Max Igan and The One People's Public Trust

Noa's picture

From: (link is external)

“The One People’s Public Trust”…TOPPT1776 Presentation (link is external)


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This pdf presentation (link is external) explains in a bit more “to normal people who don’t necessarily want to read all of the darn legalistic type language” way what TOPPT (link is external) has done, and why they have done it.

Two places to download this: 1) the Scribd page (link is external); 2) from my server here (link is external). The file is 7 MB size.

Here’s what is written on the Scribd page (link is external):

TOPPT1776 Presentation (link is external)

“This presentation about The One Peoples Public Trust can be used for educating yourself, sharing with other individuals, or make a professional presentation to large groups. I promise you, you’ll look like a professional! If anyone has questions, direct them to the references and tell them, DO THE RESEARCH!

“The One People’s Public Trust has created and filed legal documents based on The Law of One, Universal Law, and UCC law. It states, in effect, each Hue-man is a manifestation of the Creator Source, and as such is a Creator, and is NOT subordinate to any artificial principality or corporate fiction.

“The People’s Trust is truly the PEOPLE’s, as in Every Single People On This Planet’s Trust. There is no head, there is no spokesman, woman, person, alien, or fish. There is Everyone! We are One with the Creator. We are One with Each Other. Love One Another..”

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Other documents which I have posted here are at the following posts:

Eyejay's picture

Thanks Noa, for guiding us to this easy to understand truth. OPPT-IN

Noa's picture

I'm listening to the Youtube roundtable now and I also read the pdf from the website I posted, but I still don't have a clear picture about how an average person is supposed to use UCC forms (or if using them is even a necessary part of the process) to free oneself from slavery.  It sounds to me like you have to have the mind of a lawyer in order to figure this stuff out.

I've read much about the Freeman system of using the UCC-1 form and other docs to disengage from the matrix, but ultimately it seems to stir up more trouble than it resolves.  You pretty much have to dedicate the rest of your life to battling the system in order to be a "Freeman."  That's not my idea of freedom.

The roundtable discussions I've listened to thus far do hint at the possibility that these folks are making inroads to change the system for everyone -- (although at least one of their colleagues has been imprisoned in the process).

I look forward to the day when being and staying alive on this planet isn't so complicated and difficult.

Eyejay's picture

Also some useful and informative documents here (link is external)

Francis's picture

the simplicity of Truth.  I watched a long video presentation by David Wynn Miller who went into all kinds of detail about this stuff, found it very interesting, about how when it comes to law we're all using the wrong language and how he has supposedly arrested many judges, and then thought, "yeah, and I'm going to spend the rest of my life studying a language that is horrendously tedious and frustrating in order to fight in a system I want no part of?"  Don't think so.  I desire simplicity and truth and our legal system feels miles away from that.  Honestly, doens't it feel like the legal system was put in place to subvert justice to begin with?  Miller said judges wear black robes because they're mourning justice - ha!  Just like the priests!  I would definitely take a condensed version of this stuff so I no longer have to be taken advantage of by a corrupt system, and it seems like that may be where this is heading.  Sovereignty in the eyes of the Creator, that sounds like a truth that's pretty simple to me and the right place to start. 

Eyejay's picture

The thing I like about this, is they are playing by the rules that up till now have been abused by those in the know. The initial players in this have been at it for quite some time. Also there is no sign of any one or collective of individuals looking to rule in any way. It is a declaration on behalf of all humanity. I have yet to establish how it applies in New Zealand, as we are part of the Commonwealth and come under the English laws. I have been searching and have asked questions to clarify. It does however seem very clear as far as USA goes, they have utilised your Declaration of Independance as foundational, and as you all know that was a declaration after the removal of the Brits and the French rule.

Wendy's picture

I'm so hopeful that this is the solution. Can you imagine that the gate has been openned and all us sheeple are just milling around, not yet aware that we can leave now?


Eyejay's picture

Sheeples ..... there was never a gate ...... yet I do know what you mean. My heart is with you all in US of A, I feel somewhat disconnected down here.

