Extensive Info re FBI corruption

Received this interesting email this AM:

Re: Based on the contained evidence, many nations around the world will most likely review the advisability of allowing the hosting of the FBI contingents in the American Embassies Legal Attache offices.
All events of past 20 years regarding Banner International may be greatly simplified by explanation now of the attached 1983 Stanford Memorandum located in Stanford Archives by Dr. Robert Cutler and sent to me in 2001. Demonstrably, I was seen to be aware of the details regarding the poisoning of Jane Stanford, and referred to (as such) by Peter Sylvester in the attached Stanford Internal Memorandum of 1983. 
Following up those facts in the 1983 Stanford Memorandum, and the persons mentioned, has now resulted in the other Briefs as attached---and with the conclusion---also inevitable and documented---that the passage of the Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913 was based on 1912-1913 election-rigging, bribery of TR Roosevelt of $100 million by Rockefeller, and based on the organizations set up as made possible by the 1905 murder of Jane Stanford.
All the named persons in the Memorandum were involved in that conspiracy to poison Jane Stanford---and after following these leads up in the last two years, it has become necessary to include as Jane Stanford murder accomplices from 1905, as also being"TR" Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, Sr., and Whitelaw Reid, son-in-law of the referred to Darius Ogden Mills. Persons at Stanford and present Rockefellers thus knew I could, with the knowledge in the 1983 Memorandum, expose all these facts in the Whitelaw Reid Memorandum as attached---including that the Federal Reserve Bank Act Passage was based on 1912 election-rigging and vast bribery by John D. Rockefeller, Sr; 
In 1992-1993 it is now evidenced that the 1983 Memo author Sylvester was alleging in 1992-1993 (and since) to many Stanford persons that I was indeed trying to open all these 1905 murder events up and to prove all these things, and that I was alleged to be "obsessed" about doing so.
Also, based on the Memo details, Stanford and the present Rockefellers knew that it was indeed possible (as finally now done in the attached Brief), in fact to acertain these facts and conclusions in the attached Whitelaw Reid Brief. But this was never even thought of or attempted until the last two years when it became necessary to do so.
That was thus an entirely false allegation by Sylvester in 1992 and thereafter. I had forgotten all about these things and mentioned them again to no-one else ever on any occassion except once as noted to Peter Sylvester.  Sylvester's only evident and possible motive was to prompt the Rockefeller/Stanford interests to employ their criminalized "inside team" in the FBI to destroy me and thus make possible the receivership and theft of the Requa/Hoover Files.  This is what then happened with the FBI in Utah and California (then clearly being involved in organizing attempts on my life), as detailed for Utah at: http://www.greatgoldgrab.com/PDFs_jan_2013/Notice_of_Criminal_Complaint.pdf
The necessary conclusions have been made to Utah House Republicans. Foremost is that if one is known or viewed as being able to ascertain and evidence that the Federal Reserve Bank Act passage of 1913 was based on election-rigging and vast $100 million bribery by John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and that the passage of that Act was thus fraudulent and revokable, then the FBI will be retained by those controlling the Federal Reserve Bank to destroy you and to assassinate you. This is what the Utah FBI (and Palo Alto FBI office) then in fact attempted to do, as detailed in the above link/complaint.
Also greatly then feared was the exposure of the fact that Rockefellers and "Wall Street" had financed the rise of Hitler and the creation of his "Nazi War Machine". This is also detailed in the other attachment based on other highly respected scholars' research. But it was feared, of course, that in making the exposure of Rockefeller and "TR" being behind the Jane Stanford murder, that I might then expose not only that and the 1912 election rigging, but that this too might emerge, and that now has in fact emerged from research by others, that: "Wall Street (Rockefellers) Financed Nazis" as attached.
The other cocnlusion---based on these facts and the following  List of "Crimes by the FBI"---is that the FBI is readily criminalized at will by those who have the means so to employ the FBI to undertake the most criminal of operations---including contract murders.
Many nations around the world will thus most likely review the advisability of allowing the hosting of the FBI contingents in American Embassy Legal Attache offices.
Utah House Republicans
Re: Salt Lake Tribune Article of May 9, 2013
      Disappointment/Frustration with Lack of Action: "Feds"
Reasons for Inaction: FBI and US Attorneys in these Utah matters are being run by criminal agendas of David Rockefeller and Federal Reserve Bank with very serious Utah FBI and Utah Attorney General corruption since 1993 (at least): continuous ongoing corruption;
With refernce to: Letter of Attorney to U.S. Attorneys/FBI in Utah:
Attached: Stanford University Archives Memorandum from 1983
Dear Speaker Lockhart:
It was most encouraging to see the published Salt Lake Tribune comments by you of May 9 with regard to Utah Attorney General corruption scandals:

"Clearly," she said, "the things that are alleged are very serious and show an extreme lack of judgment...I would have to say that all options are on the table," she said. "We are becoming more and more frustrated with what we see as a lack of action or movement on the part of the feds." If legislators decided to pursue ouster, the process would start with articles of impeachment filed by members of the House.

