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I got the link below from the Liberty Dollar news that I have also posted below. I thought this article was the most interesting but then decided to post the entire Liberty Dollar News as others may also be interested in Utah's sound money bill, the lies about the debt crisis, and how the Liberty Dollar court case is proceeding.
July 2011 Vol. 13 No. 07
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
Table of Contents:
1. My Visit to Legal Disneyland
2. Utah Bill to Restore Sound Money
3. Government lying about debt crisis!
4. Bernie's Bombshell
5. Silver "Liberty Dollar" sets New Record…
6. Silver Perspective by the Numbers
7. Silver Article and Value in Roman coinage
8. Facebook is HOT for BVNH and the Liberty Dollar
9. Kevin's Interview and corrections for June Newsletter
10. Second Quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
1. My Visit to Legal Disneyland
Trust me, I mean no disrespect of our country's legal/court system with this article. And that is doubly true at this very sensitive time. But three legal events in one day gave me a moment to reflect on my situation and answer my two most asked questions: "How are you doing?" and "Why are you so damn happy?" These are usually asked with a terrible grimace to indicate awful pain. So it usually comes as a surprise when I reply that I feel GOOOOOOD! So just in case you might wonder why anybody could possibly feel GOOOOOOD when he has been wrongfully convicted of three federal felonies and is facing up to fifteen years in prison, here is one day of my life on Monday, July, 18, 2011.
So how could I possibly feel soo GOOOOOD? Because on this particular day I had a new insight, I realized that I was in Legal Disneyland!
Assuming that most everybody has been to Disneyland or one of the major theme parks, you know the drill. Pay lots of money (Disney World is now $85 per day!) and you have a choice of rides. With limited time, most arrive with a pre-set list of favorites, as there is only soo much time/energy available in one day.
Well Legal Disneyland is very much the same a regular Disneyland. In place of "rides" there are "events" and in place of $85, the price of admission is your life or a good number of years. And as I am 67, a 15-year prison sentence is pretty much a life sentence. And like Disneyland, time in Legal Disneyland is also limited. You can only fit so many "rides" i.e. legal "events" in one day.
Monday, July 18, 2011, was a banner day for my Legal Disneyland experience with three "rides" i.e. legal events.
The first "ride" started at 8:00 AM with a live, in-person interview with the probation officer for the all-important Pre-Sentencing Report. This report largely determines the number of years that the government recommends I serve for my heinous crime of trying to minimizing the hyperinflationary effects on as many people as possible. The interview was terrific. I was extremely glad I choose to do the interview in person, without my chief trial attorney who advised against it. This was a spectacular ride and highly recommended for any convicted felon.
The second "ride" was a court hearing before the same Judge who sent me to jail for supposedly violating the terms of my appearance bond. This time is it was equally serious as I sought the court's permission for my two trial attorneys to withdraw from my case. Such a hearing to remove one's court appointed attorneys is very difficult and seldom approved by the court. Voila, without all the boring details, my motion to can the attorneys was granted. I am now free to retain a real attorney as I prepare for the appeal part of my quest to return American to value - one court appearance at a time. This was a very good ride, but only recommended for dedicated adults.
The third "ride" was the initial meeting with my mother's attorney to recover her silver that was wrongfully seized when the gov confiscated the nine tons of gold, silver, copper and platinum associated with the Liberty Dollar operation on November 14 and 15, 2007. The meeting went extremely well as I answered questions and clarified issues that were germane to my mother's recovery efforts. This ride was over the top and not to be missed when anybody has the opportunity to testify regarding the government holding your silver that backs up the Liberty Dollar certificates!
So, now you know why am I happy and feel soo GOOOOOD? I just visited Legal Disneyland and had three terrific "rides" in one day.
2. Utah Bill to Restore Sound Money
Gold, silver coins are now legal currency in Utah
There is an increasing awaking of what NORFED professed and exemplified back in 1998 when it introduced the Liberty Dollar. Please check out these state and national initiatives.
Utah and other states push gold as legal tender, prepares for US dollar collapse
Utah Law Makes Coins Worth Their Weight in Gold (or Silver)
Utah just became the first US state to recognize gold as legal tender. Its Legal Tender Act of 2011 allows U.S. minted gold and silver coins to be recognized as legal tender in the value that reflects the market price for gold and silver.
FARR WEST, Utah - Most people who amass the pure gold and silver coins produced by the United States Mint do so for collections or investments, not to buy Slurpees at 7-Eleven.
