I am copying this request as I received it today. It is for Sunday Dec. 21 at 8 p.m.. Please join in with your spirit and intention.
Blessing of Love and Light,
We live in interesting times. A look at the day's headlines, or reading the ancient prophecies of any religion or school of spiritual thought, confirms this is an important point in the Earth's existence. As the inhabitants of Spaceship Earth, we can choose to create a future of unity, sustainability, balance and prosperity for all the citizens of the globe -- or not.
It all depends on our intent, and the level of spiritually conscious people on the planet. In an effort to raise that percentage from the August 2002 level of .7%, the late Cherokee Chief Two Trees called for an on-going global movement to heal the planet -- past, present and future. Since that time, on many designated occasions, tens of thousands of people from at least 13 nations have participated in these global calls to action.
Amazingly, according to results determined by dowsers working independently in two countries using calibrated pendulum dowsing charts, the level of spiritually conscious people on Earth has jumped to 27%. During each of these sessions dedicated to healing the Earth, people from all geographical areas have reported feeling waves of energy, perceiving colors and seeing the land, trees, water and sky appear more clear and crisp.
Together we've set in motion some powerful, positive shifts, and it's up to all of us to keep that momentum going. On December 21st, at 8:00 PM local time, where ever you are we ask you to join us and send energy of wholeness, balance, and peace to the Earth and her waters and air. The best way of sending out peace is to be in a place of peace in your heart, so do something that brings joy and peace to you and then send that energy out.
Energy follows thoughts so please join us, and spend some time thinking about the things you DO want to create and not those you do not want. Visualize the earth vibrant, in peace and balance, the people healthy, peaceful, full of joy and laughter doing the things they choose to do in peace, with respect for all other beings and things; the air clear, clean and refreshing; the water sparkling as it plays over the rocks, crystal clear and a wonderful environment for fish and plants and people to frolic and have fun; with each and every person being their most authentic self, taking full responsibility for their own life and having respect for all others.
See each being living life to the fullest, enjoying each moment of our existence here on the earth in harmony with nature and with each other. Remember, think only about the things you want to create, there is power in each thought you have, use it to create your future as you would like it to be. These four dates tie in with the seasonal equinox and solstices, and draw on the spiritual power of the master number 22 to keep the healing energy set in motion all year long. There is no organizer or director for this effort. That is how we will maintain the divinely inspired and powerful intent of the Global Call to Action -- it's all about the Earth.
As always, thank you for caring, and doing something about it. The future is ours to create NOW! Have fun doing it.
Raymon Grace