So, I just read those words and they ring especially true for me right now.
I am currently reading about multidimensional reality, the power of the present moment, and enlightenment and don't have a teacher or guide at the moment. So I just have a few more questions to ask of the group. Any answers are appreciated.
1. Do you have a guide?
2. Do you believe that they appear when the master is ready?
3. Why don't enlightened people do more on the world?
4. Everyone writes about it, so does that mean they are enlightened?
5. Why don't enlightened ones come out and openly teach others?
6. Are they not ready?
7. Is the Earth preparing for something?
8. Why do almost all religions have a savior (Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Zoroastrains, Hopi, etc)
9. Could they all be one person or are they consciousness?
10. Does anyone know someone who has become enlightened in this century?
I have been having much fun lately thinking about and telling friends that our bodies are 99.9999% space, as is all matter. It is amazing to think about how little our 5 senses tell us about what so called physical matter actually is. Senses have evolved to facilitate navigation of this particular environment, but as I say, do so little to help us truly understand what all of this phenomenal experience actually consists of.
I find this so fascinating to ponder - human perception vs. the actual real literal noumenal world and environment we find ourselves in. All of it basically enfolded light that becomes the illusion of material physical matter. So much we take for granted is such a magnificent grand illusion. We become so accustomed to the dense illusion of our sensory data that we presume upon the real world around us - and after a while we would have no idea what someone was talking about when they share this kind of info with them - one would appear to be silly or down right crazy, when quite the opposite is true.
What's even more amazing is that the organizing principles are not in the illusory materium itself, but in the very dense and energetic vacuum space around and within the material illusion. In fact, the reason that light could even be folded in on itself in such an amazing self organizing fashion and slowed down enough to create such a dense illusion of materium is because of how incredibly energetic this vacuum space is. It is most likely the extremely energetic self organizing Aether womb that all matter springs from - the illusion of something from nothing. The truth is that the presumed and perceived nothing is actually the real something and the perceived something our senses describe is the illusory transient phenomenal nothing made for a spell, for the experience...
In light of the truth about how much our 5 senses betray the real world around us, is it any wonder why we get so lost when we incarnate here??? LOL
Immanuel Kant's Concepts of the Noumenal World and the Phenomenal World - Yahoo! Voices -
The other thing I wanted to relate to is your question about guides and teachers. In reality it is sometimes very difficult to tell who is the teacher and who is the student since good teachers learn much from their students and good students become excellent teachers at moments they are completely oblivious to in such wonderful collaborative synchronistic fashion.
The whole thing is an evolving collaboration...
As for the question, why aren't enlightened people doing more in and for the world - you are making an assumption that they are not - I think this is a mistake, an actual miss take on what the enlightened are actually doing behind the scenes so to speak. This is why I keep that saying "the revolution will not be televised" below my avatar, for this very reason, that the best work being done by truly enlightened beings will most likely never be featured on the 6 O'Clock news, if you get my drift - but it will very likely be the most important effective work done to assist in the process of evolution and awakening.
To get an inspired sense of this kind of behind the scenes work, you might want to read Emissary of Light by James Twyman - the story of his amazing experience with a very special meditation group on the border between Croatia and Bosnia during that horrific time in the Balkans with the Serbian uprising...
These questions you ask give us all opportunity to question ourselves and our current beliefs, this time I answer the questions with a few quotes one of which is words that came to me when I was talking to my youngest girl about a new tutor she has and what was discussed in the first class she had with her.
In light of the truth about how much our 5 senses betray the real world around us, is it any wonder why we get so lost when we incarnate here??? LOL
These words from Chris set the direction for my responses.
The Journey of Life
"Before we come into this world, we know why we are coming here".
"When we are born into this world, we forget why we came".
"Our journey is to discover why we are here, and fulfil our life’s goal".
Ian Leggett - 1955 to Still here :)
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes".
- Marcel Proust
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”
- Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emporer - 26 April 121 – 17 March 180
P.S. Do I have a guide, to answer this one I will direct you to Ginny Jones a very good neighbour of mine, she is a Spiritual Artist, Medium and Reiki practioner. CLICK HERE FOR HER WEBSITE
This is the picture of my guide
According to Peter Joseph (Zeitgeist Movie)... Jesus, Horus, and many other prophets could be all the same figure since their bios are strikingly similar. (Apparently, his views have been challenged and debunked by Alex Jones and others, though.)
Very enlightening video.
Sorry, but some more questions:
What is enlightenment to you?
Have you acheived it?
Are you close?
Personally, I think that anyone who thinks they have achieved enlightenment, probably still has more to learn.
Total enlightenment, IMO, is being tuned in and tapped into the 'Source of All' 100% of the time. Such a state of being would be able to transcend judgment, anger, doubt and other human frailties -- but then you wouldn't really be human, would you? Even Jesus got angry with the money changers in the temple and he had a moment of doubt on the cross -- "Father, why have ye forsaken me?"
No, I wouldn't say I'm even close to being enlightened, but at least I recognize the path. Some folks, caught up in personal dramas, TV programming, and elitist propaganda, aren't even aware there is another state of being.
