from: http://paradisebiznews.posterous.com/florida-daytona-beach-wealth-is-right-under-y-0
Are you ready to go "treasure hunting" for Daytona Beach & Florida's abundant wealth? No pirates to fight off, no bottles of rum to gulp down, no deep sea diving experience required!
Nope, you can forego the Dramamine, stay dry, sober, & keep your saber in its sheath because Daytona Beach & Florida's Wealth is as close as the C.A.F.R. located right under our "Google Noses": The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
The C.A.F.R. is indeed like a Treaure Map & Chart...
A reader explained on 1/21/11:
"In case you don’t know, President Eisenhower by Executive Order mandated that all of the various units of government keep a (2nd) set of books now known as the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report = CAFR. These funds are so powerful that China forbids them to invest in China because U.S. governmental units could then distort China’s internal markets if these CAFR funds had access."
Source of above comment:
"States look to bankruptcy to escape debt, pension obligations" - a NYTimes article reposted here:
FLORIDA & All States have CAFRs (as do all cities, counties, school districts, water districts, the Fed, etc.) & CAFR's show the "true" financial condition of cities, counties, states, etc. The truth is not what is sold to the public (no surprise, right?!). Forget Deficits & Budgets. The truth lies in the CAFRs.
All combined, 85,000 city, county, state, federal govt, etc. have a total of $100 TRILLION IN ASSETS & INVESTMENTS as of 2010. - (Walter Burien, CAFR Investigator)
Go here for the STATE OF FLORIDA CAFRs, see lower left column, most recent being 2009 as CAFRs are published at the END of a year vs. the beginning, so 2010's CAFR may not have been produced yet, but they have online the years 1994 thru 2009 as of this writing:
PDF of the 2009 FLA CAFR, 263 pages:
PDF of the 2008 FLA CAFR, 266 pages:
AS FOR THE CITY OF DAYTONA BEACH's CAFRs, Daytona Is Not Broke! Here's Proof...
Have you ever noticed you only hear the words BUDGET & DEFICIT from the media?
A TRUE Financial Statement has an ASSETS column & a LIABILITIES column (sort of like your check register).
Why do we Never hear about the ASSETS column? Ahhh!
For Daytona Beach, go to their official website, the Financial section, tap on Financial Info, & there you can click on the CAFRs & START READING:
City of Daytona Beach CAFRs from 2002 thru 2009:
Now you know why the City keeps spending $$ like there is no tomorrow! They have investments up the wazoo.
The 2010 CAFR will be presented at the upcoming February 2, 2011, Daytona Beach City Commission Meeting:
Request for City Commission Action Page
Heading as displayed on the Agenda:Presentation of Comprehensive Annual Report (pp. 11-13) Item as displayed on the Agenda:In accordance with section 218.39, Florida Statutes, the City’s external auditor, Moore Stephens Lovelace, P.A., has completed their audit of the City’s financial records for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010. A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) has been completed by the Finance Department and an “unqualified opinion” has been issued by Moore Stephens Lovelace, P.A. Moore Stephens Lovelace, P.A. is prepared to present their findings to the City Commission.
Dan O'Keefe, CPA, to present.
Agenda SummaryCity Manager Memo:
Two brave whistleblowers who have exposed CAFRs & their implications ("we" are "rich" compared to what we are told) are:
Colonel Gerald R. Klatt... (What do government entities do with the excess? They INVEST IT to make massive PROFITS for themselves, all the while crying the blues how broke they are, making John & Jane Q. Citizen pay yet MORE taxes). ...& Walter Burien: "Walter Burien - Welcomes you to CAFR1.com - "Collective" Government's True Wealth Exposed! GOVERNMENT OWNS IT "ALL" BY INVESTMENT. Now the Key Question is: Do you own Government? Or, does Government own you?" WHISTLEBLOWERS' WEBSITES: A. Colonel Gerald R. Klatt (now deceased I believe, sadly): The Colonel dissected the 2003 STATE OF FLORIDA CAFR here: Klatt Homepage: Klatt Bio/Credentials: B. Walter Burien (still living but has been harrassed & threatened): Burien Homepage: Burien Bio/Credentials: Links to all States' CAFRs: Burien: Is the Govt. Bankrupt?: Burien Documentary, "The Only Game in Town" - 10-min. trailer: $3 pass to view the full 75-min. documentary: Burien: Conference Lecture 2010: Burien: Articles 2002-2010: Burien: Reply to State Run Banks: Get a Quick CAFR Education: 9-min. Youtube, Walter Burien explains CAFR on 5/27/10: In youtube comments Walter added: ---------
"The Truth About State & Local Governments Having EXCESSES of Your Tax Dollars They Are NOT Using"...
"The link to the March 2008 Bank Derivatives Holdings Report showing JP Morgan's 90 trillion dollar position, Table 1, about 2/3rds down in the report (figures in millions add 6 zeros) is :
http://www.cafr1.com/STATES/US-TreasuryReports/BankDerivativesMarch08.pdf To view the domestic and "international" investment holdings of just one (1) government investment fund, CALSTERS, here is the link:
http://www.cafr1.com/CALSTRS.html "
Definition from Wiki:
Differences between General Budgets and the CAFR:
The primary difference between a budget and the CAFR is that the Budget is a plan for the next period (often year) primarily showing where tax income is applied and the CAFR contains the results of the period (year) with PREVIOUS YEARS ACCUMULATIONS. The CAFR contains a section that provides a comparison of period budget AND ACTUAL. Additionally the CAFR gives a DETAILED SHOWING OF INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS by category reflecting BALANCES DERIVED over many years.
(caps/bold added for emphasis)
Google Video (2 hrs.) from 4/4/2006 Texas radio program when they discovered the Texas CAFR, lol, it was a hoot. When they called their Senator (or Rep, can't remember which) to ask if he knew about the TX CAFR, he said he had never heard of it:
Another individual posted links/comments a few years ago re his home State of Washington CAFRs: --------- Or google for CAFR for any state, city, county who has them online (otherwise you will have to order a hardcopy): -----
A simple google will show the CAFR links for various cities, counties in FL:
If you love number-crunching, feel free to analyze, dissect & give your own "unqualified opinion" of the FLORIDA &/or DAYTONA BEACH CAFRs & post your conclusions here. :)