CANCER CURE! Almost 35,000 patients cured in 2-6 weeks!
Dr. Leonard Coldwell claims a 92.3% cure rate for cancer in 2-6 weeks. An independent statistical institute estimated that Dr. Coldwell worked with over 35,000 patients.
Before seeing the movie, please read this statement:
"I am the doctor that has, in the opinion of leading experts, the highest cancer cure rate in the world. In fact, I am convinced I could cure at least 90% of all cancer patients if I had the legal platform to work with these people the “Dr Coldwell Way.” As long as the patient is willing and still able to do whatever it takes and has no surgery, chemotherapy or radiation, there is no reason Cancer cannot be cured in most people.
I am sure I could cure them within weeks or a few months. But since the law and the ones that make money on your suffering and even death, don’t allow me to treat you the way I know would produce results, I legally cannot even tell you what to do or not to do. That’s how the medical profession and pharmaceutical industry protects their Trillion Dollar Cancer Industry. They “make” politicians install laws that kill citizens or at least make them sick, and laws that make sure they cannot be cured. They can only be treated to more illness and eventually death by the medical profession with toxic, dangerous and murderous treatments."
Now you know why doctors can't tell you how to really cure your cancer.
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Part Five: