Pass along the word to bring healing for Humanity and Mother Earth
I want to send my overwhelming gratitude and love today
to those who are working so hard to heal, awaken, and raise
the consciousness of this planet up to a place
where we can live in harmony once again.
I know personally how hard it is to do this work,
to inspire others to evolve past being passive, powerless victims
and to take charge of their lives.
I know that when we step out side the box,
it can cause others to fear the change that is inevitable.
Some may even attack us for thinking beyond the current horizon.
Some times we might want to give up because the work appears ineffective.
But we don’t quit…
because awakening ourselves and healing this planet is our destiny.
The Star Elders say
“Destiny is not something that is definable, but is a
living spirit that we put into action each day”.
The action we take each day will create a change in our world no doubt.
Change is a natural unending event in nature.
How we change this world is up to us!
We all know that if we take loving, peaceful, harmonious action,
we can heal our planet, re-awaken humanity,
end our differences, and become a global community.
As the Maya say we are the five fingers on the same hand.
What we do to one finger we do to all of the fingers.
The Maya also say In Lak’ech Ala K’in . .
What I do to you, I do to myself. What I do to myself, I do to you.
We are all connected if we feel this or not.
So today as we head into another powerful Equinox,
I feel my heart open even further.
I ask you to be good to yourself, be good to others,
and share your love and peace and harmony with the world
in every way you can.
Remember Harmony is addictive
and Love is contagious.
to those who are working so hard to heal, awaken, and raise
the consciousness of this planet up to a place
where we can live in harmony once again.
I know personally how hard it is to do this work,
to inspire others to evolve past being passive, powerless victims
and to take charge of their lives.
I know that when we step out side the box,
it can cause others to fear the change that is inevitable.
Some may even attack us for thinking beyond the current horizon.
Some times we might want to give up because the work appears ineffective.
But we don’t quit…
because awakening ourselves and healing this planet is our destiny.
The Star Elders say
“Destiny is not something that is definable, but is a
living spirit that we put into action each day”.
The action we take each day will create a change in our world no doubt.
Change is a natural unending event in nature.
How we change this world is up to us!
We all know that if we take loving, peaceful, harmonious action,
we can heal our planet, re-awaken humanity,
end our differences, and become a global community.
As the Maya say we are the five fingers on the same hand.
What we do to one finger we do to all of the fingers.
The Maya also say In Lak’ech Ala K’in . .
What I do to you, I do to myself. What I do to myself, I do to you.
We are all connected if we feel this or not.
So today as we head into another powerful Equinox,
I feel my heart open even further.
I ask you to be good to yourself, be good to others,
and share your love and peace and harmony with the world
in every way you can.
Remember Harmony is addictive
and Love is contagious.
With love and respect for all I share this planet with
~ Aluna Joy

Children of the Sun joins Aluna Joy and the Star Elders...
The 14th Annual
SOLAR WAVE 2008 and Full Moon Equinox
combined with the Planetary Grid Transmissions

One Very Powerful Day for Humanity
A full 24 Hour, Global Equinox Event
Happening on Full Moon Friday, March 21
This is a call to the awakened masses to join together to activate a Huge Stellar
Wave of POSITIVE MASS CONSCIOUSNESS to transform all discordant energy
on Earth and initiate a spontaneous awakening of all of Humanity!
The Star Elders confirm that because enough people have now awakened, their
ancient prophesies have been pushed ahead by 4 years making 2008
THE YEAR that we can spontaneous shift the world and humanity
back into the light. To further empower this 24 hour period of Mass Awakening,
we are using a 32-minute window of opportunity at Equinox
and synchronizing our efforts to a specific "local star time"
of multiplying potential.
Wave of POSITIVE MASS CONSCIOUSNESS to transform all discordant energy
on Earth and initiate a spontaneous awakening of all of Humanity!
