![lightwins's picture lightwins's picture](http://gatheringspot.net/sites/default/files/styles/activity_avatar/public/pictures/picture-16.jpg?itok=4EiGZhdT)
This is from my friend, Sperry. I feel this is very worthwhile; please feel free to explore and experience!
~ this Thursday evening ~
February 3rd, (4 pm PT) (6 pm CT) (7 pm ET)
Please arrive a little early with your earbuds on to eliminate echo For detailed background information ~ see below
If this will be your first time
and you have not received an invitation to Tokbox, please send your request to me at [email protected]. Next, kindly create your free-Tokbox-account well ahead of time, becoming familiar with this user-friendly software, checking your webcam and microphone by going through the easy setup procedure. Then, open up a video chat window and note the placement of volume controls, etc.Only Love,
Start Your Own Group ~ I'll Help You
Sperry Andrews, founder/director of ConnectionInstitute.org
Offers experiences and facilitator training for
C O N S C I O U S N E S S Online
Everything You need to know - to give this a try - is in this email.
This group consciousness practice shows you how to reliably focus the attention and intention of a group to experience the joy of feeling liberated and at peace with everyone and everything. A state referred to as Cosmic Consciousness is often achieved, an unmistakable sense of existing in a unity with all people and the whole of Nature. In a word : PARADISE.
“We experienced his work to be very powerful and highly recommend it.”~ John and Lynn Marie Lumiere-Wins
"There was ‘no-other’ in total oneness. Deep joy and bliss."
~ Judy Woodrow
“You are where your attention takes you. In fact, you are your attention. If your attention is fragmented you are fragmented. When your attention is in the past, you are in the past. When your attention is in the present moment, you are in the Presence of God and God is present in You. Let yourself die to all that does not really exist and discover what does. Let go of all you think you know.” ~ Ken Carey
How do you feel when you do something unfamiliar
that you think ‘might-not’ even appeal or matter to you ~ at all ?
Even if it's something new, I really want to explore, I know I’ll have to contend with mental and emotional resistance. For example, my conscious-mind might want to go bungee jumping, while my sub-conscious mind will do its best to succeed in sabotaging this possibility. Have you had similar experiences? Is this at all familiar?
What if there’s something we all can do ~ together ~ that's enjoyable, truly worthwhile and wonderful, that thousands have now experienced ~ all around the world? What if we can journey through our awkwardness together, satisfying our need to avoid whatever boring or awful thing we’re afraid might happen, only to arrive at a place where our mind is silent and in awe ~ even in love with what we find ?
Would you be willing to spend the time it takes to cross this uncertain threshold ~ with other intrepid souls ~ surrendering your doubts, in exchange for a much more secure sense of being than you may-have-ever experienced before; a serenity and safety and well-being that you can feel, touch and know intimately throughout the cells of your body, heart and mind?
Does this sound scary, unlikely, confusing or even impossible? Or is it deliciously tempting? As your facilitator, I want to satisfy your mind ~ in advance and set your heart and body at ease.
After we've settled in and there are no more technical challenges or questions, we begin. From here, it may take fifteen to twenty minutes to arrive in the ‘ground of our being’ ~ in what can be called a commonly-sensed-reality. Our 'arrival time' is dependent only on how readily we each relax, enjoy ourselves and fully participate ~ according to the following guidelines.
We need to start and finish on time ~ as a group, setting aside all distractions. Stepping away temporarily is ok. Please know, later meetings, when you're more experienced, will be much more informal, where popping in-and-out can be fun and stimulating.
Having gathered for this video conference, and confirming we can all hear and see each other, we'll be asked to gaze-into the seeing-eye of our webcam ~ with unbroken eye contact. By noticing that we are being noticed, we gradually become more aware of the quality and presence of our own attention. We will be guided to speak ~ in-turn ~ two-or-three sentences, about what we’re noticing ~ as we are noticing it ~ without referring to the past, or future, and without voicing ideas “about” what we are doing or experiencing.
Over the fifteen to twenty minutes it typically takes to settle down, we will notice our mind(s) slowing down and falling silent. Our visual capacity will have expanded. We now can watch our video-images and the eye of our webcam, as well as our own awakening awareness ~ as an undivided whole.
Expressing what we’re noticing ~ as we’re noticing it ~ is “the practice”. Speaking slowly ~ as awareness ~ into the listening of our group, we begin to sense each other ‘energetically’. We experience the sound of our own voice, and a sense of being heard, as we point the group’s attention to whatever we are noticing with them. One by one, we each take our turn ~ at speaking. As the facilitator, I will help by suggesting things for us to notice.
As we enter into thoughtless awareness together, it can become challenging for some to find the motivation to speak. Deliberately exercising our ability to talk when our mind is silent, helps us learn to live without stress in our daily lives.
