This article is copied from December issue of Spirit of Maat.
There has been a lot of interest in number synchronicity of late and this information is an excellent guidance for what is occuring. Enjoy.
The Doorway of the 11:11
The Doorway of the 11:11 opened on January 11, 1992 and is scheduled to close on November 11, 2011.
11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular Memory banks prior to our descent into matter.
The 11:11 is hereby being activated.
The 11:11 is an insertion point for the Greater Reality to enter the present moment.
When this happens, it is time to stop whatever you are doing and LOOK LARGER.
Cayelin's excerpt from her Celestial Timings:
Nov 11, Wednesday. 11/11 Seeing the Master Numbers 11:11 is ALWAYS a confirmation that you are on the right track because it acts as a bridge between duality and oneness taking us further into the unknown. ~Solara
In Drunvalo Melchizedek's book, Serpent of Light Beyond 2012, he suggests that whenever you see triple numbers like 111, 222, 333, 444 etcetera - pay attention! These numbers let you know there is something significant in what you are thinking, doing or what is going on in the environment around you. A sequence of numbers like this are linked with musical notes in an octave that separate themselves by eleven cycles per second starting with 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, up to and beyond 99 cycles per second and multiples of these numbers represent a perfect "harmonic or moment in time, since the entire reality was created through the harmonics of music."
"These triple numbers (or other multiples) represent a "mathematical moment in time that contains the harmonics of the value of that number." So one way to participate with this 11:11 gateway (that in 2011 will be 11:11:11) is to spend time focusing on your heartfelt intent through chanting, singing, dancing, drumming, ringing bells, or creating music or sound with intention at 11:11 AM and/or 11:11 PM. Remember sound is the first expression of divine creation going out in waves of vibration according to our heartfelt intention."
The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention. A transfer is in position.
You can enter the Greater Reality and travel deeper into the Invisible. You can seed a long held desire, receive a vision, ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply feel the Invisible insert itself into the present moment. The revelations you receive will not come in the form of mental concepts. Rather, it will be an enhanced state of being in which you will see everything as if with new eyes. A deeper understanding of what is truly real will surround you.
"... One hallmark of wholeness is the ability to love yourself. In the realm of love, a paradox exists; you can effectively love others only when you can love yourself. If you cannot love yourself, you will try to fill the void of your own lack of self-love with the love of others. You will tend to demand from others what you cannot give yourself. This demand places an unfair burden on those around you. It makes you a bottomless pit: no matter how much love they give, it is never enough. The same problem exists if you try to give love to other people who do not love themselves. You will turn yourself inside out loving them, but it will not help. We all must learn to give ourselves the love we want. Then other people can love us and it will feel satisfying because it is not filling a void. It becomes love dancing with itself.
On the way to experiencing greater self-love includes self-forgiveness. Creating your own self-forgiveness ceremony or prayer you can practice regularly is especially timely now.
Here is an example of an invocation Cayelin created that you can use as is, or use as template for creating something that works for you. It helps to begin invoking your divine essence, through the language you feel comfortable with…
I Invite God/Goddess, Great Mystery, Great Spirit, Source of All That IS within me, to operate through me as the power of loving acceptance, blessing all my life experiences as perfect teachings even when my humanity cannot fully see or know this to be true. I ask that I am fully and freely forgiven for any harm I have ever thought or done.
I forgive myself for all the ways I have not been fully present or fully myself at any time and have allowed fear to dictate my choices and actions. I forgive myself for giving away my power, to know myself and what my needs and desires are for living a magical life, and placing that power outside myself. I forgive myself for ever believing family, friends, spiritual teachers, and significant others, know more about what I should or should not do to live a fulfilled life. I forgive myself for all other ways I have not been true to myself and I accept that everything I have ever experienced has been divinely sourced and freely forgiven in love and compassion.
I embrace myself as a divine being, knowing that nothing including myself can ever be less than the divine source where all life originates from and I give great gratitude for my continued growth in forgiveness and loving compassion for myself, for those who have hurt me, and for those I have hurt. It is done and it is so and I give thanks!"
Post 11:11:11
Apparently there is a culmination of energies hitting the planet thru these galactic gateway portals that will bring the wayshowers/forerunners directly in contact with the new and true while simultaneously shifting the mass consciousness with another round of outworn-system collapses. If you have been noticing that your perception is recently colored with the vague feeling of impending doom, this could be why. Not that these proposed events are good or bad, only that the powerful energies behind them are kicking up collective dust for clearing and pushing us further beyond our perceived limits.
These high frequencies are also purifying and preparing the members of the first brigade, who are now treading uncharted territory, to be fully equipped with new earth resources and connections that will precipitate and facilitate an easy transition into ascended living.
In other words, you can't take it with you. All lower vibrating reality constructs MUST be eliminated or restructured to align with the new earth frequencies. And this means EVERYTHING...relationships, jobs, residences, finances, projects, creative endeavors, partnerships, businesses, etc. All of it must undergo a complete vibrational upgrade if it is going with you into a higher state of being/living.
This preparation period definitely accounts for those seemingly impossible relationships as of late...for example, if you are unable to connect with people who you normally connect with because of misunderstandings/conflicts/disharmonious energies/etc., most likely it is due to an upgrade...aka, letting go of any aspects of yourself and others that are hindering higher dimensional connections based in love, honesty, transparency, mutual support, respect, etc.
As we shed the old perceptions of ourselves and others it can be challenging to relate to people with all the discordant energies rising for release and transmutation. If you can stay centered in your space as these energies work their way up and out, this will pass...and when it does, you will feel even closer to your loved ones. This energy is also severing relationships and ties with those who we may have outgrown vibrationally, so you may find it easier in some cases to just move on (sometimes temporarily) and let go of those who no longer serve your highest good. Your gut will guide you well here.
Masters of the New Earth Movement
When all of our personal re-calibrations and physical upgrades are complete (post 11:11:11's), we will finally be journeying into the most amazing part of living in human form, and this new life will clearly reflect all of the work we have done on a soul level. For those embarking on the new earth timeline, I have this to share from the Pleiadians:
"Be well prepared to exercise your divine power as masters of the new earth movement. You will be the guides, the examples for the next wave, the next generation of souls here to transform the earth into a living, breathing example of love."
What Now?
Right now and throughout these waves of clearing, it is so important to stay in your center, to rest, nurture and prepare your body to absorb and integrate these incoming frequencies of love. Its not as if we really have a choice, but if you cease to resist this downtime, you will have a much easier time integrating and remaining at peace with what is. If you do resist, or veer from your center (out of alignment with truth), you may feel weak and vulnerable, or susceptible to fear-based energies (delusional), so use this time to really bask in the nothingness and stay in your pajamas for as long as possible. Any projects/plans/activities put on hold will be waiting for you when this period passes and perfect timing will ensure their success.
The best we can do during these integration periods is to:
Remain neutral (the space within you where emotion ceases)
Follow the thoughts that bring you peace
Let go, surrender to the process completely
Remain steadfast in your faith of the highest and best outcome
Disregard any and all external distractions and fear based realities.
This 11/11 (11/2009) month is a very powerful month of spiritual mastery... A month of fully aligning with the YOUniversal YOU while bringing your radiant inner self to your outer world where you will soon be needed to share your brilliance. We are so close to our goals and dreams, so use this time to willingly excavate any remaining fear in your life so that you remain in participation with, and conscious of, the vibrational upgrade that is already taking place both within and without.
Mostly, be sure to stay true to your inner compass at all times because it is, quite literally, leading you home.
Be good to yourself!