Dear friends this is from : http://buddhism.kalachakranet.org/chinese-orchestrating-riots-tibet.htm to view the videos & sign the petiton, go there. May justice and pece prevail on earth and in each of our hearts.
in Tibet
my Blog on Tibet
An Appeal to all Chinese Spiritual Brothers and
From the Dalai Lama, Hamilton, NY, April 24, 2008
"Today I would like to make a personal appeal to all Chinese
spiritual brothers and sisters, both inside as well as outside the
People’s Republic of China, and especially to the followers
of the Buddha. I do this as a Buddhist monk and a student of our
most revered teacher, the Buddha. I have already made an appeal
to the general Chinese community. Here I am appealing to you, my
spiritual brothers and sisters, on an urgent humanitarian matter.
The Chinese and the Tibetan people share common spiritual heritage
in Mahayana Buddhism. We worship the Buddha of Compassion –
Guan Yin in the Chinese tradition and Chenrezig in Tibetan tradition
– and cherish compassion for all suffering beings as one of
the highest spiritual ideals. Furthermore, since Buddhism flourished
in China before it came to Tibet from India, I have always viewed
the Chinese Buddhists with the reverence due to senior spiritual
brothers and sisters.
As most of you are aware, beginning with the 10th of March this
year, a series of demonstrations have taken place in Lhasa and across
many Tibetan areas. These are caused by deep Tibetan resentment
against the policies of the Chinese government. I have been deeply
saddened by the loss of life, both Chinese and Tibetans, and immediately
appealed to both the Chinese authorities and the Tibetans for restraint.
I specially appealed to the Tibetans not to resort to violence.
Unfortunately, the Chinese authorities have resorted to brutal
methods to deal with the development despite appeals for restraint
by many world leaders, NGOs and noted world citizens, particularly
many Chinese scholars. In the process, there has been loss of life,
injuries to many, and the detention of large number of Tibetans.
The crackdown still continues, especially targeting monastic institutions,
which have traditionally been the repository of ancient Buddhist
knowledge and tradition. Many of these have been sealed off. We
have reports that many of those detained are beaten and treated
harshly. These repressive measures seem to be part of an officially
sanctioned systematic policy.
With no international observers, journalists or even tourists allowed
to Tibet, I am deeply worried about the fate of the Tibetans. Many
of those injured in the crackdown, especially in the remote areas,
are too terrified to seek medical treatment for fear of arrest.
According to some reliable sources, people are fleeing to the mountains
where they have no access to food and shelter. Those who remained
behind are living in a constant state of fear of being the next
to be arrested.
I am deeply pained by this ongoing suffering. I am very worried
where all these tragic developments might lead to ultimately. I
do not believe that repressive measures can achieve any long-term
solution. The best way forward is to resolve the issues between
the Tibetans and the Chinese leadership through dialogue, as I have
been advocating for a long time. I have repeatedly assured the leadership
of the People’s Republic of China that I am not seeking independence.
What I am seeking is a meaningful autonomy for the Tibetan people
that would ensure the long-term survival of our Buddhist culture,
our language and our distinct identity as a people. The rich Tibetan
Buddhist culture is part of the larger cultural heritage of the
People’s Republic of China and has the potential to benefit
our Chinese brothers and sisters.
In the light of the present crisis, I appeal to all of you to help
call for an immediate end to the ongoing brutal crackdown, for the
release of all who have been detained, and to call for providing
immediate medical care to the injured."
The Dalai Lama
Hamilton, NY, April 24, 2008
Please do check out
the sweet initiative at this website:
Video: Interview with the Dalai Lama
(From Agam's
On his first trip outside India since the Tibetan
crisis began just over a month ago, Dalai Lama sat down with NBC's
Ann Curry for an extended one-on-one. Thanks to NBC for making the
entire interview available.
Just in case you wondered
why these "Tibetan monks" were so violent in Lhasa....
This is an illustration
of what I think happened:
is not an uncommon 'tactical move' from the Chinese government,
as could be seen on the back-cover of the 2003 annual TCHRD Report
This photo was apparently made when soldiers were ordered to put
on robes to play as actors in a movie.
It seems other people
think as well that there was something strange about the happenings
in Lhasa when the violence began:
Canada Free Press [Friday, March 21,
2008 10:20] Brit spies confirm Dalai Lama's report of staged violenceBy Gordon Thomas
G2 Bulletin
London, March 20 - Britain's GCHQ, the government communications
agency that electronically monitors half the world from space,
has confirmed the claim by the Dalai Lama that agents of the Chinese
People's Liberation Army, the PLA, posing as monks, triggered
the riots that have left hundreds of Tibetans dead or injured.GCHQ analysts believe the decision was deliberately
calculated by the Beijing leadership to provide an excuse to stamp
out the simmering unrest in the region, which is already attracting
unwelcome world attention in the run-up to the Olympic Games this
summer.For weeks there has been growing resentment in Lhasa, Tibet's
capital, against minor actions taken by the Chinese authorities.Increasingly, monks have led acts of civil disobedience, demanding
the right to perform traditional incense burning rituals. With
their demands go cries for the return of the Dalai Lama, the 14th
to hold the high spiritual office.Committed to teaching the tenets of his moral
authority---peace and compassion---the Dalai Lama was 14 when
the PLA invaded Tibet in 1950 and he was forced to flee to India
from where he has run a relentless campaign against the harshness
of Chinese rule.But critics have objected to his attraction to film stars. Newspaper
magnate Rupert Murdoch has called him: "A very political
monk in Gucci shoes."Discovering that his supporters inside Tibet
and China would become even more active in the months approaching
the Olympic Games this summer, British intelligence officers in
Beijing learned the ruling regime would seek an excuse to move
and crush the present unrest.That fear was publicly expressed by the Dalai
Lama. GCHQ's satellites, geo-positioned in space, were tasked
to closely monitor the situation.The doughnut-shaped complex, near Cheltenham
racecourse, is set in the pleasant Cotswolds in the west of England.
