Hi folks,
Does anyone know of a site where they demonstrate the effect of prayer, or simply good thoughts towards plants, that show the effects graphically?
I've seen somewhere photos (or was it videos?), but can't remember where.
I've been asked to give a talk (slide show) to celebrate Earth Day at the elementary school my grand-kids are going to. I want to make it all nice and sweet (they'll get the horror stories in soon enough) and show them how all life (the biosphere) is connected by our emotions/thoughts and that we are part of it.
I already have a section about Koko, the signing gorilla, that demonstrates how they found out that they too have deep emotions and can communicate them if given a chance. I will also be showing photos demonstrating that "even" snow flakes respond to our thoughts/emotions. But I want to include graphic examples of this effect on plant growth.
Any thoughts?
Hi Bob-
I found this. It's part of an old documentary.
Thanks Wendy. (I knew someone here would have the connection).
This is not what I saw, but it is much better. I'm downloading all the segments and will be seeing them next. But just what this one shows is invaluable.
I wonder what happened to this line of research. How was it suppressed? Now that we have better and more sophisticated instruments, and unstoppable means of communication (as precarious as it may be), could it be started again? This would be a good way to do an "end run" on the priests of orthodoxy :)
Revelations, revelations, and more revelations!
Thanks again!
Cool idea my man! There are people doing research in psi labs that involve helping plant cuttings survive using distance prayer and intention and it works!(no surprise to me) Years ago I got a little awareness of plant research and discovery from Stevie Wonder's Secret Life Of Plants album. It still makes my heart sing. I was inspired to hear his beautiful voice and music devoted and dedicated to the appreciation of living plants. Google/YouTube that music! Here's the main song
For a number of years I worked at land surveying and one of the most time consuming things is "cutting line", or cutting a visual opening through woods or brush sometimes hundreds of feet long for the telescopic instrument to see to the next measuring point along the way. I personally cut many, many thousands of plants and small trees down with my razor sharp machete. While I was listening to Stevie's song today I was reminded of all those living things I killed and I felt a wave of guilt and remorse enough to bring tears. I remembered just now that I did try to make sure not to prolong the act of cutting them down, being firm so as to not hack them unnecessarily...I think I may have apologized a few times. We truly take them for granted. I can only ask for forgiveness. I try to give myself perspective by saying that elephants trample many times more plants in their lifetimes than I have but we are the species that can feel remorse because it's something of a choice.
Thanks Brian,
Like the Course on Miracles says, the last thing we need to learn now is Forgiveness. We are getting plenty of instances to practice. Practice, practice, practice. The only way to master a skill :)
The whole series of the film is fascinating. Here's part 3 that has Stevie Wonders song at the start:
The rest of the segments shows scientific research that was not followed.
It seems obvious, if there's no way to make money from it, it is "not interesting". But frankenfoods IS, right? So plenty of research there.
However, now it turns out that animals don't like that stuff! The corporate Lords may fool us humans, but not the animals, they are smarter.
"The farmer grinned as he told the visitor, “Watch this!” He called his pigs, which ran frantically towards him to be fed. But when he scooped out corn and threw it on the ground, the pigs sniffed it and then looked up at the farmer with confused expectation. The farmer then scooped corn from another bin and flung it near the pigs, which ran over and quickly devoured it.
The farmer said, “The first corn is genetically engineered. They won’t touch it.”
It’s not just pigs that swear off genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In South Africa, Strilli Oppenheimer’s chickens won’t eat genetically modified (GM) corn. Most buffalo in Haryana, India, refuse cottonseed..."
I hope we can focus on real research, the stuff that demostrates truth, as opposed to profit making potential, is what gets the upper hand. Then we will have real science at work.