I would like to point out to you what are the now evident underlying reasons for lack of any action by the FBI into Utah Attorney General corruption---in context of my recent Criminal Complaints against FBI Agent Collins and then Utah Asst. District Attorney Earl Dorius (married to my cousin) for their actions in 1993. There has been continuous Utah Attorney General corruption/criminalization from then, at least, until the present to avoid exposing the fact that Utah FBI cooperated---as clear now---with the most corrupt possible Rockefeller interests in 1993 (to the present) to maintain cover-ups of the facts now made public [with the attached Briefs]. The now also confirmed historical facts to be seen are that the Rockefellers had financed Adolph Hitler's Rise and the construction of his Nazi War Machine---and further that:

1) John D. Rockefeller, Sr. in 1905 had organized the poisoning of Jane Stanford in order to control Stanford University for his "eugenics" political agendas; 2) That he had election-rigged the 1912 Presidential election with a $100 million bribe to TR through a eugenics organization as a "charirtable donation";     3) That the approval of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was thus based on election-rigging and bribery, made possible by means of Jane Stanford murder;

All to be seen, documented, and proved [in the atached Briefs]. I was able to ascertain these things recently, after many years (related to the attached 1983 Memorandum from Stanford Archives about Jane Stanford poisoning of 1905 as referring to myself); and, it was thus known of a fact, as to be seen, by Rockefeller/Stanford interests in 1983 that I actually knew the facts then by which these things could be ascertained, and that have now finally been so ascertained. 

It was in 1993 that they believed I was then moving to expose all this---as they knew I could as per the attached 1983 Memorandum---and to thus ascertain the facts most relevant now in Utah FBI/Attorney General matters; that the FBI is actually being run, whenever necessary for them, by the corrupt/criminal Rockefeller/Federal Reserve Bank interests. This is why there is no action in Utah now on your present matters: because they would expose the FBI/Attorney General corruption continuously back to 1993 (and long before).

I believe the phenomenal list of "Crimes of the FBI" following here in this text indicates that the FBI is fundamentally a criminalized agency (whenever it is so desired by interests such as the Rockefellers and Federal Resever Bank). What I knew in 1983 was enough eventually---as now---to illegitimize the entire Federal Reserve Bank Act Passage of 1913. It has taken all these years to determine that, because of this, they employed the FBI in Utah as per the below complaint to arrange for my elimination. This is now the unavoidable conclusion---with it also being cocnluded now that the Rockefellers/Bush "Cabal" also were behind the JFK Assassination of 1963: http://vimeo.com/44581567

Utah Complaint: http://www.greatgoldgrab.com/PDFs_jan_2013/Notice_of_Criminal_Complaint.pdf

There is thus "Nowhere Left to Hide": http://www.murderingjane.com/Editorial_Nowhere_Left_to_Hide.pdf

The FBI operation against me in 1993 by Agent Collins and Dorius was thus a highly criminal FBI "COINTELPRO" operation by the Utah FBI (with Utah Attorney General Office corruption)---for the interests of Rockefellers and The Federal Reserve Bank that was, in fact (and as evident and stated in the Complaint) seeking my elimination/murder. They did arrange to attempt my abduction and permanent  "disappearance".  The facts could not be more clear as stated in the Complaint. It was no "rogue" corruption by Collins/Dorius. It was "official". The Rockefellers and the Federal Reserve Bank had been treasonously involved with Hitler, his rise, and in the formation of the Nazi War Machine. They knew in 1993 (and before in 1983 in the Memo attached) that I could eventually ascertain this. This was certainly enough for them to seek my demise---which they certainly tried to accomplish. These facts cannot be controverted, as documented now by the most reputable scholars [in the attached briefs]

It is simply the demontration of the fact that: 1) in the final determination, the FBI generally is being run by the Rockefellers and the Federal Reserve Bank (a 100% private bank), as to be seen: http://www.greatgoldgrab.com/PDFs_jan_2013/Notice_of_Criminal_Complaint.pdf  and also in JFK assassination: http://vimeo.com/44581567 and,

2) That as per the following list, the FBI has essentially become an Organized Criminal Entity when so desired by those capable of the means so to employ it:
List: CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE F.B.I.---the corrupt status of the FBI, institutionally, should be clear.