Noa's picture

I had to search hard to find instructions on how to use the "Courtesy Notice" that OPPT recommends people use to notify the PTW of our noncompliance to their (seemingly) defunct rules.  The (link is external) website has the forms, but they don't tell us how to fill them out or when to use them.  If they want people to jump onboard, why don't they make things more user-friendly?

Anyway, I finally found some help.  (I'm still searching for information on the CVAC hubs that are supposedly "located in every country except the Vatican.") Below is a list of websites containing more information. (link is external) is where I found the Courtesy Notice Guidelines.  It is here that you can also read about the background of this case. 

Before we get too excited, let me point out that this case never went to court.  OPPT used UCC filings to accuse the banks.  They say that the banks' failure to rebut the accusations automatically defaulted to their guilt and that we are now in the "remedy" stage.  I don't know much about the "law" so I can't tell if this makes it a done deal or not.  Kinda sounds too easy to me, but I'm still going to tell people about this.  I don't think it can hurt... and if it's true, it's time to wake people up. 

The following sites are One People's Trust related:

OPPT Trustee web site: (link is external)

UCC Filing Search site: (link is external)

OPPT Web sites other people have created: 

Regional OPPT Sites:

The following look-alike web sites are asking for donations, BUT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OPPT.  Consider yourself forewarned. The OPPT does not ask for donations or sponsors, all work of the OPPT Trustees was done with their own funds. (link is external) (link is external)


Noa's picture

Word is getting out.  A friend sent me this link to another website (posted on Facebook) that explains the significance of the lawsuit in more understandable language: (link is external)

The video that Francis posted also mentions a weekly radio show, Monday nights on Freedom Reigns: (link is external)  I see that Santos Bonacci (who has been frequently posted here) is working with OPPT.

I'm starting to get excited.  I'm gonna pass this info along to my friends who are deeply burdened with student loans.

Noa's picture (link is external)




By Brian Kelly
To think that this whole story broke less than two months ago is baffling, to say the least. A current google search for "One People's Public Trust," pings back 33M results, as of this day, February 18, 2013. Countless emails continue to flow in from people wanting to BE of service to the cause. This post is a Call-to-action for anyone willing to share their energy in support of bringing freedom to Humanity once and for all...
If you are one of the people who has heard the call, and you're ready to stand up and play a part in ushering in this new paradigm, then this post is for YOU. 
If you are tired of all the lies and corruption that have plagued our magnificent planet for far too long, then this post is for YOU. 
If you are tired of being manipulated into believing war, hate, fear, anger and aggression are a natural part of BE'ing human, then this post is for YOU.
If you are ready to embrace a reality based upon Love, Joy, Peace and Prosperity for All, then this post is for YOU. 
Are YOU ready for the whole world to know about OPPT, so that we can all join hands together and manifest our new reality? Then NOW is the time to DO and BE as ONE. The only question that remains is, will you take the call? 
The fastest way to share this information with the masses is to bring it out into the open for all to see and feel. Through the various channels of media, we can and will accomplish just that. The quickest route to the mainstream is by getting into the smaller networks first. 
On Wednesday I was on Orion Talk Radio, for a program called Morning Brew, hosted by Gwen Caldwell to discuss OPPT. After the live recording I was told there were over 1M+ live listeners representing over 10 countries. Considering the popularity of the show and the gravity of the content, we were invited back every Wednesday until this information gets out in the open for the whole world to see. (Links to that show and future shows will follow this post)
The objective is to duplicate this process as many times over as possible. We have plenty of very qualified OPPT insiders who are already standing by for broadcast duty. Let's just say, too many requests for interviews is a very good problem to have :)
Here is your mission should you choose to accept it:
1. Gather contact emails from all of your local, regional and national media outlets (i.e. talk radio programs, online news sites, newspapers, popular news blog sites, etc.). The more the better.
2. Create an email and title it "Public Trust Forecloses on Major Corporations."
3. Manually input all the email addresses into the "CC" field, so that the recipient list is out in the open for all to see. The best solution would be to send one at a time to ensure the email makes its way past spam filters (but this is a bit more time consuming). Make sure to include a copy of the Press Release, as well as Courtesy Notice and Instructions. 
4. Before hitting send, (if this resonates with you) say this out loud: "angels, archangels, spirit guides, great beings of light, please guide this email to any and all recipients who are ready to receive it. Let these words open up a portal of truth and transparency within the hearts and minds of all those who may read the content of this message. I thank you in advance that this is so, and so it is. So BE it."
5. Hit "send" baby.
6. Pat yourself on the back for your incredible DO'ing and BE'ing. 
7. Grab some popcorn and watch as the firework show continues to light up the night...