"You'd be a fool," Tom Jurkowsky, a spokesman for the Mint, said of the Slurpee idea, "but you could do it."
After all, while the one-ounce American Eagle coin produced by the Mint says "One Dollar," it is actually worth more like $38 based on the current price of silver. (An ounce of gold is worth more than $1,500.)
Now, however, Utah has passed a law intended to encourage residents to use gold or silver coins made by the Mint as cash, but with their value based on the weight of the precious metals in them, not the face value - if, that is, they can find a merchant willing to accept the coins on that basis.
Chick HERE for the complete article.
Click HERE for more info on Utah's sound money project.
Three Senators quickly follow suit on the national stage.
Troubling trends currently hamper America's prosperity.
"As a final needed course correction in monetary policy, the DeMint/Lee/Paul bill could well guide the nation toward a sustainable monetary system. Having access to the full slate of constitutional currency choices -- gold, silver, and paper -- consumers will then be free, through their daily buying decisions, to participate in an organic, ongoing currency arbitrage -- one that may well guide our foundering dollar back to its original precious metal moorings through a de-facto, naturally occurring return to the gold standard."
Click HERE for the complete article.
3. Government lying about debt crisis!
Do you believe what government officials and experts are saying about the debt crisis? If so, you're taking your financial life into your hands. Just consider how many times they've been wrong, issued deliberately misleading statements, or simply lied:
In 2007, they swore on a stack of Bibles that the debt crisis was limited to sub prime mortgages.
But the crisis promptly spread to all kinds of mortgages, ripping through giant mortgage lenders like Countrywide, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac.
In 2008, they admitted it had spread, but swore that it was strictly contained to the housing and mortgage sector.
Click HERE to read Martin Weiss' list of the government's five biggest lies and how they will impact your life and money.
4. Bernie's Bombshell
I greatly appreciate the info and show of support that I receive but rarely have time to reply to. Recently I received this most interesting article: How the Fed engineered $16 trillion to bail out not only US but also foreign banks based on the first major audit of the Federal Reserve by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Mind you that 16 trillion is way over the 14.3 trillion national debt BS limit that Congress and the American press is so consumed with right now.
Click HERE for Bernie Sanders' complete Fed Audit.
Click HERE for the current 266 page GAO Report. A much more detailed report on the investigation into potential conflicts of interest at the Fed is due on Oct. 18, but Sanders said one thing already is abundantly clear. "The Federal Reserve must be reformed to serve the needs of working families, not just CEOs on Wall Street."
Here is a lively discourse between two supporters:
From Bob S to Bob J:
In a paper money world, money is really the crystallized labor value of the people! That's what credit is all about. When an individual borrows a bank's credit money to buy a currently available widget he pledges either his own future labor or his own past labor that is now stored up in some other widget like a painting, a house or other land, or even gold coins, etc. The banking business is essentially about creating financial liquidity for assets that are not themselves "money."
Since the representatives of "WE THE PEOPLE..." authorized the creation of the credit money system I feel that "WE THE PEOPLE" should stand behind it in the same way that a parent who co-signs a note for his child to buy a car should pay-off that note if his kid fails to do so.
Yes, I agree that there were egregious abuses of the system by certain individuals who should be brought to justice but I doubt that we can afford the prison space or even the cost of the guillotine blades that might be used because WE can't afford to feed the guilty in prison.
Reply from Bob J to Bob S:
Indeed, it is sad that people like Clinton, Rubin and Greenspan who allegedly engineered the counterfeiting of 16,000 metric tons of gold bars supposedly to be substituted for at least a portion of those said to be held in Fort Knox, and are not even indicted, though this is alleged to have happened on their watch. Yet, a man like Bernard von NotHaus creates a few silver and gold medallions, say perhaps a paltry $20 Million or so over a 10 +/- year period, and he gets indicted and prosecuted for counterfeiting. It would seem that those who defraud America of Trillions are left to repeat their own vices while those who attempt to return America to value go to jail. It happened to me, as you well know, and it happened to many others similarly situated. There is something wrong with this picture. That is why I have sat in front of this damn punchboard for the past 19 years since my release trying to get the message to those who can read and have an IQ above room temperature.
Yes, boiled down to the lowest common denominator, money is a store of labor property. Give control over it to Banksters, and they will use it to control the World. And, pray tell, what is their avowed goal? - - that's right, World Government. Perhaps we are powerless to stop it, but those of us in the know had best figure out some alternative, and Bernard had it nailed. He came closest to the Lincoln and Kennedy plans, but was a step ahead of them in that he went back to using the true Money of Account of the United States of America. Sadly, the Constitution is nothing more than a fiction today, but most in the so-called Patriot Community have yet to figure that out.
