The Lightspeakers: Transmutation; From Warrior to Magician Through Christie Pennington

The Lightspeakers: Transmutation; From Warrior to Magician
Through Christie Pennington
We have entered a new time. It has begun, it is begun, it is now. Now is the time unlike all others in your experience. This time is forever present, devoid of longing, retribution and unforgiveness. The strength once heralded and striven toward before, is transformed without the need of victory. Subjugation and repression of the unwanted is no longer viable. It is that awareness has broken upon the horizon and is viewed with relief by those of understanding.
Conquering outer undesired circumstances no longer applies. Even the fighting of one's own inner territory is unnecessary. What the warrior fights, the magician transmutes. What the warrior conquers, the magician has dissolved.
It is time now, now is the time to negate the forms once so acknowledged as potent, even those forms of healing which focus on what is wrong and not right with any of the bodies, subtle or physical. Moving into the awareness of glorifying all that is good, brings the healing sought with more ease. We now ask how you perceive yourselves and your life this New Year of  your calculation? We do not mark it as do you but we do appreciate the change that has already begun and is now. The Shift, so called is within, not without, and is already instated in your reality if you so choose.

Accept this into your experience if you will, by being aware of old forms and actions and reactions, old behaviors of your own, falling away naturally as a result of conscious choice. Seeing the miracle of opportunity in each moment's unveiling is part of this intended plan you have accepted. Had you not, you would not be joined with us here now. We ask that you pay more attention to the power of the peaceful breath. Consciously drawing in acceptance of yourselves, others, and yes, even of that which appears undesirable. Pause for the peaceful breath before engaging in emotion, even before allowing the thought, which dictates the emotion and so the formerly automatic response.

Pause peacefully and weave the magical moment as you choose your response, consciously translating the unreliable, uncontrolled response into one of alchemy. The peaceful pause, the peaceful breath is unknown to one who participates in life as the warrior. Though preferred to victim stance, an evolution from past spiritual history, it is now submerged within the Shift to the master magician's alchemical abilities. The sword is not needed when the work of self determined grace is accepted.
Determine that you have been gifted with such grace, realize the significant power you wield within this chosen field of quantum opportunity. There is no need to do battle with anything once this is accepted and acknowledged by you. Own the power of participating in the Field Of Grace perpetually. it exists here in your sphere for you, presented by the loving energies of the Light to illuminate your way. Though blinding to some, who fear what may be revealed in such illumination, preferring to remain within their prior experiential Field Of Battle,it is to you, the warming of your soul, now enjoined with your heart. A congruency of emotion and spiritual attention upon the good ever conversant and coherent within the Grace you allow.

Each moment is your choice to be submerged within it's rays, thereby deciding your actions based upon it's promise of the promotion of peace rather than fear. Peace for yourself is not decreed by others treaties or agreements, or by another's acceding to your plan, but to your consistent intention to perceive each moment's opportunity as light offered to you.
Allowing the grace of the Oight's unimpeded flow through you, shifts you into 5th dimensional experience. You are already abiding at least partially within the qualities of the 4th or you would not have reached this portion of our communication. Seeing yourself within this 5th dimensional Field Of Grace, your vision exceeds 20/20. You are seeing glimmers of entities, colored hues or feeling the presence regularly of more than physical company. You are responding with awe to whatever comes into your awareness. The once overwhelming occurrence now appears with these new eyes, as an opportunity to exercise your magical abilities.

The magician's eyes are accustomed to the brilliance and require no blinders for diminuation of the Light. Geometric forms are now revealed as codes of such Light, bringing daily messages of freedom from worldly perceptions of limitation and burden. Gazing at the stars brings more revelations than any consuming consumption of televised waves of information. Truth is revealed through the language of such stalwart cohorts who remember you and your origins, as you now do as well.
Engage fully your codes of revelation now being released within your physical mechanism triggered by the unleashing of coherent grace filled energies streaming powerfully through you. Accept and align with this initiation into the transcendent. Reside in the magical awareness of who you are and where you choose to exist. From warrior you have transformed to magician , yet you are known to us as magnificent mystic. Amen
Christie Pennington
The Lightspeakers are reflectors of the Light, teachers expressing wisdom and love from other realms of consciousness, their purpose is to empower us by stimulating our conscious remembering of our Divine connection. Christie Pennington is a channel, intuitive coach, writer and speaker. As the voice of The Lightspeakers, she is called to help you to remember who you are. Sign up for The Lightspeakers free newsletter at *    * 

[email protected]  *  Individual and group channeling/ spiritual coaching/workshops * phone: 540 371 1507 * Christie also writes in her own voice at her blog "Living With Light" at Her new ebook "Transform Your Negativity; Ten Short Visualizations" is available through   * 

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