Times ahead the Soul of your Worth

Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru:Times ahead the Soul of your Worth
Channeled by Adele Linsalata
I see it is time once again to bring you much in which is going on in your flight of energy on your planet of Mother Earth. Join me as we sit before you at this time to bring news from home. Here I begin.
Mother Earth rumbling is just the beginning of more to come; it is time those of humanity have a wake-up call of no greater magnitude than that which they are placing around them in their daily routine. It is quite astonishing to see the amount of energy one would place upon another. This is a telling sign of that which is to come. Look around you at all the rumblings of those who believe they should have one thing or another and you can see what I am giving to you is there.
When the human emotions override the balanced side of the knowing then confusion comes in...all things that are placed around one is then reflected back for the chaos to continue unchecked with the minds imagery of the situation.
These are great times ahead for each living soul upon your planet of Mother Earth and at the same time is a time of great worth. All things around you are that which you have brought forth to place in the likeness of your own image.
Those souls who are gathering at lightning speed shall see a bounty of energy in much proportion as never before. What is the passion which calls from you that is deep within? For that is the biggest struggle in which this energy places before you, it is that which needs to be looked and allowed to take its course. For you to see the amount of energy in which you are and which direction you can go. Imagine a big ball of energy in your hands, take that ball and do with it all the things that you mind can develop on. What then is this energy and what then can you do with it. How can you take it from one shape unto another.? All things you can do if you allow yourself to understand this. If you allow that energy to be absorbed into the knowing of what is inside of you then you shall have no need to do anything for it shall just be. How you play it out shall depend on where you own worth is and where your own integrity to that worth is founded.
When you have one side of your being opposing the other you then find yourself in a way that humanity has always struggled with. This is what it is like that feeling inside. To find that as you are inquiring to what the emotion of your soul is asking for you now, at the same time it is the human side that pulls you to believe it cannot longer be that which is front of you.
The struggles of ascending forward at this time and the struggle of staying where it can make you acquit if you feel you shall not be right. I do not envy you at this time. The energies shall support that which calls to you ...it is allowing your soul to move with that feeling. Allowing that which you have already requested. Did not Mother tell you that this is the time to do great things, to move forward and not look back? Ahhh...so she did, did she not tell you that the energies before you have moved ahead of your earthly time contracted for? She brings to you much in the way of understanding why you are so pulled at the time when you do not believe you are ready.
The energies that are to be in your earth years five times from this time are actually sitting in your lap right now, it is standing here before you and that is why there is hesitation in you. That is why you feel that you need to be someplace but have no idea of what it is....All that you have contracted out to do in the years to come are now in front of you and your human being side does not feel as if it is ready to move forward. You surround yourself with many reflection of this of all things that can give you the support you need to say to self, I am right in what I am feeling and I am right for staying where I am...This is not to be...Look around at what you surrounded yourself in, look at all the souls who are around you...Where are they? Are they moving with this energy, are they ascending to the light in their souls? We are calling all Masters to know it is time to move in their direction in which they have to be. Did I not give to you the message of the Masters Calling? Did I not give to you that which is moving in the energies? The Masters have opened the gates in which they have descended far enough to place the robes of the Masters upon those Masters of your world. These will not be the ones you expect them to be, these will be the gentle ones who have alighted in the souls journey to give all that they are here to give and they have been through many trials and tribulations. They have been the Master of all things and then that of none. To be with you and among you they have joined you upon your planet of Mother Earth to learn and ascend in your place of time. They have walked the walk with you, they have given everything they have and they have asked for nothing but everything from you to be a Master in their own shoes. They have given and now they shall receive.
They have been receiving the robes of the Masters upon which they embraced not with enthusiasm but with my love and knowing it is time. As these robes are placed upon them they have changed greatly for that which is their rightful place is within them and they have grown very rapidly and joyfully at an accelerated speed to bring all things to humanity.
You are just one of millions of divisions within your higher self; to bring these divisions in alignment to then capture your essence within each one is to then bring your Mastery of ascension to others. You then step into each division to make it whole once again. As this then becomes whole you are the Master of your time. With this is much responsibility as there will be those with whom shall not understand this alignment, will not see it for what it is, truth. This I say to you as many will question all that which is brought back to their own self awareness to see. They will also choose to be the catalyst of the undoing. For they have surrounded themselves with all thing that give to them the answer and at the same time the falseness of not seeing what they truth is. They shall fight for all the wrong reasons why something cannot be, looking inside seeking the truth knowing it is there but what which they have indulged shall keep them from that truth until they too have taken their rightful place.
To take your rightful place is to be one within. I tell you now; in this your earthly life is not the time to second guess what is before you. You have a destiny to fulfill from your own hands and so it shall be.
Many things are developing on your Planet of Mother Earth. Many discoveries as I have told you before are coming to light. Now is not the time to lend your energy to that which is no longer stable. It is to be one with humanity of a level of understanding that the energies shall traverse through no matter if you are there to greet it or not.
I know I have given to you much and at the same time I see by your face you ask for more of me, and this you shall have.
You see many discoveries unfolding as the gates of the Akashic have been breached as this happens then so too does the energies that protect the Akashic from destruction. For that is what lends its self to the human souls upon your planet of Mother Earth. A time of great destruction of all believe which are not the true own self. When I give this to you it is to show you the love I have for you, to accede to the knowledge of what is with you.
When humanity cannot fathom the expense it takes in energy to place upon their fellow human is contagious of quantum proportions then this too is yet to come...
Energies are that which make you and all things around you. It is in which you live and take breaths each moment in your existence. It is in that which moves through and around you and it is in which the Masters call the Divine...you are divine and I am in thrall of you and all you go through. For this month of your time is one of division and accordance of energies. Can you not feel as if you have been in a fog and now there is light coming through? Yes, just enough for you to notice something is different. As this fog is lifting to you it shall bring the energy of love like never before. Experience each essence of this love and find each multidimensional aspect of your own true self within.
This is the worth, the essence of your soul you have been missing and it shall be one with you again on a level of energy that is breathtaking. This is a gift to receive that shall carry you through your earth year, this is what you shall have that shall get you to where you need to be.
I now will give to you another worth as many things upon your planet of Mother Earth shall need to be watched as we have given before your time of political and religious sections are unfolding so fast, as I have given to you before, the time is now at hand that which is to be many of your earth years from now. As you see this all unfolding you shall see many who shall be wondering not knowing what is happening or which way to go. You shall be called upon to give as never before and this you shall do without being asked. For your worth is within and you shall give that to those among you to move forward in the light. Your planet of Mother Earth is closer now than ever before to her own soul group of planets those who have traveled and are returning home to be as one. This is why you feel like you need to be somewhere with nowhere to go. It is all coming home and you shall be one with all of us, one with home.
I leave you with our love of understanding all things are to those who are here with you. Embrace your own worth and you shall have before you all that is within. You are being pulled to where you may not know but we guide you in all things, allow that guidance to place you where you need to be.
I AM Lord Amin-Ru

Love, Laughter & Light,
Adele Linsalata
Copyright 2010 Adele Linsalata and Angelic Wise Ones http://www.angelicwiseones.com This material is free for public use to copy, distribute, and display if abided by these terms.  Credit must be given to the author Adele Linsalata and the work must be used in its entirety.  The work may not be altered, added on to or edited in any way.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.  Any of these conditions may be waived if permission from the copyright holder and author are given.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.  Contact Adele Linsalata at [email protected]  *

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