Idle No More is an activist group comprised of indigenous Canadians which unite in solidarity with indigenous peoples all over the world to prevent greedy corporations from stealing lands and further destroying our planet.
Currently, some of the leaders of the Mi'kmaq community are participating in a hunger fast to protest the Harper Government's treatment of aboriginal people. http://idlenomore.ca/
Finally, people have had enough. We're taking back our power and claiming the right to a clean and healthy planet. Can you feel the change in the air? I can.
In the following video, 11 yr. old Ta'Kaiya Blaney gives a moving speech and sings a powerful song about it. I'm inspired by children like Ta'Kaiya who have come here to become the leaders our world.
Here's a short documentary about Idle No More.
For more background about what's been happening to indigenous Canadians over the last century, google, "Canadian holocaust" or Canadian genocide."