Glenn Beck Delivers Moving, Tearful Monologue — Without Saying a Single Word

Glenn Beck Delivers Moving, Tearful Monologue — Without Saying a Single Word

truly amazing!

(link is external)

Noa's picture

I'll believe it when I see it.

Glenn Beck is a master at propaganda and theatrics.  The above video is a plug for this website: (link is external), so you can decide for yourself if he's sincere.  It reminds me of decades back when the IRS realized they had an image problem and decided to sell a "kinder, gentler side" to the public.

You've probably seen the viral video below which catches GB in the act of artificially inducing fake tears.  To me it speaks volumes about his character. 

Could he really have changed overnight?  Anything's possible, but is it likely?


Brian's picture

 Thanks Noa for voicing that suspicion. I fear it too but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt because I know personally how giving up an addiction can heal your life on every level and help you get connected to parts of yourself left dormant. Especially your compassion for others. I bless him even if it might turn out I was fooled.

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS (link is external) empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"