The Star Elders confirm that because enough people have now awakened, their
ancient prophesies have been pushed ahead by 4 years making 2008
THE YEAR that we can spontaneous shift the world and humanity
back into the light. To further empower this 24 hour period of Mass Awakening,
we are using a 32-minute window of opportunity at Equinox
and synchronizing our efforts to a specific "local star time"
of multiplying potential.
Join Us on March 21st!!
The Power of Equinox ~
EQUINOX is a powerful time to initiate changes in our material world
and shift into new reality. On Equinox, the Earth and Sun are in
perfect balance and harmony, as the sun is centered between the
Northern and Southern hemispheres, and centered between
Heaven and Earth. This creates a sacred cross of balancing
energy that naturally harmonizes the planet and humanity.
EQUINOX is a powerful time to initiate changes in our material world
and shift into new reality. On Equinox, the Earth and Sun are in
perfect balance and harmony, as the sun is centered between the
Northern and Southern hemispheres, and centered between
Heaven and Earth. This creates a sacred cross of balancing
energy that naturally harmonizes the planet and humanity.
Combined with ~ The Power of a Full Moon
At the time of a full moon, the Earth receives more reflected light from the
Sun than at any other time. It is a time when the veils between worlds
are the thinnest and is the most potent time in the lunar cycle for
releasing the power of love, feeling and creative thought.
At the time of a full moon, the Earth receives more reflected light from the
Sun than at any other time. It is a time when the veils between worlds
are the thinnest and is the most potent time in the lunar cycle for
releasing the power of love, feeling and creative thought.
Combined with ~ The Power of the Planetary Grid Transmissions
Each new and full moon, thousands of people worldwide combine
unified intention while consciously connecting into the planetary
Crystalline Grid. This is a highly advanced New Earth energy system
that serves as the transitory bridge between consciousness paradigms.
The goal of the massive harmonic resonant field created through
our grid unification is to amplify the power of Light on Earth to such a
degree that the resultant global shift in frequency will awaken the
masses and transform world consciousness.
Each new and full moon, thousands of people worldwide combine
unified intention while consciously connecting into the planetary
Crystalline Grid. This is a highly advanced New Earth energy system
that serves as the transitory bridge between consciousness paradigms.
The goal of the massive harmonic resonant field created through
our grid unification is to amplify the power of Light on Earth to such a
degree that the resultant global shift in frequency will awaken the
masses and transform world consciousness.
Combined with ~ The Power of the SOLAR WAVE
For the last 13 years, thousands upon thousands of people
and cultures from around the globe have joined together to work with
this powerful energy in a 24 hour wave of creative potential. THIS YEAR,
we are evolving the SOLAR WAVE to a STELLAR ONE! This year we are
adding a tremendous multiplying potential . . . a specific
Local Sidereal Time (a.k.a. Star Time) to synchronize our global efforts
into peak, maximum efficiency to reclaim paradise on Earth.
This special time is a 32-minute window at
13:20 to 13:52 Local Sidereal Time.
To figure your LST: http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/solarwave2008.html
For the last 13 years, thousands upon thousands of people
and cultures from around the globe have joined together to work with
this powerful energy in a 24 hour wave of creative potential. THIS YEAR,
we are evolving the SOLAR WAVE to a STELLAR ONE! This year we are
adding a tremendous multiplying potential . . . a specific
Local Sidereal Time (a.k.a. Star Time) to synchronize our global efforts
into peak, maximum efficiency to reclaim paradise on Earth.
This special time is a 32-minute window at
13:20 to 13:52 Local Sidereal Time.
To figure your LST: http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/solarwave2008.html
It's a full 24-Hour Event
Send your Love and Light to the World
For the Mass Awakening of Humanity!!
Send your Love and Light to the World
For the Mass Awakening of Humanity!!
SOLAR WAVE and LST Time: More from Aluna Joy and the Star Elders
PLANETARY GRID TRANSMISSIONS More from Children of the Sun