In love and support, thousands of us are coming together to let you youngsters, who are being bullied and harrassed because they are different, are gay, lesbian,bisexual or transgender. We want you to know and realize that it gets better. You are all being surrounded with love and support now!
My church, Unitarian-Universalist Church of Oak Cliff, in Dallas Texas, today did a special service devoted to giving a message to those young people who are being bullied, harrassed and shamed becaue of their sexual identity. We had ten individuals, myself included, who gave testimony that life is not terrible and that it gets better. We each witnessed how things which might have cause us to seek an end, turned out eventually to become a blessing for us. That life is indeed worth living. Most of us also did a video clip which will be on Youtube on the channel from the link above. I also need to say that our church was not the only one to participate in this but that it is nationwide and part of Standing on the Side of Love project. This is a growing endeavor. We don't want to see any more teenagers suiciding because of bullying and harrasment.!/SideofLove