Bari, Judi. TIMBER WARS. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1994.
The F.B.I. attempted to stop the political activity of Judi Bari and Daryl Cherney by exploding a
bomb under their car. Daryl Cherney and Judi Bari filed a Civil lawsuit against the FBI and Oakland police. A jury awarded them $4.4 million dollars in 2003. see http://www.judibari.org

Bowen Roger. INNOCENCE IS NOT ENOUGH: The Life and Death of Herbert Norman
New York USA M.E. Sharpe Inc 1988

Looks at FBI murder of Herbert Norman, Canadian Ambassador to Egypt.

Buitrago, Ann Mari. F.B.I. FILES. Grove Press, 1981.
Covers the procedures for obtaining and interpreting your F.B.I. file.

Burnham, David. ABOVE THE LAW. Scribner, 1996.
Looks at secret deals and fixing of cases by the Justice Department.

Buttino, Frank. A SPECIAL AGENT. William Morrow, 1993.
Investigates F.B.I. attacks on gay agents during the 1980’s.

Carson, Clayborne. MALCOLM X: THE F.B.I. FILE. Carroll & Graf, 1991.
Looks at the role of the F.B.I. in the assassination of Malcolm X.

Cashill,Jack, Sanders,James. FIRST STRIKE Thomas Nelson Press, 2003
Overwhelming evidence presented by Dr. Cashill on the downing of TWA Flight 800
by a missle over Long Island and the ensuing cover-up by FBI agents.

Charns, Alexander. CLOAK AND GAVEL. University of Illinois Press. 1992.
After reviewing thousands of pages of FBI documents the attorney author
exposes the FBI illegal phone tapping of the Supreme Court and how the FBI fix court
cases and manipulate Congress and State legislatures.

Churchill, Ward. AGENTS OF REPRESSION. South End Press, 1988.
Professor Churchill gives first hand accounts of F.B.I. death squad activities.

Churchill, Ward. THE COINTELPRO PAPERS. South End Press, 1990.
Explores how the F.B.I. disrupts legitimate political activities and engage in Death Squad activities.

Criley, Richard. THE F.B.I. VS. THE FIRST AMENDMENT. First Amendment Foundation, 1990.
Looks at the destruction of the First Amendment by the F.B.I.

KENNEDY. McGraw-Hill, 1989.

Pivotal book in understanding how the FBI has uses the Mafia to carry out political and other murders of our political and civil rights leaders.

De Camp, John. THE FRANKLIN COVERUP. AWT Publishers, 1992.
A former Republican state senator from Nebraska writes about a pedophile ring involved in the kidnaping, sexual torture and murder of children that went all the way to the Bush White House. Attorney DeCamp discusses the FBI role in the coverup of this case and the murder of a special prosecutor appointed to investigate the pedophile ring.

Dempsey, James X. and David Cole. TERRORISM AND THE CONSTITUTION: SACRIFICING CIVIL LIBERTIES IN THE NAME OF NATIONAL SECURITY. Los Angeles, CA: First AmendmentFoundation, 1999. Examines FBI campaign of terror to undermine civil liberties.

Diamond, Sigmund. COMPROMISED CAMPUS. Oxford University Press, 1992.
Professor Diamond attempts to get F.B.I. files showing collaboration between the F.B.I. and colleges and universities from 1945-1955.

Donner, Frank. PROTECTORS OF PRIVILEGE. University of California Press, 1990.
Looks at collaboration between local police and the F.B.I. to stifle first amendment rights.

Dwyer, James. TWO SECONDS UNDER THE WORLD. Diane publishers 1997.
The most important book you will read on understanding FBI involvement in 9-11
terrorist act at the World Trade Center. This book lays out in detail how the FBI engineered the first World Trade Center explosion.

Emerson, Steven and Brian Duffy. THE FALL OF PAN AM 103. G.B. Putnam's Sons, 1990.
Oliver Revell was the number 2 man at the F.B.I. until he was demoted by F.B.I. Director
William Sessions to the Dallas Field Office. His son Chris Revell had tickets for
Pan Am 103, but he changed his flight two days before the plane exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland. See Ross Gelbspan's book, BREAK-INS, DEATH THREATS AND THE FBI to get afuller picture of Oliver Revell.

Foerstel, Herbert. SURVEILLANCE IN THE STACKS. Greenwood Press, 1991.
Looks at attempts by the F.B.I. to get librarians to spy on the American public.

Gallagher, Dorothy. ALL THE RIGHT ENEMIES. Penguin Books, 1988.
The F.B.I. utilized the Mafia to carry out its executions against political activists from 1930 through
1970. Carlos Tresca was one of their victims.

Gelbspan, Ross. BREAK- INS, DEATH THREATS, AND THE F.B.I. South End Press, 1991.
This Pulitzer Prize winning reporter formerly with the Boston Globe, details F.B.I. collaboration
with the death squads in El Salvador and their attacks upon American groups opposed to those death squads.

Glick, Brian. WAR AT HOME. South End Press, 1989.
Attorney Glick details the F.B.I.’s covert war against political activists.

House, 1998.
Contains detailed evidence about the FBI alliance with the terrorist underworld,
and how FBI agent provocateurs are behind many of the current bombings that have plagued the United States since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Some current thinking has FBI agents creating these acts to fill the void caused by the downfall of communism.

Hougan, Jim. SPOOKS. William Morrow, 1978. Important book detailing the life of former F.B.I. agent Robert Maheux and his relationship with the Mafia. Groundbreaking book in understanding FBI collaboration with the Mafia, using it to carry out assassinations on President Kennedy, Martin Luther King and others. See author Bud Schultz

Kaiser, Marty . Odyssey of an Eavesdropper( My Life in electronic countermeasures and my battle against the FBI) W Carroll & Graf 2005
Author exposes wiretapping crimes committed by FBI agents as well as Business Fraud. He built the wiretapping devices for FBI agents that were later used in crimes committed against people like Martin Luther King and public officials. After exposing FBI agents kickback schemes to Congress the author became a target of retaliation by tax payer funded FBI agents.

Keith, Jim. OK BOMB. Illuminate, 1996.
Explores FBI coverup in the Oklahoma City bombing investigation.

Kelly, John F. TAINTING EVIDENCE. The Free Press 1998. The book is based on testimony of FBI lab Whistleblower Dr. Frederick Whitehurst , an employee of the FBI for 17 years. Shows how bad the FBI Lab is run. Dr. Whitehurst was the chemist who analyzed Timothy McVeigh's clothes for traces of ammonium nitrate and was removed from the case when he did not find any bomb residue.

Lehr, Dick & O'Neill, Gerard. BLACK MASS. Public Affairs, 2000.
Looks at the FBI's collaboration in Boston with the Mafia and Irish Mob between 1960 and 2001 in which they collaborated in the murder of 21 women,children and men. Important book showing how the FBI uses the Mafia to commit political and other assassinations .

Melanson, Phillip. THE MURKIN CONSPIRACY. Praeger, 1989.
Professor Melanson looks at the F.B.I.’s role in the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Melanson, Phillip. THE ROBERT KENNEDY ASSASSINATION. Shapolsky, 1991.
Professor Melanson is in charge of the Robert Kennedy archives at the University of Massachusetts.
He details the F.B.I.’s role as one of the principal architects of the assassination of Robert Kennedy.

Messerschmidt, Jim. THE TRIAL OF LEONARD PELTIER. South End Press, 1983.
Looks at the miscarriage of justice in the F.B.I.’s handling of the Leonard Peltier case.

Oklahoma City Bombing Investigative Committee. THE FINAL REPORT 2001. The best book by far
providing overwhelming evidence of FBI involvement in the Oklahoma City Bombing .

Navasky, Victor. INVESTIGATING THE F.B.I. Doubleday, 1973.
Contains material presented at a major conference at Princeton University in 1971 investigating
crimes committed by the FBI.

Neff, James. MOBBED UP. Dell Publishers 1988.
Important book in understanding FBI collaboration with the Mafia especially how the Bureau
uses the Mafia to carry out its political assassinations.

Nelson, Jack. THE F.B.I. AND THE BERRIGANS. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1972.
Looks at F.B.I. death squad directed against Nobel Peace Prize nominee Phil Berrigan and his
brother, Jesuit priest Daniel Berrigan.

Doubleday, 2000.

Provides supporting evidence for the idea of the F.B.I. as a death squad. Examines the F.B.I. acts of genocide against Afro-Americans . Looks at how FBI agents framed Geronimo Pratt, a Afro American Vietnam vet who spent over 25 years in prison before a judge released him saying he was innocent and framed by FBI agents.

O’Reilly, Kenneth. RACIAL MATTERS. Free Press, 1989.
Professor O’Reilly looks at a file called Racial Matters that the F.B.I. is keeping on Black America.

Parenti, Michael. DIRTY TRUTHS. City Lights Books, 1996.
Dr. Parenti looks at F.B.I. involvement in the assassination of labor leader Walter Reuther while he was organizing protests against the Vietnam War. It includes the essay “Why the Left is Afraid to look at the Assassination of JFK”.

Pepper, William. ORDERS TO KILL. Carroll and Graf, 1995.
Attorney Pepper represented James Earl Ray in his bid for a new trial and won a landmark case in civil court in December 1999 for the Martin Luther King Jr. family. The jury in the case concluded hat the F.B.I. was involved in the assassination of King. His book details our government’s involvement and provides photographic evidence of the F.B.I.’s role in this assassination.

The evidence from the 1999 Civil Trial in Memphis brought by the King family in which the jury concluded FBI agents were principal architects in the assassination of Martin Luther King.

Powers, Richard Gid. SECRECY AND POWER. Free Press, 1987.
A biography of J. Edgar Hoover and his quest for power.

Powers, Tyrone. EYES TO MY SOUL. Majority Press, 1996.
Professor Powers an afro-american, talks about his 9 years working as an F.B.I. agent, and the
FBI FRUHMENSCHEN program. White agents tried to kill him when he was writing this book.

Ranalli, Ralph. DEADLY ALLIANCE. Harper Torch, 2001
Boston Globe reporter Ralph Rannali exposes FBI collaboration with the Boston Mafia from 1960-
2001 where they ran a Murder Inc. President Bush asserted Executive Privilege in 2002 preventing
Congress from seeing the Federal Prosecutor’s Investigative files on this case.

Robbins, Natalie. ALIEN INK. William Morrow, 1992.
Ms. Robbins acquired the F.B.I. files on the major writers and artists of the 20th century, and
examines F.B.I. attacks upon them and their freedom of expression.

Schultz, Bud and Ruth. IT DID HAPPEN HERE. University of California Press, 1989.
Contains interviews with human rights activists who survived F.B.I. assassination attempts.

Schultz, Bud and Ruth. THE PRICE OF DISSENT. University of California Press, 2001
The sequel to IT DID HAPPEN HERE with more interviews with civil rights activists and union
organizers and anti-war protestors who survived FBI assassination attempts and with family members of people who were murdered.

Seymour, Sheri. COMMITTEE OF THE STATES. Self-published, 1989.
The F.B.I. infiltrated the California Militia 10 years before the Oklahoma City bombing. The
book illustrates how easy it was for the F.B.I. to infiltrate the group and get it to make bombs.
Shows with child-like simplicity how easy it was for FBI agent provocteur to get Timothy McVeigh
to make bomb and drive the truck.

Sharkey, Joe. ABOVE SUSPICION. Simon & Schuster, 1993.
Looks at the F.B.I. coverup involving one of its own agents who murdered an informant after he got her pregnant.

Suarez, Manuel. REQUIEM ON CERRO MARAVILLA. Waterfront Press, 1987.
Looks at F.B.I. collaboration with local police in the arrest, handcuffing, and death squad execution of two teenagers in Puerto Rico.

Summers, Anthony. OFFICIAL AND CONFIDENTIAL. G.B. Putnam and Sons, 1993.
This is the book on which the PBS Frontline documentary on J. Edgar Hoover and his friendship
with the Mafia is based.

Theoharis, Athan. THE F.B.I. Garland Publishers, 1994.
Professor Theoharis has compiled a comprehensive listing of books and articles about the F.B.I. up to 1994.

Thomas, Kenn. THE OCTOPUS. Feral House, 1996.
Investigates the F.B.I.’s role in the killing of investigative reporter Danny Casolero while he was
investigating the October Surprise.

Turner, William. THE ASSASSINATION OF ROBERT KENNEDY. Thunder Mouth Press, 1993.
Written by a former F.B.I. agent, it looks at the F.B.I.’s involvement in the assassination of Robert

Turner, William. REARVIEW MIRROR foreword by Oliver Stone. Penmarin Books CA 2001.
More updated information on FBI involvement in President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin
Luther King Assassination written by a former FBI agent.

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. WHO IS GUARDING THE GUARDIANS? A Report on Police
Death Squad activities. 1981.

Wiener, Jon. GIMME SOME TRUTH. University of California Press, 1999.
Professor Wiener looks at the 14 year battle with the F.B.I. to get them to release their files on
John Lennon.

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