California Slammed With Radiation: Fukushima Radiation Plume Hit Southern & Central California
In Uncategorized on March 31, 2012 at 6:01 pm
Oldspeak:“If you live in California, or anywhere along the pacific coast of North America, you should be concerned. Radiation levels 500% higher than normal are being found in coastal seaweed. Los Angeles and Anaheim, high population centers, are receiving the highest amounts of radioactive fallout right now, over 1 year later. (research shows chronic exposure to low level radiation is more dangerous than acute exposure to high doses.) Radioactive rain outs are expected to continue for some time on the pacific coast. Radioactive debris is beginning to wash up on the pacific coast, and radioactive seawater will soon lap west coast shores. Acceptable levels of radiation exposure have been raised, and measurement of airborne radiation has been stopped in the U.S. and Canada. Scores of ring seals have washed up on Alaska’s Arctic coastline since July, suffering or killed by a mysterious disease marked by bleeding lesions on the hind flippers, irritated skin around the nose and eyes and patchy hair loss on the animals’ fur coats. Seafood from Japan is not being tested for radioactivity. Why is this ongoing threat being reported so lightly, if atal in Corporate media? The health and well-being of millions is being threatened, while radiation detectors have been turned off. While more money is being poured into building more nuclear reactors. There’s a lot of information about this ongoing disaster that’s not being shared with the public. The people need to be asking more questions about what’s going on and what is or isn’t being done about it.
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Fukushima Radiation Plume Hit Southern and Central California
The Journal Environmental Science and Technology reports in a new study that the Fukushima radiation plume contacted North America at California “with greatest exposure in central and southern California”, and that Southern California’s seaweed tested over 500% higher for radioactive iodine-131 than anywhere else in the U.S. and Canada:
Projected paths of the radioactive atmospheric plume emanating from the Fukushima reactors, best described as airborne particles or aerosols for 131I, 137Cs, and 35S, and subsequent atmospheric monitoring showed it coming in contact with the North American continent at California, with greatest exposure in central and southern California. Government monitoring sites in Anaheim (southern California) recorded peak airborne concentrations of 131I at 1.9 pCi m−3
Anaheim is where Disneyland is located.
EneNews summarizes the data:
Corona Del Mar (Highest in Southern California)
- 2.5 Bq/gdwt (gram dry weight)= 2,500 Bq/kg of dry seaweed
Santa Cruz (Highest in Central California)
- 2.0 Bq/gdwt = 2,000 Bq/kg of dry seaweed
Simon Fraser University in Canada also tested North American seaweed after Fukushima:
- “In samples of dehydrated seaweed taken on March 15 near the North Vancouver SeaBus terminal, the count was zero; on March 22 it was 310 Bq per kilogram; and by March 28 it was 380 Bq/kg.” -Vancouver Sun
- Seaweed in Seattle also tested positive for iodine-131; levels were not reported -KIRO
- No results after March 28 were reported
In addition, radioactive debris is starting to wash up on the Pacific Coast. And because the Japanese are burning radioactive materials instead of disposing of them, radioactive rain-outs will continue for some time … even on the Pacific Coast.
Of course, the government is doing everything it can to help citizens cover up what’s occurring. We pointed out in January:
Instead of doing much to try to protect their citizens from Fukushima, Japan, the U.S. and the EU all just raised the radiation levels they deem “safe”.
Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says that high-level friends in the State Department told him that Hillary Clinton signed a pact with her counterpart in Japan agreeing that the U.S. will continue buying seafood from Japan, despite that food not being tested for radioactive materials [see this].
And the Department of Energy is trying to replace the scientifically accepted model of the dangers of low dose radiation based on voodoo science. Specifically, DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley Labs used a mutant line of human cells in a petri dish which was able to repair damage from low doses of radiation, and extrapolated to the unsupported conclusion that everyone is immune to low doses of radiation….
American and Canadian authorities have virtually stopped monitoring airborne radiation, and are not testing fish for radiation. (Indeed, the EPA reacted to Fukushima by raising “acceptable” radiation levels.)
So – as in Japan – radiation is usually discovered by citizens and the handful of research scientists with funding to check, and not the government. See this, this, this, this, this and this.
The Japanese government’s entire strategy from day one has been to cover up the severity of the Fukushima accident. This has likely led to unnecessary, additional deaths.
