Sorry to interrupt the quietness but this one is so full of gems I just couldn't resist:
You have an unusual relationship with Me. In some ways you think you could never be as magnificent as Me, and in other ways you think I cannot be as magnificent as you.
Don’t you find that interesting?
It’s because you think We are separated. These imaginings would leave you if you thought that We were One.
This is the main difference between your culture - which is a “baby” culture, really; a primitive culture - and the highly evolved cultures of the universe. The most significant difference is that in highly evolved cultures, all sentient beings are clear that there is no separation between themselves and what you call “God.”
They are also clear that there is no separation between themselves and others. They know that they are each having an individual experience of the whole.
Oh, good. Now You’re going to get into the highly evolved societies of the universe. I’ve been waiting for this.
Yes, I think it’s time we explored that.
But before we do, I simply must return one last time to the abortion issue. You’re not saying here that, because nothing can happen to the human soul against its will, it’s okay to kill people, are You? You’re not condoning abortion, or giving us a “way out” on this issue, are You?
I am neither condoning nor condemning abortion, any more than I condone or condemn war.
The people of every country think I condone the war they are fighting, and condemn the war that their opponent is fighting. The people of every nation believe they have “God on their side.” Every cause assumes the same thing. Indeed, every person feels the same thing - or at least hopes it is true whenever any decision or choice is made.
And do you know why all creatures believe God is on their side? Because I am. And all creatures have an intuitive knowing of this.
This is just another way of saying, “Your will for you is My will for you.” And that is just another way of saying, I have given you all free will.
There is no free will if to exercise it in certain ways produces punishment. That makes a mockery of free will and renders it counterfeit.
So with regard to abortion or war, buying that car or marrying that person, having sex or not having sex, “doing your duty” or not “doing your duty,” there is no such thing as right and wrong, and I have no preference in the matter.
You are all in the process of defining yourselves. Every act is an act of self-definition.
If you are pleased with how you have created yourself, if it serves you, you will continue doing so in that way. If you are not, you will stop. This is called evolution.
The process is slow because, as you evolve, you keep changing you ideas about what really serves you; you keep changing your concepts of “pleasure.”
Remember what I said earlier. You can tell how highly a person or society has evolved by what that being or society calls “pleasure.” And I will add here, by what it declares to serve it.
If it serves you to go to war and kill other beings, you will do so. If it serves you to terminate a pregnancy, you will do so. The only thing that changes as you evolve is your idea of what serves you. And that is based on what you think you are trying to do.
If you are trying to get to Seattle, it will not serve you to head toward San Jose. It is not “morally wrong” to go to San Jose - it simply doesn’t serve you.
The question of what you are trying to do, then, becomes a question of prime importance. Not just in your life in general, but in every moment of your life specifically. Because it is in the moments of life that a life itself is created.
All of this was covered in great detail in the beginning of our holy dialogue, which you have come to call Book 1. I am repeating it here because you seem to need a reminder, or you would never have asked Me your question on abortion.
When you are preparing to have your abortion, therefore, or when you are preparing to smoke that cigarette, or when you are preparing to fry and eat that animal, and when you are preparing to cut that man off in traffic - whether the matter is large or small, whether the choice is major or minor, there is only one question to consider: Is this Who I Really Am? Is this who I now choose to be?
And understand this: No matter is inconsequential. There is a consequence to everything. The consequence is who and what you are.
You are in the act of defining your Self right now.
That is your answer to the abortion question. That is your answer to the war question. That is your answer to the smoking question and the meat-eating question and to every question about behavior you’ve ever had.
Every act is an act of self-definition. Everything you think, say, and do declares, “This is Who I Am.”
I want to tell you, My dearest children, that this matter of Who You Are, and Who You Choose To Be, is of great importance. Not only because it sets the tone of your experience, but because it creates the nature of Mine.
All of your life you have been told that God created you. I come now to tell you this: You are creating God.
That is a massive rearrangement of your understanding, I know. And yet it is a necessary one if you are to go about the true work for which you came.
This is holy work We are up to, you and I. This is sacred ground We walk.
This is The Path.
In every moment God expresses Himself in, as, and through you. You are always at choice as to how God will be created now, and She will never take that choice from you, nor will She punish you for making the “wrong” choice. Yet you are not without guidance in these matters, nor will you ever be. Built into you is an internal guidance system that shows you the way home. This is the voice that speaks to you always of your highest choice, that places before you your grandest vision. All you need do is heed that voice, and not abandon the vision.
Throughout your history I have sent you teachers. During every day and time have My messengers brought you glad tidings of great joy.
Holy scriptures have been written, and holy lives have been lived, that you might know of this eternal truth: You and I are One.
Now again I send you scriptures - you are holding one of them in your hands. Now again I send you messengers, seeking to bring you the Word of God.
Will you listen to these words? Will you hear these messengers? Will you become one of them?
That is the great question. That is the grand invitation. That is the glorious decision. The world awaits your announcement. And you make that announcement with your life, lived.
The human race has no chance to lift itself from its own lowest thoughts until you lift yourself to your own highest ideals.
Those ideas, expressed through you, as you, create the template, set the stage, serve as the model for the next level of human experience.
You are the life and the way. The world will follow you. You are not at choice in this matter. It is the only matter in which you have no free choice. It is simply The Way It Is. Your world will follow your idea about yourself. Ever it has been, ever it will be. First comes your thought about yourself, then follows the outer world of physical manifestation.
What you think, you create. What you create, you become. What you become, you express. What you express, you experience. What you experience, you are. What you are, you think.
The circle is complete.
The holy work in which you are engaged has really just begun, for now, at last, you understand what you are doing.
It is you who have caused yourself to know this, you who have caused yourself to care. And you do care now, more than ever before, about Who You Really Are. For now, at last, you see the whole picture.
Who you are, I am.
You are defining God.
I have sent you - a blessed part of Me - into physical form that I might know Myself experientially as all that I know Myself to be conceptually. Life exists as a tool for God to turn concept into experience. It exists for you to do the same. For you are God, doing this.
I choose to experience the grandest version of the greatest vision ever I had about Who I Am. I have created you, so that you might re-create Me. This is Our holy work. This is Our greatest joy. This is Our very reason for being.
from Conversations with God, Book 3