For some, there can be a deeply-engrained dogma and/or personal preference to not speak, in the hope of 'achieving' peace of mind ~ in a more familiar way. Yet, for the success of this practice, it’s necessary for everyone to continue speaking - on at a time - as much as anyone else, in order to wholly integrate still deeper levels of the verbal and non-verbal brain. It’s even OK to say: “I do not know what to say, yet I’m speaking slowly. And, I will now say a third sentence. This feels weird, scary, awkward and exciting ~ all at the same time.”
This practice enriches the way we pay attention together, significantly improving the quality of all our relationships. Experimentally derived over many years, this group exercise has now worked successfully for thousands of people internationally. By actively entering into a simple conversation with specific guidelines and a meditative focus, any interested and willing group can achieve deep rapport, creativity and acceptance. Participants learn to sense, feel and think together intuitively. This leverages the whole group into a heightened state of consciousness.
With greater mental and emotional coherence, each person experiences the intelligence of being interconnected. There is the joy of feeling liberated and at peace with everyone and everything. It seems impossible to do anything wrong. What was disturbing and overwhelming, appears organized and interesting. There's an unmistakable sense of existing in a unity with all people and the whole of nature.
There are many known applications. You'll enjoy working, playing, or just being: including healing, both psychological and physical; telepathy between groups, including collective remote viewing and mind/matter interactions; rapid consensus for decision making, problem solving and creative development in families, relationships, communities, politics and business; optimum performance in sports and any type of collaborative activity - from symphony orchestras to surgical teams. This group consciousness technique can reliably focus the attention and intention of a group to perform tasks with a high level of insight, intensity and productivity.
As the content of our mind(s) no longer eclipses, or divides, our Consciousness, we experience the ecstasy of being Love its Self.
Come find out what happens next.
This opportunity is now being offered online ~ for free. Soon, You'll be able to tap into this quality of collective-awareness in groups anytime of the day or night - 24/7 worldwide. You will literally be helping to awaken humanity by spreading the word. We can now learn to share consciousness online.
To participate, send an email to me to:
I’ll send you an invitation to sign up for the audio/visual software we’re using. If you accept my invitation, I’ll be able to see you in my friend's list, and be able to invite you in, to either a group you have arranged for me to facilitate, or to a pre-arranged group.
You’ll need to have a working webcam and set of earbuds. If you like, I’ll re-send this overview of the guidelines in an email so you can share it with your friends. All of You will need to check this list of hardware and software 'system requirements' on your individual computers, as well as the 'speed' of your internet connection. For instructions on how to do this see below.
Kindly arrive a few minutes early, to check your earbuds and webcam. Re-boot your computer, so it is functioning at its optimum speed. Then, check, and re-check, your bandwidth several times at www.speakeasy.net and www.speedtest.net, so you can send it to me, with your name, over Instant Message at the beginning of each meeting. Please BE SURE that there will be no background noise, or use a noise-canceling microphone.
One person per computer ~ please !
System Requirements:
MAC: (10.4 Tiger or higher)
1.83 GHz Processor or Higher
PC: Windows XP, Windows Vista & Windows 7
2.2GHz Pentium 4 or Higher
1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo or equivalent
Both MAC & PC:
Minimum 512K Ram
64MB Video Card Ram
Flash 10.0.0
TokBox does not support Linux or Chrome
Browsers: Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Chrome
Download Bandwidth:
(Mbps = mega-bytes per second)
Groups have been four people more-or-less so far.
We'd love more of us to "come together" too.
[up to four people] 1 Mbps
[10 people] 2.5 Mbps
[for twenty people] 4 Mbps
UpLoad Bandwidth:
(Kbps = Kilobytes per second)
256 - 325 Kbps
We are testing a new 90 minute format to hopefully make this more appealing to newcomers. This shortened session time makes it even more important that we arrive on time, having already eliminated any background noises in our environments, and have ear buds plugged in and ready for use! (Note: ear buds must be plugged in the entire time, even if you have to leave the room for a moment, to avoid distracting feedback to other participants.) Please feel free to sign in to tokbox.com five minutes ahead of the meeting time to make sure your internet and equipment are working.
As an experiential scientist who has facilitated hundreds of groups ~ internationally ~ over more than twenty years, precisely researching how any individual ~ as well as humanity as a whole ~ can consistently share collective intelligence joyfully, I'm thrilled to say: Joy arises spontaneously and unasked for ~ whenever present-moment-awareness is made aware of itself.
Awakened adepts have recommended this level of Self-reflective awareness for thousands of years. Through a near-death experience at age four, I re-discovered this fact, and over the course of several decades thoroughly tested a simple and readily accessible way that reliably supports any group to enter into this level of joyful consciousness together: in person or via webcam online. A film project is now underway that's designed to provide this 'experience' to audiences in theaters, to awaken us to our collective Self.
Sperry Andrews, co-director
Human Connection Institute