Hoo boy!! Gonna be a long ride home on Air Force One....


From: Isaac
Hoo boy!!  Gonna be a long ride home on Air Force One....


he blonde lady, as we all know, is the Prime Minister of the 

Denmark (she's at some funeral in Africa!)

 ....We all saw the first 'selfie' picture but I at least had missed the rest of the sequence...it's like watching a train going off the rails through a telescope and no amount of shouting or gesturing from this distance will change anything. In the last shot, Michelle is trying to bore a message through the back of his head by sheer mental effort - but it's like rolling out 'affordable care', or spying on the American people, or drone-killing of women and children...this guy's radar isn't that great!



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Noa's picture


Bob07's picture

I think this is the photo John meant to post:


Scroll down for another photo.

And at Mandela's funeral, no less...

Keep yer pants on, Prez.


Noa's picture

One thing I admire about Hillary (and it's the only one) is that she held her head high in the midst of all that Bill and Monica nonsense.



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