Isis' Message of the Day - Emissaries of Light are from your future

Isis' Message of the Day -

"Emissaries of Light are from your future; the future of the Earth and of any other fifth dimensional world that you will come to know. They have moved backward in linear time in order to assist the reconstruction of a different outcome here on Earth. They are here to spare humanity many of the catastrophes that would otherwise prevail. What catastrophes? The ones the Emissaries of Light have already lived through not once but many times before. They are not catastrophe experts as much as they are healers of time lines, ascensions of planets, and other multidimensional births of consciousness. You might say that if the catastrophe were an earthquake for instance, these beings would know where all the faults lay, what to shore up and when to evacuate. These beings are teachers and their wisdom is unparalleled at this time.
Look for these gentle souls in your neighborhoods, your precincts and your parishes. They have no religion, no belief, no judgment, no political platform and only a smidgen of self-interest. Their interest lies within your heart that is one of the reasons they speak so softly. They speak at a volume that is aligned with an aspect of your future and is found only in the heart."

I AM the Goddess ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

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