
A revelation.

I have come to a realization about the structure of the universe. Let me know what you think. We are each points of light. The strength and quality of that light wil simulutaneously illuminate reality and become bright enough to be observed by other illuminosities. This enables us to both provide and obtain information at the same time, thus establishing an equilibrium. This equilibrium can be influenced to a small degree towards either, light or darkness, existence or non existence or the eternal struggle of God. This is a bit of a ramble but I hope it sparks some debate by the community.


Following the lyrics is  a YouTube of a recording of crickets with the sound slowed down in a ratio roughly equivalent to the length of a cricket's life span relative  to the length of a human life span. Another example of  Allah's natural choir a la All God's Critters Got A Place In The Choir by Bill Staines

All God's Critters Got A Place In The Choir

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"