Indeed, the core problem is that all of the world’s nuclear agencies are wholly captured by the nuclear industry … as are virtually all of the supposedly independent health agencies.
So the failure of the American, Canadian and other governments to test for and share results is making it difficult to hold an open scientific debate about what is happening.
And it’s not just radiation from Japan. An effort by the Southern California Edison power company to secretly ramp up production to avoid public disclosure may have led to a leak at the San Onofre nuclear power plant.
And see these articles on California radiation exposure courtesy of EneNews:
- Anaheim, CA has highest amount of radioactive fallout of any EPA air monitoring station in Continental U.S. for iodine-131
- Over EPA limit: Cesium levels in San Francisco area milk now higher than 6 months ago
- USGS: Los Angeles area had highest cesium deposition in US after Fukushima
- “Tends to concentrate in the testicles”: 360+ atoms of radioactive sulfur per day may have been inhaled by Californians after Fukushima
- Unprecedented Spike: 1501 atoms of radioactive sulfur per meter³ was detected in California air
- Radioactive sulfur in California spiked to highest levels ever detected: University researchers
- Controversy after US gov’t estimate showed 40,000 microsievert thyroid dose for California infants from Fukushima — Data not released to public — “Very high doses to children”
- Spike in radiation levels for West Coast? “Abnormal” readings on 8 of 18 EPA monitors for California, Oregon, Washington — Devices now “undergoing quality review”
- Nuclear policy expert: “Striking” that radioactive iodine-131 in California rainwater is so far above level permitted in drinking water
- Uranium-234 detected in Hawaii, Southern California, and Seattle
- Dalai Lama
And if you don't live on the west coast, be careful what you eat because most produce sold in the U.S. comes from California and ingesting radioactive particles is far more harmful than exposure that stays outside the skin.
I find this a beautiful and inspired way of initially addressing this kind of information. Please use it if it resonates with you.
From: Jeannie
Please join me in a prayer or intention of your choice. Let's do this will all emails of negativity happening, that we pass on to inform people. That way, the good of our prayers and intentions can counter the negative events.
Mine is: Dear Divine Mother God, we cannot do this without you. Please arrest the real criminals, the ones who caused this disaster, and do nothing to notify and council citizens, all crooked politicians, bankers who have done criminal acts, and all real criminals. We ask for Divine Assistance to free our country, and all like this in the world. Thank You, Amen. (In my understanding, Divine Father God gives us understanding, and Divine Mother God is the aspect of the One Force that is God, that takes all actions on earth.)
And please send ideas for helpful cleansing of this, if possible.
blessings, Jeannie / Nadhashree
I believe that we already possess the technology to neutralize all unwanted radiation in short order. I believe that this technology (along with other essential technologies like anti-gravity and free energy) is/are very soon to be released in Disclosure (what Disclosure is really all about). I believe that the key perpetrators are soon to be exposed and brought to Justice & Light. I believe, along with B. Fulford and those he is currently cooperating with, that those brought to justice will not be subject to the kind of unforgiving unloving justice of the old paradigm, but of the loving forgiving boundlessness of the New - that instead of imprisoning their bodies, we shall break their hearts with loving understanding and win them over so as to leave all aspects of the old behind and be free to fully enter the New...
This is my prayer...
Let it Be...
My brother!
Thou art the Father
Thou art the Mother
Thou art Friend and Companion
Thou art Knowledge and Wealth
Thou art All in All
Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
Lead us from Ignorance to Light
Lead us from Death to Immortality
and Manifest Through and Through
Protecting us with thy Sweet Benign Precence
May All Beings Be Happy
May All Beings Be Peaceful
May All Beings be Blissful
Thanks guys, for your wonderful prayers and positive thoughts.
The Radiation Warnings You Won’t Get from the Mainstream Propaganda Machine
April 2nd, 2012
Inalienably Yours
Radiation update provided by Daisy Luther and co-author NinaO. This report was originally published at Inalienably Yours.
The mainstream media and the federal government will soon have the blood of the world on it’s hands.
Radiation from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant disaster in Japan is now actively in the ecosystem all along the North American west coast… even the sea weed is now radiated. The Vancouver Sun reported one year ago that the seaweed tested from waters off the coast of British Columbia were 4 times the amount considered safe. No further test results were released after the initial report.
