I just read an article which might have disturbed me if I wasn't aware of the big changes coming in a few short years anyway. It seems that our very protective(?) government has already planned, and has the paper work done already, to censor the material and information available on the Internet, to track your and my activity on the net, and to completely block any sources of alternative news, which would include Fred's wonderful "Want To Know" newsletters. All they are waiting for is an I-9-11 event, ie. and false flag attack of the internet system with some sort of cataclysmic disruption. The article indicates that this is expected to happen in 5 to 8 years. Hmmmm!
Since I am convinced that there will be some major changes happening prior to that time frame, I am not too terribly concerned, except that this is just one more piece of evidence of the behind the scenes activities of our govenment's attempt to even more greatly remove the freedom of expression/speech and the right of the people to know whatever it is they want to know ( and perhaps, go where we want to go).
I have been watching the progress of the preparations for the Olympics in China, and observing the very highly policed access to information there, the fear of the people to say anything to foreign journalists, and the ever present spying eyes that don't miss a thing that is happening, even in the most remote parts of the country. The US isn't far behind them. It makes me remember reading those books 45 years ago, 1984, and Brave New World. I thought then how completely incredible that those fictional societies were and that that could never possibly happen. Ah, how naive and innocent I was then. Of course a couple of years later I read the tremendous little book published by the John Birch Society called, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, and started wondering if maybe those books were just a little bit prophetic. None Dare was right on track, because much of what was predicted in the book has already come to reality.
I, for one, continue to believe that the awareness of Global Consciousness will grow and awaken,,,,the hundreth monkey is about to wash her sweet potato and then "whoa Nelly, she's about to bolt".
Here is the link to the article I mentioned: http://www.infowars.net/articles/august2008/050808i911.htm
Love and light to all,