So keep asking questions and searching for answers, Nick... and be patient with yourself. You're on the right path.
When I think of enlightenment, it makes me think back on the last scenes of The Matrix when Neo sees beyond the illusion and sees nothing but the numbers that make up the program's images - not that enlightenment for us would be the same, but the idea of transcending all the illusory traps...
Enlightenment is hollow without the Opening and Integration of the HEART. Enlightenment without LOVE is an Negative Path.
True Mastery is within the HEART of EACH PERSON. Compassionate Wisdom is true Enlightenment. We are all on a path. The Path is up to you. You choose your path. Some choose the long wayaround. Others a more direct Route... and yet through all the EPOCHES--- and RISING there is only one place that all arrive at--- It is the Sacred Place that all comes forth from the Infinite Field of Potentiality-- the Flower of Life--- LOVE--The Prime Creator---The Central Sun--- The Universe--- The Indwelling God--- All are the same and same within the All. All is held within the Same Form--
I Call this Infinite Field of Potentiality---> Love. I bless you with Love.
Questionairre Answers
Fairy Farm Girl and Elizabeth's answers to your questions. Others wil have their answers to your questions. Your questions are yours to discern the answers to--- and with each answer comes more questions. We suggest the book, Siddartha and the video
We bless you with Love. Namaste-- Fairy
1. Do you have a guide?
2. Do you believe that they appear when the master is ready?
When the Soul and Personality and Body (the soul embodied) a teacher will appear. This teacher is perfect for that moment-- it can be as subtle as the light playing upon a dandelion puff... or as as evident as a Teacher standing before you. A teacher is one that inspires you to move forward beyond that which you percieve to be your reality. A teacher is a guide that assists you in enfolding into Expansion of Awareness. Expansion of Awareness whilst staying embodied is what this Gig called Earth is. Life is meant to be lived. By living life fully the teachers will simply appear in the most unlikely ways that will motivate, inspire, guide and cajole one to move forward. The choice is yours to make. Free Will is the Gift of Humanity. Free Will. The Door Opens and a teacher beckons--- walk through the doorway is your choice. Mastery is expansion. Mastery simply indicates that one is ready to move forward into expansion of awareness... all is expanding awareness. Teachers appear through intuitive clicking-- a youtube video-- a speech-- a book online-- all are teachers. Learning is always Self-Soul directed.
3. Why don't enlightened people do more on the world?
What are you doing in the world? See something that beckons you and calls you to purpose-- step up and Be within the Doing. No action inspired by the HEART is lost. Judgement grasps and stunts growth. True Enlightenment supports and encourages growth within the HEART and as a natural outcome of a HEART opening Good is created in the world for as one acts from the HEART the world is changed. Reality begins with individual as reality is an outpicturing of our own inner HEARTS and Minds.
4. Everyone writes about it, so does that mean they are enlightened?
Enlightenment is a state of Being continuously expanding. There are many that show the way toward acting in an expanding way of LOVE-- as a unified integrated fully activated Human Being. As each grows and expands the energy field more of the Soul and Higher Self are integrated into Embodiment. This is what is meant by the phrase "enlightened being." All is continually expanding. You are enlightened now. All is in a state of En-Lighten-ing.
5. Why don't enlightened ones come out and openly teach others?
How do you know that the enlightened ones are not openly teaching you now in your life and every day in every moment. Pay attention and focus on Loving More and the teaching will simply open to you as a rose opens.
6. Are they not ready?
Everyone is exactly where they need to be in the moment that they are where ever they are. In the next moment all could be different or the same and yet different.
7. Is the Earth preparing for something?
8. Why do almost all religions have a savior (Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Zoroastrains, Hopi, etc)
The Saviorship model was created with the Fall of Man (Atlantis) and the rise of Patriarchy. It is (was for some) a part of the Tribe of Humankinds' learning.
Consider, this truth. The Savior is indwelling within each HEART of of Each Human.
9. Could they all be one person or are they consciousness?
Consciousness is contained within each individual whilst embodied. This is a complicated yet simple question. We suggest beginning to learn more about the science of Love and Light. Begin with a trip to the local metaphysical book store. Using your least dominate hand select 3 books. Study these books and then expand your learning based on your questions. Consciousness is defined by your definition of Consciousness which in time will be similar to many definitions.
The guides are often individuals or small groups or large groups that are in a place of Love-Light Benevolence on a different plane of existence (ie (high (+) D=Dimension)+4D, 5D, 6D, 7D)--- and then there are social memory complexes such as the The Angelics, Micheals, RA, The Marys, The Zs', etc. Discern with Love. Love is Expansive. Fear contractive. Follow Love. These are some suggestions and not an exhaustive list.
10. Does anyone know someone who has become enlightened in this century?
True enlightenment is a state of being whilst embodied. Those who have achieved true enlightenment are simply Being who they are. It is advertised or spoken of--- it is demonstrated through living life Fully and with Love. Amma is a good example of this. Peace Pilgrim another example. And yet, did they say "I AM enlightened?" No, they simply lived the Beingness through their doing.