those were really funny Gary! I was just thinking how Hollywood really supported Clinton, and how both Wash. DC and Hollywood are the two places waist deep in pizzagate right now! Of course, pizzagate is quickly proving to be an international affair, but here in the US, that's where all the power and longtime history of pedophilia thrives. It's like this underlying link between a lot of powerful people that had them so sure that they would prevail. Is it possible that Trump actually won when he wasn't supposed to? I'm still up in the air about it! And,,,I'm burned out on all the post election small talk and speculation about what and if he will do anything effective,,,it's all just talk now! But it was really fun to watch all the experts stick their foot in their mouths,,,thanks
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those were really funny Gary! I was just thinking how Hollywood really supported Clinton, and how both Wash. DC and Hollywood are the two places waist deep in pizzagate right now! Of course, pizzagate is quickly proving to be an international affair, but here in the US, that's where all the power and longtime history of pedophilia thrives. It's like this underlying link between a lot of powerful people that had them so sure that they would prevail. Is it possible that Trump actually won when he wasn't supposed to? I'm still up in the air about it! And,,,I'm burned out on all the post election small talk and speculation about what and if he will do anything effective,,,it's all just talk now! But it was really fun to watch all the experts stick their foot in their mouths,,,thanks