
Jim McCanney

If you don't know about Jim McCanney - check out his radio show and web site. He's a little bit of a character, but has some good information outside of the mainstream media and particularly in regards to science and what makes the universe tick. He has about 5-6 books out, and has been soundly discredited by the mainstream science establishment. I like him for that! He doesn't take any industry money for his work - and prides himself as being totally independent and able to work on whatever he wants to without funding being dependent on conclusions.

Navy Map of US in 2012

I got this from another forum - so if anyone can confirm this - post it!

US Navy Map of Future America (2011-12). It represents the USA as a result of “consequences from cosmic and geophysical events during 2011 through 2012”.

Explanation of Old Testament cruelty?

Disclaimer:  This is a channeled message. 

Just thought I should get that out of the way.  I wouldn't post it except after having read a couple of his books I value what James Gilliland has to contribute and would recommend his books to all who are open.  That said, this passage from his first book, Becoming Gods (though now titled Reunion with Source) struck me as a possible explanation as to why I've always held such an aversion to the Old Testament.  (Taken from the book as it is presented.)

Feminine God

The Humble Reasoning of a Single Man


                                IS NOT WORTH THE HUMBLE REASONING OF A SINGLE MAN

                                                                                                                         ---  Galileo

Potassium Iodide

This is the best deal on 130 mg tablets of Potassium Iodide I have seen - this is a bottle of 120 tablets - and I have seen packs of 14 go for much more than this! In stock and ready to ship:

One bottle should be enough to cover 8-10 people in an "incident"

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"