The chosen one. So many people are looking for the chosen one to save them, whether it be Christ, the Messiah, the knight in shining armor, or ETs coming to rescue us. They are ready to surrender their power to this chosen one who will then lead them out of their troubles and into the promised land. In surrendering to the chosen one, they then no longer have to take personal responsibility for their lives, as the chosen one takes on the responsibility and shows them the way. They have only to follow what the chosen one tells them to do.
At the same time, some of us have a part within that believes in some way that we are the chosen one. We have the all answers. And if only others would follow us, our lives and world would be saved. Yet when confronted with the possibility of stepping into positions of great power, the fear of shouldering all that responsibility for others can be daunting. And the fear of somehow misusing that power, as so often happens, causes many to shrink from taking on greater power.
I know the desire to both follow a chosen one and to be the chosen one are alive in me. And yet what I know on a deeper level is that I am the chosen one. Every one of us is the chosen one! When we open to the amazing process of co-creating our world with all around us, every one of us is special and chosen. Every one of us is a powerful creator and a unique aspect of the divine exploring itself through us. We are the ones we've been waiting for!!!
I watched the movie The Adjustment Bureau this past weekend and found it very inspiring, right along the lines of your forum post Fred...
The Adjustment Bureau that is. Very interesting idea and in the end, if you are willing to risk everything, then you can write your own plan.
I find it interesting. Thank you.
I bless you all with Love.
I am currently reading The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz. Great read.