or is he? interesting little video about one man and his solution!
or is he? interesting little video about one man and his solution!
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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
Hi Kristy-
I'm so glad you posted this. I posted a similar video about Richie's island as a response to Chris's Garbage Warrior post but I had the feeling no one ever viewed it.
How's the garden going? We've had a nice warm spell and we're still picking tomatoes, eggplants, beans and scallions. We wouldn't have had tomatoes at all if it hadn't been for this recent warm spell - we didn't get the tomatoe plants in early enough this year. Overall it's been a wonderful year for us - much better than last year when we had a very cold June and too much rain.
your post or I wouldn't have re-posted! i'm just always excited to see what might be done with what some people view as trash~you know...one man's trash being anothers 'treasure' so to speak.
To your gardening question, we had loads of tomatoes a few weeks ago, they are now nicely put up and almost through (I will miss the fresh ones tremendously over the winter). I'll have a few green ones to store but not loads. Beets and blue lake green beans still doing great but frosts getting close this weekend, so I'll harvest as much as I can and cover what we can't. We never did get even one peach. Frowning!
The forecast for saturday is low 30's. Last week it was still in the 90's. Makes me wonder what December will bring. Happy gardening, happy cooking and stay warm Wendy!
virtual hugs, kristyne
The ingenuity some people have, divine genius! Does he have to pay rent on this island/garden or could we all make something like this ;) I might be worried that new ocean cities would shade out the marine plant life, except these structures can be mobile and so allow all the happy flora to live as normal with just a small shift each day.