Thought this was worth posting. Found it on Jean Hudon's Earth Rainbow Network Meditation Focus.
Love U
"An old Hindu legend recounts a time when all human beings were Gods. But
they so abused their divinity that the chief God Brahma took it away from them.
He wanted to hide it where it would never be found. After rejecting the depths
of the earth, the deepest ocean and the top of the highest mountain as places
that humans would eventually reach, Brahma finally settled on burying their
divinity deep within the center of their own being sure that humans would never
think to look there. Since that time, humans have spent a great deal of energy
searching frantically outside of themselves for what they already
they so abused their divinity that the chief God Brahma took it away from them.
He wanted to hide it where it would never be found. After rejecting the depths
of the earth, the deepest ocean and the top of the highest mountain as places
that humans would eventually reach, Brahma finally settled on burying their
divinity deep within the center of their own being sure that humans would never
think to look there. Since that time, humans have spent a great deal of energy
searching frantically outside of themselves for what they already
surrenders self-will and turns to IT for every need. You must remember that I am
referring to the time when you penetrate the human dimension of intellect and
move beyond your reliance on 'intellect' and material means to get you what you
want out of life. Many people think they have reached this place of spiritual
development but are deluding themselves. When a person abandons logic - and
knows beyond all doubt that guidance can be utterly relied upon to achieve
inspired goals, your life changes. Benefits flow into your experience when you
fully realise that Divine Consciousness is the unseen Reality-the Power-at work
behind the outer appearances of your life, moving 'intelligent energy force' to
manifest your needs. You do not have to deny appearances, pour thought-power
into a condition you are seeking to resolve. All you have to do is surrender
self-will and KNOW that as your limited intellect yields, so does the Infinite
Reality move in to order your life in an altogether new way, to wean you away
from all your supports of the past, bring to your mind a new vision for a new
endeavour, and lead you into new areas of activity. But when this happens, you
have to be prepared to 'let go' completely. You have to release your grip on the
securities of the past and know that even greater securities of a different
nature await you as you follow your inspiration. Since this state of
spiritual/human existence and harmonious well-being depend entirely on a
person's ability to make true contact with Divine Reality, it is imperative to
return again and again to an in-depth study of Divine Reality Itself and the way
in which the ego-drive is ceaselessly at work within the human consciousness
blocking out the intuitive directions of the Divine Life within the mind. At the
moment you are living in a shadowy burdened existence instead of consciously
living within and entering into 'Divine Consciousness' and allowing IT to
permeate and gladden your thinking and life experiences. You remain locked
within the mental-emotional framework of electromagnetic impulses until you set
your willpower to consciously dissolving the fabric of your humanly conceived
beliefs and come to see clearly that your Reality is Divine Consciousness-not
your family, or bank book. When you achieve this insight, you will enter into
LIGHT, and the LIGHT will abide in you."
surrenders self-will and turns to IT for every need. You must remember that I am
referring to the time when you penetrate the human dimension of intellect and
move beyond your reliance on 'intellect' and material means to get you what you
want out of life. Many people think they have reached this place of spiritual
development but are deluding themselves. When a person abandons logic - and
knows beyond all doubt that guidance can be utterly relied upon to achieve
inspired goals, your life changes. Benefits flow into your experience when you
fully realise that Divine Consciousness is the unseen Reality-the Power-at work
behind the outer appearances of your life, moving 'intelligent energy force' to
manifest your needs. You do not have to deny appearances, pour thought-power
into a condition you are seeking to resolve. All you have to do is surrender
self-will and KNOW that as your limited intellect yields, so does the Infinite
Reality move in to order your life in an altogether new way, to wean you away
from all your supports of the past, bring to your mind a new vision for a new
endeavour, and lead you into new areas of activity. But when this happens, you
have to be prepared to 'let go' completely. You have to release your grip on the
securities of the past and know that even greater securities of a different
nature await you as you follow your inspiration. Since this state of
spiritual/human existence and harmonious well-being depend entirely on a
person's ability to make true contact with Divine Reality, it is imperative to
return again and again to an in-depth study of Divine Reality Itself and the way
in which the ego-drive is ceaselessly at work within the human consciousness
blocking out the intuitive directions of the Divine Life within the mind. At the
moment you are living in a shadowy burdened existence instead of consciously
living within and entering into 'Divine Consciousness' and allowing IT to
permeate and gladden your thinking and life experiences. You remain locked
within the mental-emotional framework of electromagnetic impulses until you set
your willpower to consciously dissolving the fabric of your humanly conceived
beliefs and come to see clearly that your Reality is Divine Consciousness-not
your family, or bank book. When you achieve this insight, you will enter into
LIGHT, and the LIGHT will abide in you."
- The Christ -- Taken from http://christsway.co.za/letters/letter6.pdf and from the book CHRIST RETURNS - Speaks His Truth, available through THIS
LINK. More details through http://christsway.co.za/
LINK. More details through http://christsway.co.za/
"In the end, each Seeker has to make the Choice to dive and trust, in a
leap of cosmic faith, that the true face of Divine Reality will be revealed,
just at the right moment, to show where to next set foot, to inspire the right
words as we go along sharing our views, and generally to guide us exactly where
we are supposed to be, based on the lessons that still need to be learned and
shared in our nearly endless journey from Light to darkness and back."
leap of cosmic faith, that the true face of Divine Reality will be revealed,
just at the right moment, to show where to next set foot, to inspire the right
words as we go along sharing our views, and generally to guide us exactly where
we are supposed to be, based on the lessons that still need to be learned and
shared in our nearly endless journey from Light to darkness and back."
- Taken from "Born To Be God" below
"One of the key ingredients in successfully directing the tide of history
towards the brighter future we are destined to experience is the power of faith
in our own abilities to transcend the illusory limitations of a fading era,
nurtured by the emerging awareness of our true divine nature as sons and
daughters of the One Creator who brought all that is into existence. Acting in
concert as soul fragments of the Immortal Being of Love, sensing the vibrant
Life Force connecting us all, and radiating as One the inner Knowledge that
comes with Being God, we have the Power to precipitate the manifestation of
Heaven on Earth."
towards the brighter future we are destined to experience is the power of faith
in our own abilities to transcend the illusory limitations of a fading era,
nurtured by the emerging awareness of our true divine nature as sons and
daughters of the One Creator who brought all that is into existence. Acting in
concert as soul fragments of the Immortal Being of Love, sensing the vibrant
Life Force connecting us all, and radiating as One the inner Knowledge that
comes with Being God, we have the Power to precipitate the manifestation of
Heaven on Earth."
- Taken from http://www.aei.ca/~cep/MeditationFocus151.htm