Brian Kelly
            (619) 709-2083 (link sends e-mail) (link sends e-mail)

I feel as if the One Peoples Trust is about as real as NESARA.  And uhmmmm... well we are all still waiting for NESARA.

These types of internet based "truths" are to me, inmho, a way to channel and manage peoples (meaning those seeking an outlet for activism) seeking for change.

The thing is seeking for change is just that seeking.  It is not really creating change... always seeking... always waiting. 

What is important is to change within and create that change in the outer by virtue of the change within.

I see no change occurring from the OPPT-- just more seeking and talking and internet chatter... much in the same way NESARA has been pandied about by those who call themselves Prophets.

I bless all with Love. 


Francis's picture

and this is only one of many outward signs to follow . . .

Wendy's picture

I finally got some good links to the radio shows - I don't mind reading but this legal jibberish is very difficult. Ffg - you may be right, I was surprised that in the first radio show link the OPPT proponent was talking about NESARA and prosperity funds as if they were legit.

I still think this may be a good avenue to expose the corruption of our current "not government but really a corporation" system. It's a new avenue of resistance. I wouldn't use it for the important stuff like taxes unless I hear about some real sucesses but for parking tickets, etc. - it's a way to expose that the emporer has no clothes to the people that work for these corporations masquerading as government.


Lends Ear to Record Live Listenership

The One People’s Public Trust followers flock to hear founders and faces of the organization on the radio. The movement is growing by leaps and bounds.

  • OPPT had a record one million + live listeners worldwide on The Morning Brew Show Feb 13th. Here is the link to the show: (link is external)
  • OPPT broke a second record with 190,000 live listeners on Freedom Reigns week of Feb 11th, up from 145,000 live listeners the previous week.
  • More than 80 OPPT-related websites as of Feb 14th, listed here: (link is external)
  • A google search for “One People’s Public Trust” currently produces 33M results in .28 sec

Radio Credits:

Morning Brew, (link is external) with Brian Kelly of (link is external) as recurring guest
Wednesdays starting Feb 13, 2013 at 12 pm Eastern Standard Time. Host Gwyn Caldwell invited OPPT back as special guests every Wednesday until this story becomes mainstream, achieving transparency and disclosure!

Collective Imagination,  (link is external)Tuesday Evenings in the US, Wednesday Evenings in Australia with Lisa Harrison, Chris Hales, Bob Wright, Santos Bonacci, D, Brian Kelly, and OPPT roundtable.

Freedom Reigns on BlogTalkradio (link is external)  Monday Evenings in the US, Tuesday Evenings in Australia with Lisa Harrison, Chris Hales, Bob Wright, D, Brian, AK, Lois Tucci, and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf.

Surviving the Matrix on (link is external) Host Max Igan OPPT podcast: (link is external)

Please contact Brian Kelly with any questions, or to schedule an interview.

Wendy's picture

In this dialogue, Heather explains the language used in the documents that OPPT filed. It's a very spiritual message, talking about the end of duality. I think many here, even if they have no interest in the freeman movement will find this worth listening to. (link is external)

Noa's picture

There are quite a few differences between NESARA and OPPT.  NESARA, as far as I can tell, is little more than a rumor.  Whereas OPPT has uploaded the signed UCC documents (with the signatures of the signees) for all to see.

If this is a hoax, then the instigators have gone to enormous trouble to draft the legalize contained in these documents.  I don't see an equal payoff for affecting such an elaborate hoax.

My doubts are not about the authenticity of OPPT's filings, rather, whether by filing these documents they've essentially canceled all debt and obligations we as a people 'owe' to these institutions.  I'm tempering my skepticism with the knowledge that such an enormous shift in the collective paradigm may not easily be accepted by the human brain.  In other words, it may sound too good to be true, but that in itself doesn't automatically make it false.

I'm also waiting for the results of the Dragon family lawsuit that Ben Fulford speaks about. (link is external) (Incidentally, I find no mention of OPPT on David Wilcock's website, which I find rather peculiar.)

As Wendy suggests, a 'wait and see' approach may be prudent.  If nothing else, sharing this news helps to lift the veil of deception and ultimately it may greatly impact OPPT's fruition.  So I encourage you to spread the word and allow others to make up their own minds.

Noa's picture

Thanks for the post, Wendy, and your thoughtful words.  I couldn't get the video to play, but I followed the link below the video to a list of related vids: (link is external)  I don't know if your video is contained in this list.

Then I found this video, which connects a lot of the dots:

Published on Feb 18, 2013  (link is external)

New updates from One People's Public Trust regarding the foreclosures on the banking elitists & power that were. With hosts Lisa, Chris & Bob from The Collective Imagination Show, Santos Bonacci, D. from removing the Shackles, Brian & AK from American Kabuki, Lois & Heather Tucci.


I find it amazing that a grassroots project so early in its infancy already has such notable followers.

Noa's picture

I listened to this radio interview 3 times and each time I got a little more out of it.  Lots of information here that fills in some of the blanks.  There's talk of a possible release of a watered-down version of NESARA (basically smoke and mirrors), but it's predicted that it won't be able to fool people for long. 

They also speak of the spiritual nature of the words contained in this  UCC documents.  There's more here than first meets the eye.  It's all about where we put our energy.  By addressing the notice to the BIS they've essentially cut the head off the financial beast.  The remaining hierachy below the BIS is now powerless (though they won't give up without a fight).  The action required now is for scads of people to give the banksters notice that the game is over.  If you're struggling to pay off loans and credit cards, here's your way out.

The longer I study the OPPT material, the more I believe it's true.

We're going to see some astounding changes in the months ahead.


lightwins's picture

Noa's picture (link is external)

Why OPPT Will Likely Work

There’s plenty of material you can read about the One People’s Public Trust movement in the post I wrote yesterday below.  I’m going to summarize for you why, in Dave’s opinion, there is a high likelihood this strategy will be successful.  I’m going to skip over the “intention” aspects and the spiritual overtones for the purpose of this explanation although those are actually more important than the tools themselves, those aspects are subjective and debatable.  I’m not not even going to elaborate on the legality of the documents because I’m not qualified and this post is based on an assumption that they were drafted and executed properly.
What I am going to address is the use of this movement as a negotiating tool, a strategic approach and a tactical weapon to neutralize overzealous government representatives.  It’s essentially a squeeze play where you are using the UCC filing to claim that the government and the too big to fail banks and the not too big to fail banks… failed.  Evidently the UCC has to be rebutted, from a legal perspective, and what government or corporate leader is going to be willing to stand up and say that the people didn’t bail out the government when it failed during the credit crisis? Not one that I can think of.
If you ask Dave, the assertions in the UCC are fairly vague and global in nature and the UCC isn’t what this is all about anyway, although it lays the cornerstone.  What is important about the UCC is that it creates a reference point that is recognized by the courts.  That reference point is then referenced in the Courtesy Notice and that is what gives the Courtesy Notice some sharp teeth when it comes to intimidation and potential behavioral influence on governmental and banking agents.
The government doesn’t use intimidation.  People who work for the government use intimidation.  You would be hard pressed to find a police policy manual or an IRS that condones the use of intimidation while at the same time you would have a hard time finding a middle manager at many of these institutions that doesn’t use intimidation on a daily basis.  Just take a look at this video from Adam and the Man and check out the un-civil servant at the 5:30 mark and you get a perfect example of the kind of intimidation that I am talking about.  Essentially the same thing happened to Dave just before I started blogging and it was the catalyst to get me started.
When a guy like the one in the video above receives the Courtesy Notice that references the UCC and clearly advises him that the organization he works for is insolvent, bankrupt, broke and otherwise no longer in business he’s going to respond accordingly.  He’s going to go to his boss.  He’s going to go to his co-worker.  He’s going to go to his lawyer.  He’s not going to know what to do because he’s going to realize that he is now personally liable for actions such as those depicted in the video which if you ask me clearly conveys a physical threat… but then again I’m not a lawyer or a judge.
The point is not to attack this guy for practically assaulting Adam with some legal solution against the government.  That won’t work.  The solution is getting the guy to think twice about doing something like this and when he receives the Courtesy Notice and researches it and discovers that it is a valid document referencing a valid non-rebutted UCC, then the guy is going to realize he is exposed.  He’s going to go to his boss and co-workers and say “Hey, that technique I have been using… the one where I protect my face with my hand and then get in other people’s faces and make them think I am going to arrest and possibly twist their arm and injure them because I provoke them into pushing me back… that technique… well I can’t use it anymore because people have cameras and I won’t have the protection of government TSA lawyers and government TSA insurance policies when I get dragged into court by the guy who sent me this Courtesy Notice.”
That’s what will happen.  I know it.  These people, like the TSA guy is just doing his job the best he can because the job is a ridiculous job.  He’s survived and climbed the ladder by perfecting his techniques and by creating a marginal personal exposure that he believes is covered by the uniform and everything that stands behind it… and it was… until now.  When a guy like this gets theCourtesy Notice in the mail or via email, he’s going to back down quicker than you can say “Simpson-Bowles means tested my pension plan.”

TSA Video
If someone at the top would stand up and deny the UCC by providing a proper rebuttal, then they could disable this movement, but that person would also be charged with treason.  Who do you know in government that is going to do that; President Obama or the Chairman of the private Federal Reserve Bank Ben Bernanke?  How about the person in charge of your local credit union?  I don’t think so.  No one in their right mind is going to stand up to the UCC filing and how they got it onto the books escapes me and frankly it makes me quite suspicious as to the core intentions, but more on those suspicions later.
Is this some sort of get out of jail, drive as fast as I want, don’t pay my property taxes solution?  I don’t view it that way.  Is this some way to shut down an overzealous TSA agent like the guy in the video above?  Absolutely it is.  I started noticing a pattern of behavior where the civil servant was become the uncivilized master.  That pattern was emerging everywhere I went.  Then one day I got pulled over for turning right on red and it cascaded into an amazing experience for me.  I’ll probably elaborate on it in another post.  It was at that moment when I realized that the government, at least from my perspective had gotten out of control.  If I had had that UCC Courtesy Notice available to me at the time of that experience I think I would have sent a copy to that police officer.
About two months after my experience with that officer, I read an article in the local paper on how that same office beat some perpetrator up in a restaurant parking lot when there were nine police officers already on the scene before that officer got there.  If I had sent the Courtesy Notice advising him of his personal liability for his actions, would he have beaten up that man at the restaurant?  Maybe not.  According to the local newspaper the entire brutality case was under investigation and we know how those investigations work out when you’re investigated by your own organization and Holder-Breuerian “ripple effects” are the primary concern.
If you work for the government there’s a decent chance that this new paradigm of personal exposure for your actions is going to become a reality.  There’s a decent chance that you’re going to get one of these Courtesy Notices and eventually they will be tested in court and if you believe for one minute that they’re going to restructure the entire Uniform Commercial Code because it is being used by citizens to intimidate overzealous government workers you’re dreaming.  The government will leave you hanging out there in the breeze in the same way that Means Testing your entitlement and retirement programs will leave your golden years wanting like a German trying to get his gold returned from the Fed.
The real significant aspect of this paper-based approach to accountability is the feedback loop that it will create.  TheseCourtesy Notices will be making their way through every imaginable administrative channel in an already constipated bureaucracy.  Their volume and frequency will build like a snowball until they become so heavy they can no longer be rolled.  A word like  “mesothelioma” settlements became  one of the most searched for words on Google because absestos became one of those snowballs that got so big it couldn’t be moved.  The same can be said about the tobacco settlement.  I can imagine that extending “courtesy” to a gentleman like the one that confronted Adam in the video becoming standard operating procedure. (link is external)