The governments of the United States and Canada are not conducting tests for radioactivity – at least not to the knowledge of the public. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has agreed to continue purchasing seafood from Japan, despite the fact that the food is not being tested for radioactive contamination. Last November, independent testing in Japan showed 65 per cent of the catches tested positive for cesium (a radioactive material). Instead of refusing to purchase the poisoned fish, food safety agencies in both the United States and Canada have simply raised the “acceptable level of radiation.” We can’t go offending the Japanese after promising to buy their tainted goods, now can we?
After the North American governments refused to fund testing, oceanographer Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist at the non-profit Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, Mass, along with Nicholas Fisher, a marine sciences professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and other concerned scientists, managed to secure private funding for a Pacific research voyage. The results?
Less than two weeks after the tsunami and subsequent nuclear disaster, Michael Kane, an investigative journalist, reported, “In the wake of the continuing nuclear tragedy in Japan, the United States government is still moving quickly to increase the amounts of radiation the population can “safely” absorb by raising the safe zone for exposure to levels designed to protect the government and nuclear industry more than human life.”
The radiation has absolutely reached the shores of North America. Water samples from across the continent have tested positive for unsafe levels of radioactivity. The levels exceeded federal drinking water thresholds, known as maximum contaminant levels, or MCL, by as much as 181 times.”This means that the complete ecosystem of the Pacific Ocean is now poisoned with radiation and we aren’t being warned.
Samples of milk taken across the United States have shown radiation at levels 2000 percent higher than EPA maximums. The reason that milk is so significant is that it it representative of the entire food supply. According to an article published on Natural News, “Cows consume grass and are exposed to the same elements as food crops and water supplies. In other words, when cows’ milk starts testing positive for high levels of radioactive elements, this is indicative of radioactive contamination of the entire food supply.”
The GMO Food and Drug Pushers Administration and the EnvironmentalDeception Protection Agency, instead of refusing to prohibit the sale of tainted foods and mandatory testing of foods produced and harvested from the Pacific Coast, have simply raised the “acceptable levels” of radioactive material in foods.
Clearly, the “it’s-all-for-your-own-good” government will not protect us, or even inform us of the dangers so we can protect ourselves, because it might dip into the pockets of the global elite, the nuclear energy industry, and the food industries. There is big money behind this cover-up. Refusing to purchase and consume their tainted goods is the best way to fight back, while keeping our families safe and healthy.
How can we protect ourselves? First, be aware of what items are likely to be highly tainted.
1.) SEAFOOD: Question the origin of ALL seafood. Fish and crustaceans from the Pacific Ocean should all be considered to be poisoned with radiation.
2.) WATER: The rainfall and snowfall are all radiated. Do not drink any water that has not been filtered. The tap water that flows from your faucet has NOT been treated to rid it of radioactive particles. A recent report from the NY Times stated, “A rooftop water monitoring program managed by UC Berkeley’s Department of Nuclear Engineering detected substantial spikes in rain-borne iodine-131 during torrential downpours …
3.) DAIRY PRODUCTS: Milk and milk products from the West Coast states currently have the highest levels of radiation in North America.
4.) PRODUCE: Leafy Vegetables, Wines, Tomatoes, Strawberries….all produce from California or any other West Coast State are also likely to be tainted.
5.) MEAT: If a animal eats any leafy vegetable all along the West Coast, that animal has consumed radiation, and is poisoned. This is any animal from cows, pigs, goats, sheep to wild deer and other game.
If you eat the above foods from areas with high radiation levels, you are eating radiation and feeding it to your children. Slowly the radiation levels within your body will build up. This is PERMANENT.
Infant mortality rates across the United States have increased by more than 35% since the nuclear disaster, according to a court statement by Dr. with independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD. A study published in The International Journal of Medicine indicates that more than 20,000 deaths right here in North America can be directly attributed to the release of radioactive material from Fukushima.
Radioactive isotopes of the type released from Fukushima have a half life of 30,000 years. This means that we must permanently change the way we prepare our food.
Check in tomorrow at Inalienably Yours to read more about our increasingly toxic land and the intentional poisoning of the United States.
“Fallout” – CollapseNet
Fukushima Radiation Spreads Worldwide – Washington Blog
Nuclear Genocide of Babies and Children in Japan, the US and Canada