Bob J
5. Silver "Liberty Dollar" sets New Record
I am pleased to inform you that the Liberty Dollar set a new record although I had nothing to do with it. Just last week a dealer of Liberty Dollar material disclosed to me that he had just accepted a $1375 bid for a one ounce Silver Liberty! The amazing part was that it was not the rare 1998 First Year of Issue, the 2000 Type I, the 2003 Ungodly or any of the other well know rarities. It was for a 2006 Puerto Rico Dollar.
Given my 39 years in the numismatic profession, this reconfirms my claim that the Liberty Dollar is the best performing modern collectible ever. Certainly, much better than the US Mint products that often go down in value after the gov rips off the unknowing collector. That is certainly not the case with the Liberty Dollar. In fact, everybody who ordered directly from the Liberty Dollar fulfillment office or a Regional Currency Office has profited… simply because the price of silver is up approx. 800% since 1998!
Please note that the US government has declared that dealing, trading, collecting and possession of Liberty Dollar is not illegal. Only using Liberty Dollars as "legal tender" has been declared illegal. Happy collecting!
6. Silver Perspective by the Numbers
While the market's reaction to the US government's counterfeiting the US dollar is the number one reason for cost of silver increasing in FRNs, there remains many reasons why silver is in short supply given all the uses for such a utilitarian metal.
Here are my top 21 reasons stated long ago:
1. Silver is finite. There is only so much silver on the planet
2. Physical deficit of 150,000 ounces per year for the past 10 years
3. Lowest inventory in history at the same time of greatest demand
4. Contrary to gold, much silver is actually consumed when used
5. Since WW II, government sold its 3 billion ounces below market value
6. Only 20% of the silver is new, 80% is recycled
7. Silver is ten times more scarce than gold
8. Infinitely more useful, new use patented every day, 360 new uses per year
9. Only 300 million ounces of silver exist. That's only $1.5 billion at $5 silver
10. Best electrical conductor and best reflector of light and heat
11. Fraudulently manipulated by the Silver Users Association since 1947
12. Small usage of silver per item will not greatly impact retail price
13. 80% of new silver is a byproduct of gold, copper, lead and zinc mining
14. There are 1.5 billion ounces of silver less today than 10 years ago
15. 600 million ounce short position is twice the amount of physical silver
16. Inelastic supply and long lead-time to bring new sources to market
17. 1.5 billion ounces of gold exist versus only 120 million ounce of silver
18. In 1979/80 gold doubled while the silver price went ten fold
19. $5/oz is the lowest inflation-adjusted price in 5000 years
20. Not viewed as a monetary metal, duh
21. Silver is the buy of your life
7. Anatomy of a silver manipulation
In this special report by Avery Goodman, he warned his readers on May 1, 2011, when silver had clawed its way back to about $48 per ounce: "We expect another massive price attack in the next few days."
We came to this conclusion based upon a number of factors, including the impending opening of the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange, which will be controlled by many of the same international players who control NYMEX. Like clockwork, a vicious attack, perhaps the most ferocious one ever mounted in the history of precious metals, began on Monday, May 2, 2011.
Click HERE for this terrific article that documents the silver manipulation.
Click HERE for a chart of the silver content in Roman coins.
8. Facebook is HOT for BVNH & Liberty Dollar
There is no doubt that Facebook is hot. With over 750,000,000 friends worldwide it is an awesome presence on the Net. Please send a "friend request" to me so I can add you as a friend and stay in touch with you via this URL: www.facebook.com/monetaryarchitect.
Please note that I love reading you posts on my wall but I can't reply to all of them.
9. Kevin's Interview and correct links for June Newsletter
The land of the free imprisoned this advocate for promoting voluntary exchange. Learn more about Kevin Innes' experiences in this recent interview at the Porcupine Festival in Lancaster, NH.
The correct link to The Asheville Tribune article on Kevin Innes is:
The correct link to the WND article on the Liberty Dollar by Bob Unrue is: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=313789
10. Second Quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? Expediency asks the question: is it political? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But conscience asks the question: is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor political, nor popular - but one must take it simply because it is right." Martin Luther King, Jr.
Closing Remarks:
Your prayers and good wishes are comfort for this battle warily warrior as I wait for Judge Voorhees' decision on my Motion for a new trial or dismissal. I will post an Alert as soon as I receive word.
Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.
Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!
Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect/Editor
[email protected]