Bob07's picture

Winston Shrout, in the interveiw that John posted just above, takes a look at OPPT and UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) law, and although he supports what they're trying to do, points out some fundamental flaws in the movement and cautions people to look into this matter more carefully before taking any actions based on OPPT. 

Shrout has long experience in the fundamentals underlying the OPPT (One People's Public Trust) effort.  At one point, Shrout carefully explains what a Trust is and how it works, and then looks at how the OPPT Trust is put together.  There are apparently serious problems with it.

He respects what they're trying to do, but wishes they'd get some of the basics straight, or, he fears, some damage could result.  He implies that he'd help them out if he were asked.

If you're not familiar with Winston Shrout, here is his website: (link is external) .  You can find some of his talks on YouTube.  He's a key figure in the move to file liens against the G7 Central Banks in April '12 in an effort to shut down the international banking system.  On that subject, here's an interview between David Wilcock and Winston Shrout: (link is external) .


Noa's picture

No doubt Winston Shrout knows a lot about UCC Law.  But based on his and Linda Joslin's comments it doesn't appear that either of them looked very closely at the OPPT materials.

Linda's comments are fear-based.  Specifically, she thinks that OPPT is asking everyone to "bond to CVACs for 3 years."  If you read this article (link is external) you'll see that that's not what it says.  Only the public servants are bonded...


Creator’s Value Asset Centres (or CVAC’s) are assistance mechanisms designed to support and serve humanity, the custodians of Earth. They provide an interconnected planet-wide network of support, operated by bonded public servants who act in full liability at all times. They provide a simple framework of governance and administration, covering 8 areas of functional process:

  1. Systems of Knowledge

  2. Communication

  3. Travel

  4. Transparency

  5. Protection & peacekeeping

  6. Accountability

  7. Treasury

  8. Repossession*

* The transitional function of reclaiming from The Debtor the resources, infrastructure and wealth of the One People, in accordance with the terms of the One People’s Public Trust.


Stewards and council members will be subject to 3-monthly renewal of their bonded roles, which ensures that public servants remain responsible to “the One People” at all times.

What's so scary about that, Linda??


Then, although Winston knows his stuff, he failed to realize that OPPT isn't telling people to file the same UCC document that one of their members drafted (an attorney who is experience in UCC law).  Rather, OPPT is urging people to use the "Courtesy Notice" which notifies the creditors that the UCC doc was filed. 

(Now, whether or not this UCC filing has any teeth or not, remains to be seen.  And it's here that I have some doubts.)

Winston also said that he would be glad to help OPPT strengthen their documents, but it was "impolite" of him to offer help without first being asked.  I wonder about his priorities.  Which is more important -- saving humanity from financial tyranny or adhering to social norms?  Since Winston Shrout is one of the few people involved with UCC Law and the Freeman movement who charges money for his information, it may be that his allegiance may be more to himself than with helping the planet.

(Go ahead and rate me a 1 star if you like, I'm just speaking my truth.) 

Before we all throw the baby out with the bathwater, let's weigh all the facts and make our own informed decisions.

Francis's picture

I like Max's unity approach to the OPPT opportunity and the importance and priority it places on our connection with the creator where manmade laws are concerned: (link is external)

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS (link is external) empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"