Andrew's post to the thread of my video of Magical Godmother Sings the Rainbow Connection made me think. I am going on 69 and Andrew is 26.
I have been readig a book called Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives. Andrew is a digital native, born after 1980 I am pre-baby boomer--part of the Silent Generation.
Are other people on TT either digital natives or old fogies who have a wish to move into new styles of communication? I posted a song I recorded, singing several notes below my normal range because I was scared the computer might explode on me if I stopped and went to get my pitchpipe.
I see lots of great stuff being posted on youtube that is pasted into our TT communications. I see lots of young people youtubing as if there was nothing to it. I see lots of older people whose film is pretty crude also sharing with a planetary audience.
So I wonder. Instead of posting a text message to TT, all of you community members whose contributions we appreciate so much might make and link a youtube video. I would love to see your faces and hear the sounds of your voices. At least once in a while.