When I created my profile for the G-Spot, I was asked for a BURNING QUESTION...Soo..I submitted..What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about? I figured that would be sufficient and probably..No one could answer that one!
Well...my good friends at the G-Spot..your leader has done it again. This morning on Facebook, Fred submitted an essay that answered the question perfectly! Fred ..You are truly and amazing individual.
I am not into RAP music but I am truly estatic about the fact that the message is finally getting out to the masses. This short video is an excellent example....Love and Light to All.
Interesting article from Huffington Post by Robert Danza M.D.
You've laughed and cried. And you may even fall in love and grow old with someone, only to be ripped apart in the end by death and disease. The universe leaves you dead or grieving with a hole in you as big as infinity.
Are we part of a depraved cosmic joke, the product of a vast and ruthless universe?
I couldnt think of a good title for this video, I just enjoyed the compilation of several people/movies put together. I thought it was very well done so thought I would share.
I just recently got hit with this personally so even though many of you have probably seen the story from Fred's e-mail, below I'd like to share my personal experience.