

Here is a simple explanation of of the levels of enlightenment.

Enlightenment, simply put, means to bring light where there was darkness. In spiritual terms, this ‘light’ isn’t literal but symbolic. Just like the cartoon characters whose bright ideas are shown by a lit bulb over their heads, spiritual enlightenment is like a light bulb going on in the mind, giving us insight and understanding about the meaning of life that we didn’t have before.

Life in court

Judge:  Did you resist him?

Prostitute:  No, Your Honor.

Judge:  Why not?

Prostitute:  I didn't realize that he was raping me.

Judge:  And when did you realize that he had raped you?

Prostitute, wiping away tears:  When his check bounced.

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"