure of usefulness because it can come at diff parts of the band(not that you said that-I'm just saying).

I like the coyote's story and your use of this shows your elegant understanding of our "ignorance" of our true nature and inter-connectedness. But why can't that just be explained by saying we are preoccupied most of the time with local issues-with what's in our face? It took Edgar Mitchell going into space to see the Earth as small and his molecules as being born inside a generation of extinct stars to get him to see the connectedness of all there is. Sometimes we get there through  contemplation in meditation. I had an epiphany that came in part(I think-I'm not sure) because at the time I was confronted with the reality of seeing an alien craft with my own eyes and I began thinking with intensity about how/where/how far type questions. My attention to my distracted  existence was happily dragged away into bigger realms and greater possibilities.

"if your muscles are tight and tense....they are not free to "vibrate" and you lower your vibration"  Isn't that dampening the movement of a material and raising the note it vibrates at? I would call that tightening interference and that muscles natural resonant frequency and harmonics are suppressed. And, like a guitar string, it will vibrate at a higher frequency if plucked-tense your arm and punch your bicep-it vibrates(shakes) at a more rapid pace than when loose. So isn't that raising your vibration?

The pelican and bee example I didn't follow but I'd argue a pelican might have a greater awareness of the universe than the bee...

 I believe in some strange things. I believe we can do ANYTHING if we want it bad enough. I don't think it's limited by the electro-magnetic spectrum AT ALL and that alluding to it is only a useful analogy-sort of like sports can be a useful analogy in a discussion of a groups action. That's kinda my point actually. In Brian's world (hah)when we talk about vibration we are overlaying Newtonian physics onto far superior and unlimited "forces" that stand separate from physics as we knew them.
 Lately I've started to believe you can literally create anything happening that you can imagine. If you want it to rain Campbell soup cans-it can. You may have to create a cargo plane having a mid-air collision to satisfy your logical mind, but you can create it. I am seeing people alter weather by intention-I don't think that's because we have tiny electrical currents running around in our bodies affecting clouds, I think it's because we intend it to happen. It's that simple. This is why no matter how dire a situation is, it is possible to create a workaround that get's us out of it. If anyone reading this thinks I'm crazy but you are praying for the Oil spill to be resolved, well....

And I have an open mind about God. Sometimes I know he's real and sometimes I am-oblivious-I guess. God may not exist, but prayer works! I ask for God's help but not always by name exactly.

 "The highest frequency is "god" and that is us at our highest self....that frequency has too much "info" to be processed at this lower level....we are too "heavy" and slowed by time"
  Now that's a powerful analogy OR a powerful statement!! It fits all my internal criteria for why/how we can't fully perceive God without overloading, and it explains how we are "less"(an illusion?) than him and it maybe explains our inability to detect the illusions of time, or to escape the limited realities of existence. Very cool. Very persuasive.

I think of God as a huge surface of soft stuff-like clay or Play-dough. We're just little bumps or nodes in the fabric looking across the surface at one another sort of like people waving to each other from tall buildings and it takes effort to move to the edge and look down to see the ground or the sky.

 Steven Greer said an alien said to him "Behold what beautiful Universe God has created!" or close to that. I hadn't once considered that aliens would believe in God so...that gave them instant credibility with me for some reason. Ever since I read this I've thought of ET's as living their lives in this context.

  "the most successful lives seem to be from people who just live....the trick really is to just be yourself.....follow your heart.....ACCEPT yourself......the good the bad and the ugly of it...Lol...

Use all ya got, and see all you can.....we have never left that higher place, there is no-thing to fear...our fragmented time here will be over soon enough, you me we, are were and always will be, enjoy the ride and play the can't actually lose...hehehehe"

Brother-you should right a book-this is so brilliant it makes my heart ache. It's like you've placed the tuning fork in that sweet spot of yourself and you're ringing away.

Peace and love-Brian

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"