Anchoring the Bee Consciousness of Love--- Healing of Self and the Bee

Good Greetings All:

I just did this meditation and found it to be profoundly healing to self and the Bee.  Let us Be with the Bee.-- ----fairyfarmgirl

Anchoring the Bee Consciousness of Love- Part 2

Channelled through Natalie Glasson
We, the bee consciousness extend a bountiful of love from our souls to humanity; it is an honour and a privilege to work alongside humans to experience the vibrancy of light that a physical body can hold. You are magnificent and we ask you to allow the Creator magnificence within you to radiate powerfully and expansively into the world around you. Anchor the love that burns brightly in your heart and soul into your surroundings, into the atmosphere, air and nature land of the Earth. You have the power to secure a consciousness that is so pure and divine into the Earth. You have the strength and the ability to draw the energies of the Creator into the Earth and awaken the sacred flow of life force energy from the nature kingdoms so that it is vibrant in its manifestation on the Earth. We honour the divine energies that exist within your being and we ask that you honour yourself, realising that with the love of the Creator within your body you can manifest the love of the Creator into your reality and the realities of humanity. When you allow yourself to achieve this you are working alongside the bee consciousness as it is our sacred intention and divine mission to awaken the love of the Creator with all, to allow it to settle over and within the Earth as golden magical dust that dissolves all pain and hurt allowing happiness, bliss and peace to manifest plentifully.
Love is the essence and truth of the Creator; it is the simplicity of the Creator’s light and soul. We, the bee consciousness wish to align you to the simple but profoundly powerful energies of the Creator to liberate your soul and allow you to float into the embrace of the Creator. It is our purpose to share the love of the Creator but it is also your purpose, we must work together.  We respect you with all our heart and soul; please know that we wouldn’t do anything intentionally to harm you. We ask that you treat us with the same respect and honour, we like you are holding the original intention of the Creator for the Earth; we are the keepers of this most sacred wisdom. We wish to ignite this intention within you so that you may understand the truth of the Creator and work with us to assist in the ascension of the Earth.
The decline in bees symbolises that the bee consciousness needs to be supported and nurtured, it is only humanity who can assist us, nurturing the divine intention of the Creator within us so that we may ignite it within you. Humanity has the power to make a difference with their intentions and actions, allow yourself to share your love and healing energy with Mother Earth and the nature kingdom, even a simple intention will aid the true awakening of the nature kingdom which feels separated from humanity. Nature and Mother Earth will support humanity when humanity begins to recognise the Creator presence within nature.
We wish to bring forth a special meditation to aid the unity between humanity and the bee consciousness as well as assisting in the healing and rejuvenation of the bees both physically and spiritually present. We ask that you first use the meditation shared in last week’s communication in order to build the bond between us.
‘I invoke the Queen energy of the bees, the overseer and keeper of the most sacred bee consciousness to draw close to me now. I share my most sacred love with you from the depths of my soul. It is my desire and passion to work with the bee consciousness and the nature kingdom, to assist in healing the Earth and re anchoring the source of love from the Creator’s heart onto the Earth and within the souls of humanity.
Beloved Queen and Core energy of the Bee consciousness, holder of the Christ consciousness and sacred love embedded within the Earth, please allow me to anchor and hold the love that you share with all, permit me in existing as a beacon of the Creator’s love on the Earth with the intention of bringing healing and rejuvenation to all, especially the bee and nature kingdoms. Anchor into my being now the bee consciousness; the consciousness of love.  This is my divine intention, let it be.’
Imagine a golden glowing light merged with yellow and orange light descending from the core energy of the bee consciousness into your being, let it pour over your body as a cylinder of light and swell into your entire being. Feel this sacred light connecting with your soul and heart chakra which acts as an energiser for the bee consciousness light.  The glowing bee consciousness energy emerges from your heart chakra as an orb of light, pulsating healing and love into your reality; it is akin to the most precious star. Imagine that you take this precious orb or star of light and hold it in your hands, treasure this energy and the connection you are experiencing and building.
When you are ready offer the light and love energy that you are experiencing to the bees, they will come to you in their etheric bodies and surround the light that you are anchoring and holding in your body and hands. The bees will come and rest all over your hands and within the light that you have manifested. Honour the bees and know that you have created a fountain of light for them to draw from. You may see the bees in their etheric bodies as golden bees this is because they are natural aspects of the Christ consciousness; the purest form of love available on the Earth. Allow yourself to feel open and receptive to their energies, presence and the light that they share. You are offering them food to nurture their souls. This is a wonderful healing process for the bees and for you; it will allow you to build your confidence in the bee consciousness of love.
As you hold the light of the core energy of the bee consciousness within your physical body you are anchoring it into the physical level and dimension of the Earth, this is extremely important as it will allow bees all over the Earth to build the source of love within them, inspiring them to continue with their wonderful purpose of awakening. You may also find that in return the bees offer you healing; you may find that they draw close into your aura and rest on your skin, anchoring the consciousness of love into your physical form so that your physical body may support your soul in its quest for integration with the Creator’s mighty soul.
You can ask the bees to heal you and they will lovingly work through your aura and energy dissolving negative energy securing love into your being. This is a most sacred process that will awaken your being to love. You may even hear our sound tone as we work with your energy, the tone that we emanate naturally awakens the truth of the Creator that has been lying dormant within you.
When you have completed your sacred moment with the bees, fuelling their energy with the highest vibration of bee consciousness and allowing them in return to heal your being then with the intention exploding from your soul offer the light that you hold to the bees all around the world. Imagine or acknowledge the light manifesting into golden dust and bursting into the atmosphere around you and across the Earth. Visualise or acknowledge the Earth surrounded in this most precious light and hold faith that it is healing every single bee in manifestation on the Earth. Feel the dust of love settling all over your being, it is blissful and joyous but most essentially it is awakening, activating the original intention from the Creator for your existence on the Earth, allowing this to filter into your current embodiment now.  Allow yourself to rest as the bees withdraw their energy; contemplate the occurrence that you have just experienced.
We ask that when you see a bee that you honour the divine within the bee as you will not only nurture the bee consciousness source energy but you will allow your soul to blossom in joy and bliss. Respecting the energy of the bees is to respect the light within you.
Know that we follow the same path, we hold the same mission, we are the same soul; let us now work as one.
Bee Consciousness
Best wishes and blessings,
Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website  she shares the channelled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channelled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.
Free Video Meditation Visit: and view my video page where I am beginning to build a collection of guided meditations. *  * The Sacred School of Om Na website * Channelled downloads written and in mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity.  Visit  www.omna.orgFor the latest news visit my website  * For the latest news visit my website  *  If you wish to view any past messages I am placing them in the weekly message gallery, go to www.wisdomofth
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