This will put a smile on your face
If this doesn't put a smile on your face for the weekend...nothing will....
If this doesn't put a smile on your face for the weekend...nothing will....
Hi all,
Years ago I heard that there was no light in space.....I think I first came across it with Nasa's moon landing photo's.....which have no stars.....if thats wrong I hope someone has the facts and will share them...
When I researched Tesla I realized he saw energy different to the rest of us.....When he first built power poles to carry his AC current he hit a the moment they hit the switch and let power run through the transformers and lines for the first time, it would arc out in a large blue bolt of electricity and it killed quite a few people.
This video says simply what we have spent a million words trying to say.
Enlightenment is hard to sell. Most people don't want the real thing. It's too stark, too simple. But it's what is real. It can happen in a millisecond, when you finally drop all of your concepts. Are you willing to drop all of your beloved concepts? -- paraphrased fragments of teachings by Anam Thubten (author of "No Self, No Problem")
Is that what is troubling you Bunky?
Well, Happy New Year everyone! Yes is New Year! Many of the Cycles of Time that are based on more authentic star counts of Galactic and Earth time begin their cycles on the 26th of July!
I meant this as a response to the advertising discussion but it turned into a monster so I thought I'd start another post. Here are a few excerpts from the book Path of Empowerment: Pleiadean Wisdom for a World in Chaos by Barbara Marciniak. It sums up well the power we hand over to the PTB when we feed into the fear porn and don't turn the channel. It reveals what they're up to with their control of the media. Whatever your views on where it came from you can't help but agree that there's some truth to the message . . .
I apologize for my many posts lately but I would be interested to hear your opinions on this one. In the article one guy even jokes about the RFID chips by saying, "Better yet put them on your kids or car keys so you stop losing them all the time."
Dear CASPIAN Members and Supporters,
For anyone interested in WikiLeaks I'm hoping this video gets uploaded correctly.
You know something's amiss when the truth has to be - leaked - in the hopes that it will reach a larger audience and the real picture will be revealed. I look forward to, and have high hopes for, the day when the Truth will speak as loud - and louder! - than the lies promoted in advertisements and the media.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"