Delegate at Georgia Republican Convention Nominates Himself for Chairman and Sets Example for Others
from Rich Clarke, [email protected] 2011, April 19
Hi Mr. Griffin
Here's something for you:
This is Carter Kessler, who decided on the convention floor that he was not OK with voting for one of the 3 candidates on the ballot for state chairperson. With no options for his conscience to follow, he did what any patriot should do in such a case. He nominated himself for chairman. He simply said on the floor: "I nominate myself. I stand for sound money and non-interventionism." That was an immediate head turner for me. I don't know if he knew that, as a candidate, just moments later he would have to speak in front of the 2000+ people at the convention, but he pulled it off like a pro. I was floored when I heard this speech.
Of the 1800 voting delegates, he got 26 votes, including my own. Not bad for a last minute addition to the ballot (considering that the other three had been campaigning all year). The audience was very receptive and responsive to his statements with hums of agreement and, at times, loud applause during his speech. My hat is off to you Carter! You made my day, that's for sure.
Maybe this video, aside from the shaking at the beginning, will make some other folk's day as well. For those out there who've never tried it or had the opportunity... I can tell you... being able to vote your conscious is pretty awesome! Do it as oft as you are able. If you are not able, find a way to become able as Carter did.
Please forgive the shaky camera in the beginning. I'd taken it off the tripod as I thought that nothing else interesting would be occurring at the Georgia GOP Convention yesterday. But of course Murphy's Law would dictate that the most interesting thing all day would happen shortly after packing in the camera rig. So, the first 30 seconds or so, I'm trying to re-secure it to a tripod my friend was frantically trying to set back up for me. The audio is fine though. After the first 20 seconds the video is bearable again.