Seven thousand employees include the best electronic experts and
analysts in the world. Between them they speak more than 150 languages.
At their disposal are 10,000 computers, many of which have been
specially built for their work.The images they downloaded from the satellites provided confirmation
the Chinese used agent provocateurs to start riots, which gave
the PLA the excuse to move on Lhasa to kill and wound over the
past week.What the Beijing regime had not expected was
how the riots would spread, not only across Tibet, but also to
Sichuan, Quighai and Gansu provinces, turning a large area of
western China into a battle zone.======
Old news: Chinese orchestration
of riots confirmed
I receive a lot of questions
about the Chinese orchestrating the riots in Tibet.
Apart from the growing evidence that is coming through - despite
the two-way news blackout attempts of the Chinese government - there
was an earlier report I missed.
In short:
"The violent riots that the Chinese state-run
media have reported as having taken place in Lhasa are not what
they seem to be, according to a former highly placed Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) official.
Mr. Ruan Ming claims the CCP carefully staged the incidents in
Tibet in order to force the Dalai Lama to resign and to justify
future repression of the Tibetans.
Mr. Ruan Ming was a speechwriter for former CCP General Secretary
Hu Yaobang. (The Epoch Times)"For more, see the original article at Epoch
The Chinese really miss Steven
You shouldn't miss this; one
of the worst fake attacks ever seen on video. It
is a bit clumsy made, but the message is obvious... Unfortunately,
it was spread by many western media without comments of orchestration.May all beings find happiness and the causes for happiness.
More evidence of Chinese media manipulation
The 'violent rioters' aren't necessarily
what they seem. The most vicious looking one with a huge knife proves
to be a police officer.
For decades now, the Chinese are trying to manipulate the media
to cover up their actions, see this page at the Epoch
Times of March 29One of the "rioters" on the Chinese 'wanted' posters,
also featured in CCTV's riot coverage, was a policeman. He was
brandishing a long knife.
Then, a Thai tourist who happened to be around in a police station,
saw this guy with the long knife entering, and re-appearing in
police uniform... Back in Thailand, she saw the image and reported
the incident
This was certainly not the first time of something like this;
as Epoch Times noticed:"In his "Events in Lhasa March 2-10, 1989", the
Chinese journalist Tang Daxian revealed how the CCP orchestrated
violence as part of a plan to suppress the 1989 protests in Tibet.
"And further: "According to the NY Times, "Foreigners
and Lhasa residents who witnessed the violence were stunned by
what they saw, and by what they did not see: the police. Riot
police officers fled after an initial skirmish and then were often
nowhere to be found." "======Yesterday (March 27, 2008) His Holiness
the Dalai Lama spoke directly about the troubles in Tibet, asking
all supporters worldwide to help in any way they can, providing
that this happens in a strictly non-violent way. He explained
that this is a moment of crisis, and that it is all of us, rather
than the Tibetans in exile, who have the potential to shift the
His Holiness specifically stated, not for the first time, that
Tibetan dharma cannot survive without Tibetan freedom. He explained
that only Tibetan Buddhism has been able to preserve the full
Nalanda tradition and its message of universal compassion, its
techniques to promote inner values and its teachings on interdependence,
with their extraordinary potential to bring peace and harmony
to the modern world.One of the only ways that we can influence the decisions of the
Chinese government is to show that there is widespread and increasing
public condemnation of their actions in Tibet. How can we do this?
How can we link together all the feelings of individuals, who
by themselves may feel powerless, but as a group could have an
unforgettable impact?We have a simple suggestion. We all want to stand up for Tibet.
Let's do it, literally. Every day, let's commit to simply standing
up. just for a few moments, with either a printed or digital photo
of the Tibetan flag in our hands. Individually or in a group.
Quietly or noisily. In the most creative and spectacular way imaginable.
On the street, in schools, on trains and buses, in the workplace,
in bars and restaurants. Let's be visible, newsworthy, fun and
contagious. We want to make our feelings public throughout the
world, and we want millions of people to join in.March 31st has been designated an international day of
action by the International Tibet Support Network. Will you stand
up that day, wherever you happen to be? And then continue, as
long as the situation lasts.We are not only standing up for one country that is experiencing
oppression, but for every act of injustice and repression that
has happened personally to us, or to other people in the world.This is something we can all do for Tibet. Who can you phone,
text or email and encourage to join in? Can we make this happen
across the globe, particularly during the next weeks, before it
is too late? We need your help and are very grateful for anything
you can do to make this happen.With a big prayer for peace in Tibet
Valentina and AlisonSpread at the request of Lama Zopa Rinpoche
======May the Chinese, who have been killing,
raping, torturing, destroying and repressing the Tibetans for
some 50 years now, finally gain the wisdom to start talking
to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.For more news, see my Blog
on the Chinese occupation of TibetClick for a large image